Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1970 03 17

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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.... .... Elsinore 1970 had everything but a brass band and marching elephants. seen these three wheelers lumber around the track, you've missed some heavyduty entertainment. It's virtually impossible to tell at this juncture who will wind up with sidehack class honors, but If the winners were determined on the basis of spectator appeal, two guys dressed in rabbit suits - that's right, two oversized bunnies would surely get the trophy. One of the biggest highlights of the two day event was the appearance of The Man, Steve McQueen. (Thousands of pointed finge rs, and not so silent whispers, "There he is, there's Steve Mc Wueen, It's really him! " You start to get an understanding of what he means when he tells a gr oup of awe-struck youngsters, "Come on, man. Give me a break. I'm tired, Get out of the fishbowl for awhile.") Competing on both days, Mc Queen proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that there is nothing plastic about his motorcycle riding ability. He more than held his own with some of the best in the country, and probably will end up som ewhere in the top 10 per cent of those competing this past weekend. On Sunday, however, McQueen did an endo and injured his foot. He finished the race, but by the end of the day it became increasingly difficult for him to walk. He drove his pick-up out of the pit area, but said he planned to stop at a hospital to have the foot x-raysd for possible rractares , After all was aid and done, spectators and r iders alike agreed that the eve nt was more than a small success. And Ji m Foxe, along with Grady Lafferty, president of the International Racing Radio Crew, would be among the firs t . , to concur . Foxe described the event as " pr etty fantastic." The ouly problem, both men agreed, was spectator .control: At least three had been sent to the hospital, and another several dozen had narrowly missed being hit by the big, fast bikes. The Gripsters racing director pointed out that his club has only 19active mem bers, and couldn 't possibly have staged the race without the assistance of Lafferty and his radio crew. I Dist. 31 HARE SCRAMBLES Master Links M .C. March 1st 250cc Expert Class: 1. Tom Poteet- BULTACO 2. Larry Bergquist- BULTACO 3. Gary Griffin- BULTACO 4. Dick Camp- BULTACO .~. ,. :k: .~ No. of Kern Co. Lines BULTACO AMERICAN, LTD. 2765 Scott Blv d. Santa Clara, Cali f. 95050 Lars Larsson unicycles past the gallery. Lars was an early fr ont runner. (408) 241-4672 - So. of Kern Count y LI ne BULTACO WESTERN 10929 Chandler Blvd. No. Hollywood, Calif. 91601 (213) TR 7-2400

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