Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1970 05 26

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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""'======================= '" Ek · ~ ...:l n ' u Cycle News East,DixieCycle News, and National Advertising information: , Tom Culp. National Adve~ising Dir. Cycle News (West), P.O. Box 498, Long Beach, California 90801 (213) 427-7433 - L.A. 636-8844 Assistant Editor••••••Bob sanford Circulation Manager•• Bruce Easley Circulation Assistant •• Rheba Smith . Production Manager• • • •Lili Lakich Lab Technician• .Greg Westmoreland Production Assistant •• Jerry Owen Bookkeeper•.••• ••Susan Whitelaw Bookkeeper•••.•••• Eleanor Duke Want Ads••••••••Jan McCullough Northern Off ice 1470 Broadway, Walnut Creek, Calif. (415) 934-1995 Northern Representati ve: Lyn Jensen Subscript ion: One year 2nd class mail ••.. $7.50 Single copy price•••••••• •.• 25¢ LJe we ~~~~ r.:a ~ Publisher••••••• Charles Clayton Business Manager•••Sharon Clayton ~ ,General Manager ••••••• Tom Culp ~ Advertising Manager ••• Tom Walsh Feature Editor••••••• Terry Pratt . ~ ~ -America's #1 weekly motorcycle newspaper. You'll always see it FIRST in Cycle Newsl" WELCOME TO THE BUSINESS WORLD I must take sllght umbrage to your use ot the descriptive term "Fat Cats" In replying to the letter ot Mr. Poshenrider, (is that really a name) ? You imply that we, as promoters ot the Cycle World Show, and other such business people, are fat cats that are taking advantage ot the "Little Guys" by charging them admission to see a motorcycle show. This is absurd. The motorcycle manufacturers pay a premium price for the privilege ot being In the show to disPlay their Wares, along with all of their competitors, under one root, at one time, to make a show for the motorcycle public, By placing all ot the avallable machines on display, along with showings ot customs, racers, antiques, etc., the show-goer can do all ot hts window shopping at one time, and receive a bonus while he's at it. U Mr. Poshenrider would llke to rent the Sports Arena for thousands ot dollars a day, spend a small fortune advertising on the radio, TV and In newspapers, spend more time and money building, painting, etc., putting together hundreds. ot displays that cost thousands more••.and then let the publlc In for nothing, I .welcome him to the business world. JOSEPH C. PARKHURST President, Parkhurst Publishing Co. MOTHER'S DAY MADNESS Atter about 3 years ot going out to the desert and watching the races, (some good, some bad) I think the Red Dot's Run lett something to be desired. Now about the start? Who was playing hide and seek with the banDer? I lalow it's wrong .to go on a unmarked fire road, but what about a unmarked highway? There must have been about 200 bikes going down the highway, and it that doesn't put panic In a Sunday morning motorist, I don't lalow what will. VICKIE GAIDE No. Hollywood, Cal. 'GENTLEMEN STOP YOUR ENGINESR Public thanks to the Powder Putt ASsn. for a well prepared 3rd annual Mother's Day Rough Scramble held at Perris Raceway May 10th. It was a well run meet with no serious Injuries , and an abSolute minimum ot contusion. The Rice-Desoto show was worth the gate fee. But In particular I would like to thank the Burtons, owners ot Perris Raceway, for their decision to halt all pit racing In any form. It may seem unfair to some ot the competitors but to the spectators it was an enjoyable afternoon with no whee1les, minibike scrambles, donut cutting, dust or unbearable noise In the pit or parking areas. It became possible to hear all public address announcements and you could actually carryon a conversation without shouting. Their decision was a hard one to come by but one very long In the works. Lets hope that this "engine off" rule will spread to the other tracks. ED DRECHSLER Long Beach, Cal. , PIN MAN HARD TO PIN DOWN Perhaps you can helP me locate the keeper ot the Barstow- Vegas finisher pins (1969) edition). Seems like that elusive rascal Is sorta hard !Xl pin downl Having followed post race Instructions and written (twice) for my coveted piece ot jewelry, I ebgln to feel neglected. Perhaps he may read 'this and feel benign enough to mall one. RON VINCELLETIE Torrance, Cal. Y Published weekly except the first and last week of the calendar year by Cycle News, lnc.,' Post Office Box 498. Long Beach, Callfornia, also publishers of Cycle News East; and Dixie Cycle News. Second Class Postage paid at Long Beach, Calif. Ed itorial stories, cartoons, photos. etc. are welcome. Write for information. Ad1ressed, . stamped envelope assures return of editorial matter, Reprinting in whole or in part only by permission of the publishers. Advertising rates and circulation information wi II bevsent