Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1970 07 28

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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, HALF MiLE RACES at Ascot Park. New rooster taU track. Adults $2.95. Juniors $1. Under 8 free. SHORT TRACK by Ralnler Sportsmans M,C. at Ralnler Rodeo Grounds, Rainer, TT AND FLAT TRACK at Trojan Speed_ way. South Gate, Callt. 100, 125, and 250cc classes. Gates open 6pm, 1st race at 7:30 pm. Info: (213) 923-9132. FRIDAY, JULY 31st SCRAMBLES by Hi-Hats M.C. atVallejo Speedway in Vallejo. Cal. AMA sanct. Pract. 5:30 to 7 pm. Races at 8 pm. $2 rider entry per motor - all classes. High point trophy for all classes. Info: (707) 644-0741. HALF MiLE RACES at Ascot Park; New rooster tall track. Adults $2.95, Juniors $1, under 8 free. SPEEDWA Y RACiNG at Orange County Fairgrounds in Costa Mesa. 8 pm. SCRAMBLES at Hangtown Speedway, EI Dorado County Fairgrounds. Placerville, Callt. Limed from Highway 50& Placerville Drive. Stgnup and pract. 5: 30 to 7 pm, racing at 8 pm. All AMA classes. $2 to ride or watch. Info: (916) 622-0209. SCRAMBLES by Lodl M.C. atLodlCycle Bowl. Entry $2 per motor. Info: (209) 368-7182. SATURDAY, AUGUST 1st SPORTSMAN SCRAMBLES at Oregon Sidewinders Race Track. AMA sanct•. SE Lawnfield Rd., East of 82nd, in Clackamas, Oregon. south of Portland. Info: D. Seltert, 13706 S. Carns Rd., Oregon City, Oregon 97045. (503) 632-3857 after 6 pm or 659-1022, 24 hrs. MOTOCROSS by IRE ,and CMC at Bay Mare. All American Sportsman ChampionshiPs. lOO-125-25D-Open classes. $5 mall entry to IRE/CMC All-State ChamPionship, 6605 Desoto. Canoga Park, Cal. TT SCRAMBLES by Perris Motorcycle Recreation Center, at Perris (Callf.) Raceway. Gates OPen at 6 pm, practice at 7:30 pm, races at 8 pm. SCRAMBLES by Oasis Scramblers and Fallon Lions Club at Fairgrounds onHwy 50-95, Fallon. Nevada. AMA Sportsman cards, entry $2.50. Signup and pract. 5 to 7 pm. racing at 7:30 pm. 20 LAP NAT'L FLAT TRACK CHAMP. at Tulare County Fairgrounds. Tulare, Cal. AMA sanct.. $6000 purse. Time trlals 6:30 pm, races at 8:15 pm. Gates open 6 pm. Adm. $4.50. reserved $5.50, Box $6.50. Info: H.E. Murrell Ent•• 505 W. Kearney Blvd•• Fresno. Callf. 93706. Ph: (209) 485-9155. MOTOCROSS by Cascade M.C. 2 mi. W. MON., TUES., WED., AUG. 3, 4, 5 PRAC'rICE at Huntington Beach Cycle Park. Moto-X, Speedway and Mlnls. Hours 12-7.7561 Talbert. Info: 897-4458. TT SCRAMBLES by Perris Motorcycle Recreation Center; at Perris (Callf.) Raceway. Gates OPen at 6 pm. practice at 7:30 pm, races at 8 p.m. THURSDAY, AUGUST 6th SPORTSMAN SHORT TRACK at Oregon Sidewinders Race Track. AMA sanct. SE LawnfieId Rd., East of 8200 in Clackamas, Oregon, south of Portland. Info: D, Seltert, 13706 S, Carus Rd., Oregon City, Oregon 97045. (503) 632-3857 after 6 pm or 659-1022 24 hrs. TT AND FLAT TRACK at Trojan Speedway. South Gate. Callf. 100, 125, and 250cc classes. Gates open 6pm, 1st race at 7:30 pm. Info: (213) 923-9132. CMC MOTOCROOS at Ascot Park, Gardena, Callf. Gates OPen 5: 30 pm, 1st race at 7 pm. CMC membershiP and three readable number plates required. SCRAMBLES by Feather River M,C. Practice'and slgnup 5-7 pm, race at 8 pm. AMA sanct., Triple M Speedway, near Marysville,' Callf. 3 legible number plates .required. Knobbies 0 K-cushioned track. Info: (916) 742-7785. FRIDAY, AUGUST l1h SCRAMBLES at Hangtown Speedway, El Dorado County Fairgrounds, Placerville. Callf. Limed from Highway 50& Placerville Drive. Signup and pract. 5: 30 to 7 pm, racing at 8 pm. All AMA classes. $2 to ride or watch. Info: (916) 622-0209. • Col Col ...:l ~ u DRAG RACES at Marion County international Raceway. ACA sanct. Gas, fuel and street classes. Aug. 5th llre-entry deadllne. Send to: M.C.I.R " Guthery Rd., LaRue, Ohlo 43332. Info: (614) 499-4312. SUNDAY, AUGUST 9th SCRAMBLE:> by Eastside M.C. atAlviso Speedway, Alviso, Cal. HARE SCRAMBLES by Sidewinders M.C. Limed from Red Mountain, Callf., and Trona Road. 9 am start. AMA Dist. 37 pts. $3.25 entry-fee. Two 35 mile loops. Trail bikes go full distance. Info: (714), 372-5553. TT RACES at Huntington Beach Cycle Park. $2.25 members, $2.50 non-members and ride Expert. 