Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1970 03 17

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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c ,,'5 More Titan A Race. ,.,'s Sun, Mud, Speed, fun And fies'a. A passle of Saturday's lightweights tryout various cornering techniques. - TOP: It wouldn't be Els inore withou t mud. At least here the spectators kept their distance. BOTTOM: We didn't believe It either. The course varied from smooth pavement to rocky hoop-de-doos. Even though our service department is closed on Sunda~s,our ser~ice department managel; White~ Martino, isn't e*actl~ twiddling his thumbs. HARE SCRAMBLES Master Links AdelaDto, Calif. March I, 19'70 By Dick Wrtght WhItey Martino J.N. Roberts 13ruce Dunford 500 Ex 500 Ex 500 Ex Ten abreast, group after group, they came off the line and jockeyed for positio n down the highway and onto the dirt. Most of the spectators opted for a vantage point on the city's streets. And after the last gr oup had bee n give n the flag, necks craned, trying to ca tch a glimpse of the fir s t r ider to make It through the rough stuff and back into town. " Ther e he ls I There he ts ! Who Is It? What's hts number?" And who do you suppose? None other than Hus qvarna mounted Malcolm Smith . With an unbelievable lea d on the firs t loop, Smi th attacked the course like this was som ethin g he did eve ry day. For kic ks, jus t before breakfast. You could n't s ee the wings, but they mus t have been there. And unless there's some validity to the rumor that Gary BaIley and his Greeves grabbed the lead during a Smith pit stop, the Expert from San Bernardino will undoubtedly be awarded the overall lightweight trophy at the presentation ceremonies (Nowporter Inn, Newport Beach, Friday night, March 13). But Smith didn 't fare so well in Sunday's bJg bJke competition. Looking exactly like a repeat of Saturday's race, Smith grabbed a sizeable first lap lead. But, co ming out of the pit area on the fourth laP, he and his big Husky 360 ran into a spectator trying to cross the track. The lad y was rushed to the hospital, reportedly in serious condition. And Smith, nursing a badly dlnged arm, was out for the duration. Then, It was number five, Steve Hurd and his Malco, who set the pace. Atleast It was probably Hurd. No one will know for sure until the official results are tabulated, but most observers feel that the MOntebello bike owner will probably walk away with big bike honors. ·Sunday' s running also featured sidehack competition. And if you've never HUB HIlS Hus .~ 00'~ ~,~?~~~,,~.~~.!:"~t". Los Angelcs: California 90064 - Tele phone : (213) 475-4541 Sa les - Service - Accesso ries - Paris - Rivetts Champion Leathe rs HUSOVAR NA' JAWAlCZ - SUZUK I - PENT ON - MZ - MONT ESA' ZUNDAPP · MINI- TRA ILS open monday through saturday

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