Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1970 07 28

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Challenger Hills: . Bike Riders' Utopia By John Bethea Photos by James Waite "How many acres!?" is the first startled comment most motorcycle enthusiasis ask aftering hearing of Challenger Hills Motorcycle Ranch located a few miles south of Salinas, California. "Honest, man. Would I lie to you? I'm telling you, it covers 15,000 acres ••• 1-5-0-0-0 acres of hills, gullies, open fields, jumps, roughs, everything." What now seems as the most startling motorcycle riding area in the West Coast first began several months ago when three young college students took the step beyond the talking stages and went into action. They leased a ranch and equipment and went on a 350-mile public relations campaign to gain support from shops, clubs and influential people. To control the area, they put it under the auspices of a ' private" club for cycle enthusiasts of every range of dirt bike. Needless to say, Mike' Maring's comment "We are without equal in Northern California," has got to be one .of the biggest understatements of the year • .Along with Mike in the venture are David Tobkin and Chad Diso. "I guess you could call us cocky independent college students trying to make good," says Mike. Each of the three will be sophomores at the University of Santa Clara in the fall so plans for operating the Ranch during the school week are still up in the air. "Our place offers draws and creek- . beds so full of chunky boulders that they are worthy of the best trall riders. But, continued Maring, "I guess you could call our specialty the hill climbs for the big bikes. "Our soil is good decomposed granite which turns tacky in the rainy season. There is also gently rolling pastures with great spectator visability where we might possibly set up a motocross track." covered. They are working closely with the Forestry Service and the Conservation Association so that the land and vegetation will not be destroyed. "We're concerned about erosion," they explain, "so we will be closing areas off so that the vegetation will grow back." It is a long range project the three college students have undertaken, and they really don't know what to expect. "During the school year," say Tobkin, "we'll be at school during the week. On the weekend>, however, we'll take turns coming down to open the place and run it. "if it really becomes a popular area; and I hope it does," he adds, "we may have to hire someone to take over as director during the week so it can remain open." The ranch is located six miles east of Chualar, which is 10 miles south of Salinas. Chualar is a small town on US 101, but, if everything goes right for Mike, Chad and Dave, it may soon be a big spot on bike riders' maps. The. 15,000 acres make Challenger Hills a rider's dream come true. What the three men lack in funds and help they 'make uP with desire, hard work, and ideas'. "We want to bulld this ranch into a family bike recreation area, good for all-day excursions. Clusters of oak offer shade for picnic and barbeque areas," explains Maring. "We're working on those now." The ranch is open da1ly during the summer from 8 WI 7 to club members but this is easilY overcome, as anybody can join for $1. For such a large area, the admission is surprisingly low. After paying for the membership, the entrance fee is $1 for bikes under 125cc and $2 for 125cc or over. All other spectators, family members, etc. are free. , Definitely in our plans for the future are areas for scrambles and enduros, and a ranch perimeter course of 12 miles," says t!)e youthful Marini;. Apparently, nothing is being left un- WII, wasl'f f'e lIorf" i.rife" fo co.pefe in file Easf-Wesf cOlfJpefion? NOlRTIHIJElRN )()JIIRlECTOIRY RATES S7S PER YEAR ,50 ISSUES, FOR EACH SINGLE BUSINESS LIST NG PAYABLE IN AD\,ANCE ALAMEDA, CALIFORNIA FREMONT, CALIF. POWELL'S ALAMEDA HONDA - Bul .• Hod.-Suz.-Hon. Over 250 M/C's to choos. from. Trade·ins aet.ptld~ald for or not. L1'beral flnanelnl. If YOU'YI' been t ....ned down-Try us!) Fru rl dine I.ssons with purch., Ins. counselinl. 5 fact. trained nch. to .rve you. 1821 Park St_t 94501. (415) I6S-054S. BULTACO OF FREMONT - E~um HudqWlIt.n. Come In and ha'" • cup of coffl•. Buttaco, quality from top to bottom. Moto·Bet.. 8ronco, bold new brHd of easy·to-tote Mini-Bike. Sal.s, Servlc., and Accusorl... Motorcycle Insunne•. (415) 792-7949, 37311 Fremont Blvd. al Perana In Fr.mont. BERKELEY, CALIF. CAMPUS SUZUKI - 1403 Son Pablo Avo. Zip 94702. (41S) 141·0192. SUZUki, Malco, Sachs & Ciao sal.s, servlc. , parts. "Paris art our specialty!" Any. thine WI don't have, w. can GET." Optn 9""" Mon. thru Sat. S.e Jim Johnson: CYCLE CENTER STORES ,2 - 37422 Fr.mont Blvd. Phone: (415) SY 3-7311. Honda, .alco, Triumph. Motorcycle Insurant., Taco , Bonanza .. nl-bl .... 