upon request. RODEO AT THE MOTOCROSS During one ot the Beginners heats at last week's Letz motocross, one ot the entrants machine quit at the startfinish llne and so In order to show hts dusgust to all and sundry he jumped off the machine and gave it a big push. The . bike headed straight for a gouP ot women and small children. A man In a green shirt and sporting a beard, jumped over a barber wire fence, cutting hell out ot . hts hands In the process, and bull dogged the machine to a s!xlp at the last second. Then with a couple other "volunteers" told the .,racer" to load uP and get out. TOM DILLING Eureka, Cal. SO. CAL DIGS 'EM OUT I want to show my appreciation to 'the So. Cal. M.C. In their grouP effort to helP get my truck out ot the desert at the Red Dot's Hare Scrambles on May 10, 1970. GARY FIELDS (PMC) Pasadena, Cal. Here's Your Chance... Meet With The·Law Makers LOMITA, CALIF . May 14, 1970 - Thomas Cosgrove, owner of Pacific Coast Honda. today offered to host a meeting on June 25. 1970 of motorcycle enthusiasts and city, county and state government officials (s ee letter in land and law forum). Cosgrove said he hoped to provide a forum for presenting various points of view and possibly working on solutions to problems that may arise. Although a definite meeting place has yet to be named, the 1I0nda shop owner urged all bike dealers and delegates of motorcycle clubs to contact him so that arrangements can be 'made. Interested persons are asked to call (213) 326-3810. Ken Cory, Orange County Assemblyman. is expected to attend. along with a number of other ranking officials and legislative advocates. REBUTTAL voice. HELP FOR M.O,R,E. "HELP! I have been flooded with requests for the MORE guides to the 1970 Legislature. In the contusion 1 have lost addresses for the following: Mary and Bill Pope, Mr. & Mrs. Roy A. Jensen, and the Secretary ot the Buzzards M.C. Will these persons please send me their address? RUSS SANFORD c/o M.O.R.E. z.o. Box 26062 Sacramento, Ca. 95826 THE RAMS CLEAN UP A big thanks is due the Rams M.C. for putting on a well marked and challenging enduro. The course offered a large variety ot riding conditions, I would especlal1y like to give credit to the clean-uP crew. The three Rams on the crew pulled me and my bike out ot a real tight situation, In which 1still might be it It wasn't for their hard work. KEN FROST La Cresenta, Cal. The follOWing is an answer to last week's letter from B.M. Hazlett concerning the April 26 Simi Valley MC desert run. / Your letter In CYCLE NEWS lettllttle doubt that you are new to desert racing. In explanation, let us prepare you for this rugged sport. The location ot the Simi Valley M/C run was chosen because: (1) access was by the best desert roads we have seen In ten years, (2) the area ts mostly ot unused publlc land, hence ot little protit to the purveyors ot the "New Ecology", (3) it offered an 80% virgin race course, and (4) It provided a dry lake bed where non-competitors could do their thing without Interfering with the serious riders. It is conventional to specify some particular point, like Four Corners, and lead you In to the pits by lime marks. The first loop was checked out for distance at 33-1 /2 miles with a front wheel drive odometered motorcycle; twice. We won't deny that dust did mar the event. This did not appear to be a problem In all the weekends ot scouting, or we certalnly~ would have moved the pits. We doubt very much that S1m1 Valley people generated the wind and dust as you implled. We didn't really Investigate however. The thirty ot us, Rescue 3, a.nd the radio crew were too busy putting on a race for 800 riders, 200 ot whom would have been denied the right to particiPate In their chosen sport it we hadn't held off the start until 11 AM. R.E.FISH Simi Valley M/C WHO'S GOING TO CLEAN UP In the past there have been incidents where established desert clubs have lett the area used for a race before the trash and lltter that always seems !Xl accompany such an event has been satisfactorily cleaned uP. We don't need clubs like this. They are throwing away everything we have been fighting for over the years. The fight for land is going to become !Xlugber and there has to be a way to protect ourselves from these irresponsible clubs. Can't AMA sanctions be taken away from thoughtless motorcycle clubs that leave the desert clean-uP to other people. • TERRY AND PAULETTE BROWN Ventura, Cal. We rrligbt add that we all must insist that desert areas be well cleaned by individuals as well as sponsoring clubs. A single slovenly family camped in a favorite riding area gives land owners and over zealous conservationists enough ammunition to fight our cause for months ...Ed.

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