Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1970 07 28

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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+ + + + + CLUB GUIDE! ACE OF CLUBS of Los Angeles M.e. Meets 1st and 3rd Fri. of every month except Dec. (lst Fri. only) 8 p.m. Club Address: 11106Qak, El Monte,Callf. 91731 CLAIM JUMPERS M,C. Competitlonclub, juSt started. Meetings every Tuesday 8: 00 Pam. at Competition Cycles, 21217 Sherman Way, eanoga. Park, 91303 (across from Bob's drive 1n). Info: (213) 347-1203. AFM SAN DIEGO CHAPTER. Organization of road ractng, motocross and other torms of motorcycle sport. Non-racing personnel always welcome. Add: AF'M San Diego Chapter, P.O. Box 3371, La Mesa, CaUl. (714) 465-9700 or 442-3338. CLASSIC & ANTIQUE MOTORCYCLE ASSN., 808 S. Church St., V1.sal1a, Callt. 93277. Frank Conley, Secretary. Dedicated to the restoration, perservation, and antique motorcycles. So. Cal. Chapter: F.W.' Rob" Robbins, 1000 N. Cambria Pl., Anaheim, Calif. 92801. A,M,A. (AMERICAN MOTORCYCLE ASSOCIATION) National sanctioning body .Address: Worthington, Ohio. MembershiP $2 one year. COACHELLA VALLEY M.C. AMA sanctioned compo clUb. Meets every WedneSday. Address: 71-306H1way . 111 Rancho Mirage, Calif. 92270. AMERICAN CYCLE ASSOCIATION, for all riders in speedway, motocross and road racing as well as enthusiasts. It you would llke to compete or be associated with racing in tM capacity of course personnel, contact the A.C.A. eUice, P,O. Box 247, Fullerton, Calll. or call (714) 528-4290. COLORA MAS M.C. Meets 1st Sat. of month at 8 p.m. Contact Frank Genvat, 14263 Royt St., Arleta, Calif. 899-8329. AMERiCAN FEDERATION OF MOTORCYCLISTS (AFM) Promotion and organization of road racing, motocross and other forms of .motorcycle sport. Nonracing personnel always welcome. Chapters in Las Vegas, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Santa Barbara, Reno and St. Louis, Mo. PO Box 213, No. HOllywood, CallI. 91603. AMERICAN MOTORCYCLE SERVlCE ASSN. (AMSA) Emergency road service motorcycles. Dues $15 per year. 11520 San Vicente Blvd., Los Angeles, Callf. (213) 465-4780. ANTELOPE RAMBLERS CONEJO TRAIL RIDERS, clo Roy Colett, Pres., 3402 Calle Quesbracho, Thousand Oaks, caur. 91360. Need reps from all trail clubs in So. Cal. to discuss state plans for trail and camp areas. CRESTLINE M.C., P.O. Box B-D, Crestl1ne, Callf. Info, (714) 882-1818. CRUISERS M.C. ofSantaAnaA.M.A. sanctioned. Meets every 1st & 3rd Tuesday at 16841 Lyon St., Huntington Beacb at 8 p.m. For Wormation call (714) 836~5546 or 893-2309. ( CYCLE CLUB OF 1st BAPTIST CHURCH of Van Nuys. Meets every Thursday at 7:30 p.m. and Sat. at 1:00 p.m. Shop and maintenance facWUes. Address clo Richard Cohen. First Baptist Churcb, 14800 Sherman Way, Van Nuys, Calif. M.C. of Palmdale, AMA ~':'rt: ~'}~~::~~::~s~~~:::.SierraHwy..saugus, DESERT M.C• .An active desert competition club. Address: 12551 Scand1a, "Garden Grove. Phone (714) 897-3894. '-+ GYPSY WHEELS M,C., Ridgecrest, China Lake and Tr-ona, CalU. area. Family type road riders only.AMA chartered. Meets 1st & 3rd Wednesday nichts of each month at Community Center. Naval Weapons Center, China Lake, Callt. Gate passes available for guest & visitors. All meetings open to publlc. MiUtary riders welcome. Box 992, Rldgeerest,·Callf. 