3 number plates. Signup 9-10:30. 7561 Talbert, H.B. Info: 879-4458. Desert riders call: 213 8538244 SHORT TRACK by North Bay M,C.atthe' Chris Beck Arena at the Sonoma County Fairgrounds, Santa Rosa. Entry $2, Adm. $2. Slgnup 4:30 to 6 pm. Praet. 5 to 6 pm, races at 6: 30 pm. Info: (707) 8382731. SCRAMBLES by Lodl M.C, atLodlCycle Bowl. Entry $2 per motor. Info; (~09) 368-7182. Aqajanian 8. H. E. Murrcll Prc,cnl AMA SANCTIONED . .. "....... ~ MOiOCRCYCLP.E~~\ RA (ESr~··~:-r ,,~ Sat., Aug. 1, 8 pm .,," .:.,•.}-,,,,,' '.' e • FeatllllllC' ~II till' . Natlona: r,han,plOnshlp ...' ~1'" RICel' SAT. & SUN., AUG. 1st & 2nd • H:i: j • r\~ I '? # e Fi 3 t Tr 3 Ck TULARE FAIRGROUNDS (~-' ~ Thursday ~~ ,~ NIGHTS 'MOTOCROSS SPORTSMAN 1/4 MILE SHORT TRACK by Wanderlust M.C. at Antioch Raceway, Contra Costa County Fairgrounds, Callf. $1.50 ride or watch. 200cc and 25Occ. Slgnup 10 to 12 noon, pract. 11 to 12, races at 2 pm. Every Thursday PIt pt. open 4:30 pm PIt ptes and entries cion 6:00 pm Gales open 5:30 pm $410. 'lI'se ASCOT PARK Off i83.d ~ VERMONT • . 161- A.nother First For MOTOCROSS by IRE and CMC at Bay Mare. All American Pro ChampionshiPs. $10 entry. MOTOCROSS at Huntington Beach Cycle Park by H.R.A. Mail entry closesJu]y29 to P.O. Box FA. Westminster, Callf. 92683. Mail $3/post $6. Non-members ride Expert. 3 number plates. 7561 Talbert. Info: 897-4458 • MiLE FLAT TRACK, AMA Pro at Clovis Rodeo, Grounds. Ten northeast of Fresno. Cal. $1200 pract. 6: 30 pm, races 8 pm. TT SCRAMBLES by Far West M.C. and the Six Rivers Racing Association. Fol.low state signs entering, from north or south to Redwood Acres Fairground, located at the East end of Harris St. in Eureka, Cal. Night races. watered track. Races start at 1 pm, 'pract. at lOam. - SUNDAY, AUGUST 2nd HALF races miles purse. of Bend, Ore., on Shevlin Park Rd. Wide SPORTSMAN SHORT . TRACK at Cycle Land Speedway 14 miles south of Chico at Hwy. 99E and Gage Shippe Rd. Slgnup 7-7:30 pm. pract. 7:30-8 pm. first race 8:30 pm. $1.50 rideorwatch.AMAsanct. SCRAMBLES at Saddleback Park. Info: (714) 639-5832. SATURDAY, AUGUST 8th MONDAY,AUGUST~d CI) = :c: SAT. & SUN., AUG. 8th & 9tb PRO TT at Oregon Sidewinders Race Track. AMA sanct., 40% purse-8 pm.SE Lawnfieid Rd., East of 82nd, in Clackamas. Oregon, south of Portland. Info: D. Se1fert, 13706 S, CarusRd., Oregon City, .Oregon 97045. (503) 632-3857 after 6pm or 659-1022 24 hrs. TT SCRAMBLES by Twin Wheelers M.C. AMA sanct. Slgnup at track. 0- 200 pract. 7:30 to 8:45 am, first race 9 am. 201open pract. till noon, first race 12:30 pm. Entry $2. Limed from Hwys 1& 101. Track located at Perkins Rd. &Hueneme Rd•• Omard, Callf. Jc. SPORTSMAN SHORT TRACK at Cycle Land Speedway 14 miles south of Chico at Hwy. 99E and Gage Shippe Rd. Slgnup 7-7:30 pm. pract. 7:30-8 pm, first race 8:30 pm. $1.50 rldeor watch.AMA sanct. SPEEDWA Y RACING at Orange County Fairgrounds in Costa Mesa. 8 pm. EUROPEAN SCRAMBLES by Rescue 3 Inc. Two courses. 100 and 125 start at 9 am. 250 and open start at 10:00 am. 1st 2nd 3rd in each class eltglble for ~ial ;vent to start at 11:00 and 11:30. 30% trophies for reg. event. 50% for special event. Limed from VictorvWe North on Fwy. $3.25 entry. Info: (714) 256-2805. PRACTICE at Huntington Beach Cycle Park. Moto-X. Speedway and Mlnls. Hours 10-4.7561 Talbert. Info: 897-4458. PONDEROSA HARE SCRAMBLES by Greyhounds M.C. 15 mi. East of Lancaster on Ave. J. 40% trophies. 3-9 mi. loops. Contingencies from Bardahl, Mc Hal. Fast. 10 am start. Info: 324-4747. SCRAMBLES by ill-Hats M,C. atVallejo Speedway in Vallejo, Cal. AMA sanct. Pract. 5:30 to 7 pm. Races at 8 pm. $2 rider entry per motor - all classes. High point trophy for all ciasses. Info: (707) 644-0741. MOTOCROSS by Everett M.C.atStartuP. Wash. Follow signs on Hwy. 2. AMA sanction. Adults $2.50 students 12-17 $1.50, under 12 free. ~ ;::''a.O~:75g~,~=;:~~~a: ~ at 8 pm. AMA sanet. Info: (206) 446-2401. (Continued from page 2) . .... "> ::'''&r.~ FREEWA~ and find out what Suzie is 'going to do for you. ~:;::~~:.: 3 10'11 ...1III1I1e # plales ,

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