100% flnanclna on approval of credlt. Dlfflcutt art a. Chal~nll! CONCORD, CALIF. CYCLE CENTER STORES '3 - 37411 Fr.mont Blvd. Phon.: (415) SY 2·0111. Suz., Kaw., Hodaka, BSA, ..."ton, Mon. tlSa. Molorcycft Insuranc., Taco , Bonanza Mlnl·blk.s. 100,," IInanclna on approval of credit. W. welcom. dlffl· cUlty fn Customers. MARYSVILLE, CALIF. SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. SLlM'S MOTORCYLE SALES -1000, Marysvill., Calif. 95901. (916) 742·nI5. Yamaha, BSA, Mavrlck. and Bonanza.S.rvice and In.uranc•• All size '"1111I borlnl. Crank r.pair. Motocross headquarters In .arysvi It•• HAP JONES DIST. CO. - Avon II Car. lisle Tlr.s, 80rranl alloy rims, Aul carb., NGK, KLG & Hitachi plUI', Lu· cas .Ilthic part, and all cycl. ne.ds. S.nd $1 for rtlillJ catalol. Bol 3068, 94119. (41S) 621-4l1S. MT. VIEW, CALIF. CYCLE CENTER STORES Nt - 16S20 Ent 14th st. PlIo",,: (41S) BR 6.9211. Honeb, Hodalui, BSA, Malc o. Motorcyc I. Insuranc., Taco & Bonanza Minl-blkes. 10O"M flnanclnl on approval of credit. DlHlcu It wanted. SAN LEANDRO, CALIF. SONNY KENYON'S CYCLES. Lot n· comp.tItors cartloryour blk•. Race tun.d specialist, we work on most maku. Bu Itaco and CZ. Parts, Salts, and Servlc•. Mall order lor Bultaco and CZ Parts and Accusorl... 2594 Mlddl.· field Rd. (41S) 961-4399. OAKLAND, CALIF. NORTH BAY MOTORCYCLES - Jawa IICZ silts & servlc•. Sldtcars.I.S.D.T. 250's , 402's. Motocross Head· for North Bay." Parts' Accessories. Op.n 9 to 6. 2120 Concord Av•. , Concord, Calif. 94520. (415) 617·93'00.. -Th. (415) 222-2044 FULL PARTS INVENTORY 4036 DiII1 Rd. EI Sobrante, Calif. JIM JOHNSON CAMPUS SUZUKI Service and Sales ..."... 2403 SAN PASL..O AVE. BERK'ELEY TH 1-01Q2. TOM'S CYCLE CENTER - 8SA, Kawasaki, SUZUki, Grltves, Montesa, Ossa, Moto-Beta. Full lint of Montesa parts. "Home of Good Guys." 1325 ~i1ndo. Zip 94S20. PIlone: (415) 619-6722. Hours optn '"-', 9-1 Wed. LAFAYETTE, CALIF. RICK SCHELL'S SPORTCYCLES- Bu)· taco, Yamaha, Penton. Ktadquarters for Gardn.r carlls. Compl.t. h.llarc w.lding. We specialize in dirt bikes. Hom. of DlsL 36 .tl. 3681 Mt. Diablo 8lvd., Lafayett., Call'. ,.549. (415) 283..2232. NELSON BROS. - Triumph, Honda, BMW, Husqvarna. P.nton sal.s, repah .' shop "rvlet. Establls"d since 1941. Ext'nslv. parts II acc.ssorl.s d.pts. Complet. Insuranc. & flnanclnc lacllltilS. "We stand behind Oll" products , servlc•." 4500 E. 14th SL, Oakland 94601. (41S) S32·3677. BISCUITS' CYCLE TOWN - IIot.. X Hq. for Marin County. Cempl. Mach. Shop. Sis. , SYC. ~SA, Yam., A.E, MontlSa, Gr•• , Hod., C·Z..... nl.Blkes: MlYI'rlck, Taco, 8manza, Scout CttDppers. Come In and learn to ride. Open: Mon. 12·5, ,T,W,T,F, 9-9, Sat. 9-5. 933 Francisco . Blvd. 94901. (41S) 4S6-o33S. - C·Z. OILS & ADDITIVES ESCALON, CALIF. OlBLENDZALL" and "EXCELZALL" IfWOI'ld's Fllllst" Join the Winner.! Deal. Inquiries W.lcon. Adclzlp Add illv.s, 1433·37 First St., Escalon,Callf. 95320. Phone: (209) 131.7912 . 11" REDWOOD CITY, CALIF. SACRAMENTO, CALI F. EL SOBRANTE, CALIF. DAM CYCLES: BUlhco, SUZUki, Hodaka, Taco Mini Bibs, with full parts and accessorl.s Inventory for street and dirt rlden. W. s.1I Insurance for dirt and str..t bikes of all kinds.. Con in and st. Jack lewis, the Paco Kid Q" Rid. Clyd.! 4036 Dam Road. EI Sobrante, Calif. 94103. PlI: (41S) 222··2044. COLISEUM CYCLE & ACCESSORY CD. - KawasakI SailS & S.rvlet. Compl.te acc.ssorles, cloltllnl dept. Custom work. "Kawasaki speCialists. Factory traln.d nchanles." Optn 9""" Mon. thru Fri •. Sat. 9-5. 3958 E. 141t1 St., Oakland 94601. (415) 534.5461. "'..I. d.nt: Howard S.lf. All riders w.lcome! SAN RAFAEL, CALIF. LIVERMORE, CALI F. CYCLE CENTER STORES "4 - 2310 First St. Phon.: (415) 443·5111. Kawasaki, Suz., BSA, Malco. Motort:ycle Insuranc •• Taco & Bananza Minl-blkes. 10m. flnanclnc on approval of credit. Ar. you particular? s.t us! A&A MOTORS - Part~ 'splld .quip. sales II .rvlc. for Y.m., R.E., Bul., Hod., Mal., Nor. and Yam. snowmobiles. Also comp .... m~chln. shop, hellart: w.ldlnl. pickup , d.IlYl'ry and mall order service. 2771 EI Camino, M061. (41S) 366-3114. JOHN SMITH MOTORCYCLES - (Tho Wh••1 Klnl) Custom wh.. ls for any· thlnl and liSt. .. I. of cust. parts, Incl. .xt.nd forks and .IUIS for most bl ... s. oeal.r for Suz.• Jawa, CZ. and Gn.lli. Ibll ord.r for most IUkes. Incl. BSA & Trl. You phone. we ship. 2512 Frankfin at _yo S>

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