93555. HALF FAST M.C. Family desert and trallArrdlng. Meets 1st Thurs. of each month at members' bouses. Ou_ting once a month. Address: 6445 Neddy Ave., Canoga Park, Calif. 91304. HIGH SIDERS M.C. Striving to promote goodclubracing. 8-855 Highway 111, Indio, CalU. 92201. Into: (714) 347-8118. HIGH SIERRA M.C. CompeUtion ClUb, Box 482, Mammoth Lake, Calit. 93456. Meetings 1st Wed. of each month. Great cow trailing, high altitude, 7000 plus. HI_PLAINS RACING ASSN., Lubbock, Texas. AMA chartered. Sportsman and Pro race promoUon. 5304 48th St., LUbbock, Texas 79414-52056thSt., Lubbock, Texas 79404. Into: (806) 792~4539. HI~HAT M.C. AMA sanctioned, dirt track competition club. We're 100% racers and happy to welcome any racing newcomer, or old hand. We meet every Tuesday night at 8:30 in Concord, Cal. For 1n1oor membership write H1-Hats., P.O. Box 467, Martinez, Callt. 94520. HI.BOOTS M.C. Combined. Road and Comp. Club. Nebo Hall on Nebo Drive, La Mesa. Meetings every Tues. 8:00 p.m. Third Tues. every month is club social. HI-JINX FAMILY M.C. Fun meets, compeUtion and desert. Meetings beld 1st & 3rd Thursday of each month at 20833 Siene, Lakew~, Callt. Visitors welcome"new members invited. ARIEL OWNERS M,C. Ca.l11orn1a Branch. Info: Austin Munger 550 N. Hermosa Ave.., Sierra Madre, Cal. 91024, (213) EL 5-3807. DESERT CHALLENGERS M.C. For into write P.O. &ox 741, Apple Valley, Calif. 92307. BAKERSFIELD RED TOPS, 327 Ollv~St;, Bakersfield, Cal.. 93304. Meetings held Illst Wed. of month at Marino'S, 622 E. 21st St., Bakersfield, Cal. DESERT CREEPERS. DesertracJ.ngclub, mosUy married, racing and camping enthusiasts. Potenualmembers call H. Jackson (213) OL 6-4299. BARSTOW M.C. of Barstow, Callf. AMA sanct. Meets 2nd .It 4th ThurS. ea. mo. at new address. Barstow Pollee DePt. Auditorium Ilt 225 E. Mo.untain View. New mall address: P.O. Box 821, Barstow, CaJ11'ornia. DESERT FOX'S M/C. Desert Competit1cin Club. AMA. sanction. Meets 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month at 7:30 p.m. at BOR Motorcycle Sales, Arrow Hwy., AZU5a a Call Lloyd Powell at (213) 943-4697 for more information . HONDA LIMITED meets 1st Sundayofmonth,4P.m. at Woodlake Bowl, Canoga Park, Cal. For into. contact Schandoney at 894-9218. Road riding club, llmlted to owners of 350, 450 and 750 Hondas. Must be 21 yrs. or older. DESERT KNIGHTS M.e. A desert competition club. Meettnrs held second and fourth 1\J.esdays at Reseda Park Recreation Center on Victory Street at Reseda Blvd. Info, (213) 340-8538 or (805) 495-7719. HUNTINGTON