Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1970 07 28

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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- Johnson Rides Again 00 ~ CO a.. CI) ~ By Bill Spencer tz:l :i!:: ::l U ;:... U HAYwARD, CA., July 11, 1970 - In a classic example of fantastic riding, Paul Johnson won yet another 250 Expert MaIn Event. The 1969 National Sportsman Champion rode away from the heavy Expert field and was never challenged for the lead. While Johnson doesn't ride too many scramhies events he does ride when the class "C" schedule permits and usuiilly does a great job. His closest competition came from Bruce Teixeira who held off John Hlebo for the second spot. Teixeira actually caught up to Johnson at the end, but it was much too late for a challenge. Jack Crider and Lenn Mortensen did another ace Job on the starter In the 500 Amateur but to no avail, as l:rlder bailed and Leaky Leon finished out of the money. Jim Foley had no problem winning the 500 Expert Main over Craig Fillmer and Ken Dalla. Foley'wasn't so lucky atLodi but extended his command of the #1 spot In this district again. Rudy Jacobs had a much better evening of racing, as he won the 650 Novice MaIn over Henry Sanchez and Larry Trantham. Mike Sarandrla also felt much more at home than at Lodi and won the 650 Amateur. All this led up to the 650 Expert Main and it was Rich Otto who led it all the way. Tlffen Mullenax gave it a good go but had problems and finished poorly. Bob Scally did a good Job on the troops early and finished second. A very determined Phil Ray finished third. (Results on page 26) Dieu Brothers Win At White Rock By Bruce Young Photo by Larry Montgomery SACRAMENTO, CALIF., July 12,1970 John and Jim D1eu seem to have taken a liking to the new White Rock Motorcycle Park just east of the slate's capitol as each won his respective division. The older brother John won the Open AM-EX race mounted on a Husky. Paul Minor, Jr. (36Occ CZ) finished second with Jim Tanner (Hus) taking third. Jim, competing In the 125cc Novice, swept all three motos and was easily declared overall winner. Meanwhile, Bill Grossi, the younger brother of one of the North's best MX riders, Bob, won all three of his motos In the second division of the 125cc by showing much of his big brother's style. Dave Longeer won the Dlv. I of the 250 class with a pair of firsts and a second. Div. II fell to Bill Deprato, who was hard pressed by the second place finisher, Don Malley. Malley later went on to win the Open Novice on his Husky. There were not enough 125cc or 250cc AM-EX riders so the classeswerecombined. As it turned out, It was very interesting to watch the smaller bikes put It on the 250's. Bob Bowers (Mon) won all three motos In the 250 division and Paul Minor Jr. won the smaller class riding a 125 Bultaco. (Results on page 26) Limbeck -Takes Moto-X By Larry Ulrich BEND, OREGON, July 12, 1970 -' The fourth of a series of 10 motocross races 'sponsored by the Cascade Motorcycle Club proved rather interesting for riders and spectators alike with Randy Limbeck the only easy winner of the day. The 125cc class had only 11 entries, but none had superiority. Mike Ahalt (Hod) won the first moto and was followed by Bill French (Yam), victorious in the second. The third moto went to R.T. Barenbey and, by this time, nobody had a clear lead. However, Ahalt, who was the season point leader before the day's events, managed to hold that position by claiming the first place overall. Limbeck was the only clear-cut winner as he took all three motos In the 250cc class. The 15-year-old Maico rider got a big jump In season points over his nearest competitor, Doug Aiken, who broke his frame and sat out most of ~edaY. Bill St. Jear (Kaw) has now taken over second and Tracy Lantz (Bul) third. The Open class was won by Jack Sauer (415) 617·7742 ';W EXCITERS! AT flAir CIAIE on a CZ followed by Brian Eastburn (Am-E). Neil Miller appeared to be on the way to the overall championship after winning the first moto, but a collapsed fork put him third In the second moto before he dropped out In the last. The llext race is Sunday, August 2. (Results on page 26) CURTIS INVITES DEALERS TO OPEN HOUSE 'AT NEW ACCESSORY OUTLET This Friday and Saturday night, July 25 and 26 from 7 p.m. onward, will be open house at the new Boots Curtis Enterprises accessory store at 3916 Footb1ll BlVd. In Oakland, Calif. (415) 536-9145. Featured will be a complete display of accessories and parts for all makes. RangIng from motocross to custom accessories,.. the new store will be northern California head(J13rlers for ASC, Roehr and Sodeo merchandise. GORDY WILLIAMS Authorize d De (415) 616-6114 YAMAHA. TfHUN• • Cy=ceE~C1TV (415)939.4988 MOTORCYCLE INSURANCE FOR SALE 51111011UIlENT BLVD., CONCORD, CALIF. 