BEACH M.C. MeeUngs every other Tuesday at Sir George's Restaurant, 8602 Westminster Blvd., Westmtnster, CalU. AMA Charter-DIstrict 3'7 member. Info: (714) 893~4125. DESERT TURTLES M.C.INC.POBox146,Hawthorne, CalU. 90250. Family riders, desert competiUon club. INVADERS M.C. An active, AMA sanct., desert com· peUtiOD club. Meets every Wed. night at 11157 Kittridge St., North Hollywood, Cal. at 8:30 p.m. Guests IlDd prospective members welcome. Ph: (213) 766-5735. 1JLACK HAWK MOTORCYCLE' CLUB - Conta.ctLarry de Raad, 555 Alnrado St.,~ Brisban~, Callf. Phone 467-2059 for meet:1n&' Urne and place. BLUE BARONS M.C. 1315 South 41st Street, Tacoma, Wuhlngtoc. BLUE MOUNTAIN M,C. P.O. Box 590, ",lfermiston, Ore. 97838. BMW CBUB of Northern CalUornSa, 335 Paramount Dr., M1llbrell, CalU. 94030. B.M. W. CLUB OF SOIJTllERN CALIFORNlA.·TourlDc club for B.M. W. owners. Dinner meetin&' a.rowld the 2Sth of each montb. Contact Bob Brown, 255 N. "White St., Pomona., Call!. for membershiP 1ntormaUoD. BRUSH BARONS M.C. FamUy club-sPonsors races, competition riding, 1nter~club events. Meets second and fourth Tuesday of each month at 8:00 p.m. P ,0. Bex 82, Escondido, Callta, 92025. Info: (714) 746~ 8746 or 746-3839. BRUSH BUMS M,C. of. Pomona, 2nd and 4th MonClays each month. Contact President Richard Dickens at (714) 629-3792 or Secretary Yvonne Knlghtat(714) 593-5057. Club Address: 2220 7th St., La Verne, Callf. 91750. BRUSH BUSTERS M.C. Desert ridingandcompettt1on. Meets 1st and 3rd Wed. of month. Memberships open for evaluation. Information: phone (213) 696-3279. BRUSH BUSTERS M.C. Family club. Meets every Thurs. 8 p.m. at B & BMotorcycle,7412 Talbert Ave. Huntington Beach, CalU. 92646. AMA sanc. Novice riders welcome. Call (213) 67&72~. - DffiT DlGGERS'NORTH M.C. Active competiUonclub. meets every Monday 8 p.m. at the 'Wbltetront, RockUn, Ca.l.U. Mall address: P.O. Box 338, Orangevale, Cal. 95662. Phone (916) 988-3524. DIRT DlOOERS M.C. AMA Sanet. FlM atfll. Meets every Wed. at 8:30 p.m. at the CUt! House,15145 W. Pac1t1c Coast Highway, PacJt1c PaUsades, Cal. MaUing address: 11'759 Idaho Ave., Apt. 3, Los Angeles, Cal. 90025. CALIFORNIA RAINBOWs Road Club.AMA sanCUoned. Address: 11152 Bunker Hill Dr., Los Alamitos, Caill. MOTORCYCLE OWNER, RIDERS AND ENTHUSIASTS. Organizati·on to obtain just legislation. Info: MORE, P.O, Box 26062, Sacramento, CalU. 95826. MOTORCYCLE RACERS INC. National bargaining agent for Class C professional riders, owners & me~ chanics. Phones: (213) 678-7621, 423-7603. Write P.O. Box 5331, Long Beach, Calll. NAPA M.C. Road riding club. AMA sanct. P.O. Box 2561, Napa, Callt. 94558. NEVADA TRAILBLAZERS M.C. of Reno, Nevada. Competition club. AMA chartered", Points honored in District 36. Meets every Tues. night 8 p.m. at the SUver Cue Bmard Parlor, 534 E. 4th St., Reno. Man address: P.O. Box 6075 Reno, Nev. 89503. NEVER READYS M.C. Road riders club. (714) 6887477. NOMAOO COMP. CLUB meets 1st Sun. eacb month. Pres: Blll Jones \\1i 1.5716. Address: 10925 CoUma Rd., Whittier, Caill. NORRA, Nat'l. Otf Road Racing Assoc. Add: 19120 Ventura Blvd., Woodland Hills, Caltf. 91364. Ph: 883-4140. NORWALK CENTAURS M.C. 12630 Whittier Blvd., Whituer. Meets 1st Thur~. of month, ride nights ,on other Thurs. Open for membershiP, visitors welcome. 100's M.C. of Azusa, Cal1t. AMA san~t. Primarily desert cornpetlUon club for 10OC.c riders and under. Add: 3460 Columbia, La Verne, Calif. OAKLAND M.C. Road & compeUtion club. Meets every Wednesday at 1116 _ 36th St., C>ak1and, Call!. 8 p.m. 'lSlnce 1907' devoted to satety and courtesy on the road." OILERS M,C. CompeUUon Club. Meets every Tues. nigbt, 8 p.m. at 615 Fourth St., Coronado, CalU.. OR·ANGE COUNTY M.C. of Orange County, Cal. AMA sanc. Meets at clubhouse, Trask ac.d Newhepe, Garden Grove Call!. on first three Mondays of each month. Mail a'ddress: Trask and Ne~pe.GardenGrove,Cal. OROVILLE M.C. of Oroville. AMA sanctioned. Meets 8 p.m. tlrst Tuesday of each mODth in Munlc'tpa.l Auditorium, Myers St. Contact President Gene Frieze, 2708 Stauss Ave., Orov111e, Call!. 95965. KNOBBY'S M.C. (Desert). Meets 2nd & 4th Mon. 7:30 p.m. Don Bauman (See.) 11360 Monte Vista Ave., Ontario, Call!. PACIFIC COAST MC at South Gate. AMAsanet.Meets first Friday of ellch month, 8:00 p.m.• and third Friday a.t 7:00 p.m. at South Gate Park Reerea.tton Center, Room 2, RRC. Visitors welcome. New members always wanted. Inquire: 5931 La Beck, Bell Gardens. 773-6810 before 3. Captain: Jim Cleghorne,634-2629. DYNA-MITES MC of EI Monte, CalU.AMA sane. Meets at 12359 FeUpe, El Monte every Tuesday at 8:30 Pam. Mail address: 12359 Felipe, EI Monte, CalU. Phone: GI8·3567. ELKS MOTOR CORPS. Road riders club. Into: 628.4013 FOOTHILL HAWKS M.C.. Meets Thursday at 8:30 at 503 Whtttier Blvd., Montebello 90640. For Wo call Fred 573-5495. LAFAYETTE M.C. Races, meets, family fun andr-OIlfj runs. New members welcome! Call or write for info: Frank G1llespie, 254·3306. Address: 44 Orchard Rd., , Orinda, Callt. LANCERS M,C._Comp. Club. Meets 2nd and 4th Thurs. night at 8:00 p.m. at A&A Motors, 2771 El Camino, Redwood City, Call!. (415) 366·3814. LIGHTWEIGHTS M.C. AMA sanct. competition club Meets every 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month. Floyd E. Lewis (Sec.) 5702 Parapet Street, Long Beach. Phone: HA 9-0405. LIONS M,C., 4762 CaPe May, San Diego, Call!. 92107. LOm M.C. Meetings every~Monday at 8:00 p.m. at 5801 E, Morse Rd., Lodi, Calif. FORT SUTTER M.C. of Sacramento, CalU. Meets every Wednesday at 8 p.m. We need more Ilctive members. Address: 4085 Deeble St•., Sacramento, Ca.llt.. 95820. LOMPOC SLO-POKES M.C., AMA sanctioned, 1591 East Chestnut, Lompoc, Call!. Pbone(805) WE 7-5836. FOUR OWNERS CLUB. For owners of Honda Fours. Box 60679 Terminal Annex, Los Angeles, Ca. 90060. LONERS no organization, no meetings, Just guYs and girls who like to ride cycles