2631 N. MAIN,WALNUT CR•• C.AL. .AlA AAA AlA AlA A&A A&A* A & A MOTORS *A&A A&A AU A&A A&JI A&A : A ~ er 211J E' Ca.hlo I.a' ~ ~ & l.tI.ootl Cit" Ca'if. 94061 & ~ : & ALL YAMAHA ENDUROS: & A ~ & : A : : :. ~A A&A AU "!'A AU .AY- IN STOCK LARGE QUANTITY RT-IM360MOTO-CROSS DT-IM 250 MOTO-CROSS AT-1M 125 MOTO-CROSS 350 TR-2 ROAD RACER, 650 XS-l 125 & 200 SHERPA '5', 250 SHERPA 'T' 400 MAleO, 250 AJS 'OPEl 9 to 9 . A ~a.A A ~ AU Third CMC Moto To Batistoni One of those who did was Phll.Jacobsen as he spilled his CZ on the second lap of the 250 Sr. class (3 rd moto). Up to that BRISBANE, CALIF., Jnly 19, 1970- Larry point he was engaged In a furious dual Batistoni led the pack home once again In with Ron Stockman. The wetness put a the third of the series of seven motodamper on his engine and, until the next cross events being held here at Champion to the last lap, Jacobsen just putted Raceway sponsored by CMC North. around the course. This was the third consecutive win for Stockman also had his problems, first the CZ-mounted hot shoe, In the 250 Jr. spilling and then having trouble with his class, but It was not qulte as easy as his two previous overall winds. After winning \ engine, but charger that he is.. seemed to cons'tantly be In contention. Throughout the first two motos' In his class, with the day Jacobsen and Stockman had at minim urn trouble, Larry found things a blt each other, with Jacobsen appearing to be more ditflcult in the closing event. the smoother of the two as Stockman He had a bad start, winding uP deep In spilled his Ossa a few times, but each the pack on the first lap, but by lap 3, time his recoveries were spectacular. he was third and moving. In the next lap Phil did manage to take the overall by he challenged for 2nd right after the jump two points, and that was over Brad Lackey but bobbled on a tight right-bander and who pushed a 125 Sachs to a very strong dropped back to ninth. Within two laps he second place over a classy field. was back uP to fifth and closing on the The Grossi family once agam was tightly spaced pack. The next lap, he was heard from as young BUly Grossi pulled third and really charging. off his first overall class win (125 Jr j As the leaders slowed for a particuover Doug Nelson. It is amaztng to watch larly slippery spot half way around the this youngster go. He is all over the bike; 3/4 mUe cirult, Larry made his move, rarely stays on the pegs, seems to court attempting to pass both bikes. Unfortuabsolute calamity at every turn, and yet nately, at that point he violated the laws goes like the devil. of adhesion and went careening down the Bob Grassl was back east competing track In a spectacular spill. He quickly In the Vl1dDg Series, so the senior Grossi jumped to his feet, restartedthe bike and had a go at it. William, senior, rode a was off again In hot pursuit. However, mA to a fourth overall in the 500 Jr. time ran out aD(! he bad to settle for ntth. This was the first time in nine races class with some hard charging. It is not that he had not been victorious. The winhard to see where the younger Grossi ner in this mota was Ray Atkinson on a boys get their lightning. . The closest dicing of the day took place HuskY. ' The remainder of the 20 races of the In the 500 senior class as Brad Lackey day were also hotly contested as 180 (CZ) and JohnDleu(Hus) bad the crowd on riders rose to the challenge of the evertheir feet during the second moto. For changing course at Champion Raceway • five laps they went at it, never seperated This week found the mountain down In size by more than a wheel. On the last turn of from the gargantuan heights of two weeks the last lap, Lackey dove deeply Into the .ago, but It was Immediately preceeded by hairpin and barely squeezed by John, to the addition of a body of water strongly win by the proverbial nose. overall, resembling a good size lake. It must Lackey took first, Dan Stokes second with have been a refreshing place to be, since some very consistent riding, and D1eu, a number of, riders chose to dump In It a well-deserved third. during the day. (Results on page 26) By Arnold J. Katz : A ~ (415) 366·3814 Bi" Grossi ~ of FREMONT Sa les - Service - A~ces." 37311 Fremont Blvd. (415) 192-1949 'A ~ ~ , atF';:~':'~ ... ... • ... ... ...... JOHN SMITH * * * * • • • MOTORCYCLE PARTS • • • • .. GOODIES 'N' STUFF JAWA-CZ DEALER, 5 YEARS YOU CALL - WE SHIP ' MAl L ORDER 2512 Fr3llklln (916) 452-2622 Sacramento, Calif. 95818 **** • • • .. .. * ... * ... 'FlEIEltA.lE' & from U.S.A, West ('laSt Distributors : ORANGEVALE DISTRIBUTORS NYLON ANTI-FRICTION CABLES A : : 11198 Greeaback Laue OrancevaJe, California 95662 RACERS HEADQUARTERS FOR THE NEW FLEXERCABLE .ErlACf JO,. Oll IASIIO." CAllES WIT, ~ TIl ""IST .JlO. A.TI-I.'C"O. UIITS ~ ~:~.!~tale Write For Info. nd Prices) .. Phone: 916-988-4725 -oJ

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