in CalU. and read Cycle News. Ma1l1ng address: Box 498, Long Beach, CaUt. FOUR ACES M.C. Invtteyou to our meetlngany Thurs· night at 8 p.m. in the Field house behind the ball diamond, North Hollywood Park on Chandler St. Mall address: P ,0, Box 922, North HollywOod, Call!. 91603. GHOST RIDERS of Pomona. ealif., Road Riding ClUb. Me'ets 1st & 3rdFridayat2231ConcordAve., Pomona. Write E.D. Coleman, address same. (714) 623-4676. GOLDEN EAGLES M.C., 3501 Boher Ave., Santa Ana, Call!. 92703. Into: Al Sommers (714) 538·5330 or Jim KnIght (714) 531-0166. LOS ANClANOS MIC CLUB, 7109 Connestoga. Way, San Diego, CalU. Contact Bill Steider (714) 286-3756 for further into. Desert club and Baja MIC triPs. (Dirt riders only J LOS BaRHACHOS M.C., AMA sanct., meets 1st Sunday of each month at 10:00 am. A road riding club. P.O. Box 2022, Ventura, Calif. Into: (805) 646-2957 • LOS PADR~S M.C.lnc. of Ventura County.AMAsanc. compo club. Meets every Wed. Ilt 6541 Ventura Blvd., V~ntura. Pres: Art Carter, Seey. Frank Reasner. GOLDEN STATE M.e. of Pasadena. Road Riders rep. H.W. Borden. 5406.N. MapletTee, Arcadu." Call!. Phone: GI 8-9388. LOST COYOTES M.C. of. Lancaster,Callt.AMAsanct. Mall address: Lost Coyote M.C., 1061 W. Ave. K, Lancaster, CaW. 93534. Ph: (805) 947-0734. GREYHOUNDS M.e. Desert competition cluba 13741 Marchant. Sylmar, Cal. 91342. Into: (213) 367-2907. LUCKY FEW M. C. Road Riding Club. AMA cbarteroo.. P.O. Box HA, Los Gatos, Call!. CENTRALIA MUD SLINGERS M.C. clo Glen Hedge, Rt a 3, Box 38, Centralia, Wash. GRIP TWISTERS M.C. at Vandenberg AFB. Address: P.O. Box 968, Vandenberg AFB, CalU. Ph: (805) WA 2-4486 for membershtp information. LUCKY SPOKES M.C. CompeUtioD club. Brush Prairie, Wash. P.O. Box '77, Brush Prairie, WUh. 98606. Into: (206) 687-2178. CHECKERS M.C., 1710 Magnolia BlVd., Burbank. In_ quire at Smitty's anyttme. "A chance to rntDcle with the best." Wed. nite, 8:30 p.m. GRIPSTERS M.C. ComPetition club. P.O. Box 272, Plaeentia,. Cant. Meetlncs Mon. nights 7:30. Chapman Hall, PlaeenUa. LUCKY WHEELS M.C. Road Riding Club. Meets 8:00 p.m. on tirst and third Friday r1 each month at H-D shoP, 1241 W. Holt St., Pomonaa Ph: 633-5417. AMA & RRC. Pres: J,M. Jones- 983-2524. CHANNEL RIDERS M.C. Road riders club. GROUNDSHAKERS M.C. a desert compeUUoo club. La.s Vep.s, Nevada. Meet1np now and ap.1n, eYents irregular, no affteers, but well orp.a1zed wileD It counts. Address: 865 French Circle, Las Veps, Nev. CfU.CO M.C. Sponsortae: neld meets and Poker runs. 502 Cedar, Chico, Cant•• 95926 a MONTEREY SAY RAMS M.C., of Monterey, CalJ.f. Competition and tra1l riding. Info: John Brown, (403) 394-8601. DUSTERS M.C. ot WUmington.-AMA sanctioned. Meet Monday nights 8:00 at 23015 Cats~ll, WUmington, Cal. LOST ANGELS M.C. Dist. 37 competition clUb. Meets every Thurs. 9 p.m. Into: (213) 768-1058. CAL POLY PENGUINS M.C. Street/dirt motorcycle club. ASI Box 111, Cal Poly, San Luis ObisPo, Ca.l1t. 93401. MONARCH M.C. 901 N. La Brea, Inglewood, CalU. Ph, 671-7609. OXNARD M.e. AMA road riding club. Meets every other Thurs. 8 p.m. at rear of Eagles Lodge, 4684 So. Savleis Rd., OxnarQ. Info: 483-1590. Mall address: P.O. Box 1094, Oxnard, Call!. 93030. GOLDEN EAGLES M.C. of DALLAS, -TEXAS, AMA sanct'd. Meets every Fdday at 7733 Garland Rd. Into: (214) 358-5577. CALIFORNIA TRAIL MACHINE ASSOCIATION. So. Cal. info from Bob Coke, 149 Apricot St., Qa.k View, Cal. 93022. Central Cal.1ntolrom Chuck Henry, P.O. Box 1508, Bakersfield, Cal. 93302. No. Calif. info. Don Keller, 4085 East Ave., HaY'NaI'd, Cal. 94541. MASTER LINKS M.C. AMA charter. Desert competition club. Meets every Tues. 7:30 p.m. at 9143 E. Compton Blvd., Bellflower. VIsitors welcome. Into: 892-3709. OVERLANDERS M.C. Road riders club. Into: 923-4107. FAR WEST M.C. Meets every Friday. For into. write: p.O. Box 3198, Eureka, CalU. CALIFORNIA MOTOSPORT CLUB. Spec1aJiZ1ng in promotion ot motocross, all riders and non-racing Personnel welcome. Membership $2 per year. C.M.C, p.O. Box 1402, Costa Mesa, Calif. 92627 or call (714) • 846-3143 or (213) 485-7253. JASPERS M.C., road ridIng. club. Meets 2nd & 4th Mon. 7:30 p.m., at 30-1/2 W. CalUorn1a St., Ontario, Call!. (714) 986-3118. MARY'S MEN M,C. of Sa.n Diego, Road R1d1ng club. Meets 1st & 3rd Tues. of each month, at 4442 Glacier Ave., Family type riders only. AMA. Info: Roger J •. Melanson, Pres., 7068 San Miguel, Lemon Grove, Cal. 92045. 465·1831. KNIGHTS M.C. of Hacienda Heights. Meets 1st and 3rd Sat. 'of every month at 7 p.m. Mall address: 1760 Charlemont, Hacienda Heights, Cal.. AMA & RRC. Club phone (213) 336-0414. CACTUS CATS CORONA M.C. A famlly club which rides desert competit1oD. AMA charter. For info write K.e. Kleiber (PresJ, P.O. Box 881, Corona, Calif. 91720. CALIFORNIA MOTOR MAIDS M.C. Road riders clUb. (714) 685-6868. JACKRABBIT COMPETITION M.C. Meetsev.eryMonday at 8:30 p.m. at the Jackrabbit club bouse, 9143 E. Compton Blvd., Be1lllower (Just ott Lakewood BlYd.) MARRIED WHEELS M.'C. Meets first SW1day of each month at 7:30 p.m. at Suzuki Sport Spot, 1241 Holt Blvd., Ontario, Callt. All married persdns welcome to attend. DIST. 37 SPORTS COMMITTEE. Contact President B111 Adams at 814 Cobb Ave., Plaeenua, CalU. 92670 for information on meeUngs. Into: (714) 528-3007. END DOES M.C. Meetings 2nd and 4th Thurs. of each month. For informaUon write Gin! Kesler, 5900 Marita St. Long Beach, CalU. 90815 or call (213) 896-254-1, (213) 596-369J. eves. (Girls only). CALIFORNIA GOPHERS MC of PradoPark,AMA sane. Address p.O. Box 2575, Bell Gardens, Call!. Meets 2nd ~4th Tues. of each month at Jack Rllbb1ts Club House, 9143 E. Compton Blvd., Belltlower at 8:30. HILLTOPPERS M.e. INC. of Sipal HW, CalU. AMA sanc. Meets at 5709 ntlry St., Long Beach, Thurs. at 8 p.m. Post meeting, retreshment. Ma.1hddress: P.O. Box 1746, Long Beach, CalU. - riders. AMA chartered. Mail address, Box 221, San Rafael, Callt. KERN COUNTY TRAILBLAZERS M,C. A.M.A. IntO: M,D. Greenlee, Star Route Box 609, McKittrick, Cal. BUSH ¥ASTERS INC. O:I.rt competition club. Meetings 2nd & 4th 'Thursday, 7 p.m. at The Banning Bowl. Into: Ricb Walden, P.O. Box 921, Banning, Cal. (714) 849~ 8264. CALIF. EAGLES M.C. INC. road. club. AMA charter. Meets 2nd & 4th Thursday at memberll'! homes. P.O. Box 5041, Long Beach, Callf. 90805. Call (213) 4446577 for information. HI. WA Y KINGS M.C. Road rldersclub.lnto: 246-9206. MARIN COUNTY MOTORCYCLE ASSN. of San Ratael, Callt. Meets at 8 p.m. every Mon.n1gbtat 2020 4th St. in San Ratael. Sp.ortsman racing team and also road MAJESTICS M.C. New members 1nY1ried. FamUy road riders. AMA & RHC. Meet 1st &lid 3rd Weds. at 7 pm. 10919 Lltlx:ben, Norwalk, C&Ilt. ~. lDto: (213) 863-9233 or (714) 59li-8489. PACIFIC COASTERS M.C. Road Riding' club. Meets every other Fri., 7:30 p.m. 4236 Feather Ave., San Diego, Cal. AMA chartered. Into: 274-3755. PACIFIC NORTHWEST TRAIL ASSOCIATION, orga:Dizing and encouraging English Trials in the PacUic Northwest. Annual membership, newsletter & decal $5.00. Into: Marvin Foster, Sec., PNTA,P.0.Box131, Weston, Ore. 97886. PALO ALTO M.C. of Palto Alto, Callt., 100%compeUtton riders. AMA chartered. SpOnsor of Northern Cal. dirt events. Meets every Wed. at 8 p.m. at C.A.P, Bldg., 1901 Embarcadero Rd., Palo Alto. PASADENA MC of Pasadena, Call!. AMA sanc. Meets at 21 E. Howard, Pasadena, every Monday at 8 p.m. Post- meeting refreshments. Mall address: 21 E. Howard, Pasadena, OalUornia. PERRIS VALLEY MC at Perris, Call!. AMA sane. Meets at Perris Motorcycle track every 1st & 3rd Fridays at 8:00 p.m. Mall address: P.O. Box 371 or 472 PerriS, Call!. Phone: 657-3678. PITS-PACIFIC INTERNATIONAL TRAILS SOCIETY. Meets 1st and 3rd Thurs. 8:30 p.m. at A&A Motors 2771 El Camino, Redwood City, CalU. Phone: (415) 366-3814. PLACERVILLE M.C., CompetitiOll, AMA chartered, meet 3rd Thursday of every month, 8 p.m. Into: Reeder'S Saw & Tool, 561 Placerville Dr •• Placerville, Call!. 95687. PLAYBOYS M.C. AMA sanc. Jim Beach PresideDt, call tor into at 564-4623. POLKA DOTS M.C. INC. of Sacramento. 100%competition riders since 1953. AMA charter No. 1010. Meetings every Tues. at 8 p.m., 4555 Auburn BlVd. *10, Sacrameoto, Cal. 95841 (Malllng address same). PORTERVILLE SPINNERS MC of. Porterville, Callt. AMA. sanc. Meets at Spinners Clubhouse, 1779 Crystal St., PortervUle, Caut. every Tuesday at 8 p.m. Mall address: P.O. Box 1241, PortervWe, Ca11t. POWAY M.C. tamUy road riders, AMA chartered. 13621 Frame Rd., Poway, Cal. 92064. Pb: 748-3290. POWDER PUFF ASSN., AMA sanc. eompeUt1on club tor women. MeetIo&'s second WedDesdaY of each mootb. Call 865-2747 tor lnformaUoo. PROSPECTORS M.C. of Gardena, CaIlf. AMA" ACA saneUoDs. Meets nwy Tuesday 8 PJD. at 158tb & Brlcbtaa, GarcIenL Ma1I1nc . -..., 1651 MulletS!., Gardena, CaIlf.

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