Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1970 03 17

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Page 4 of 31

~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~ THAN THE BEST . ~ •• d Montesa,Riders Are Winning ~ CALlfORN'A STATE TT CHAM"ON CAPPRA 250-',VE .4 n --- AMERICAN 'NTER-AM CHAM"ON CAPPRA 250 G.P. M-X • ' J im Raymond dom inated the A.CA. Flattrack & T.T. action In 1969, ridi ng Montesa Cappra's IIelus ively. He won the 250cc Flattrack CHAMPIONSHIP, the SOOcc Flattrack CHAMPIONSHIP and the 250cc T .T . CHAMPION5HIP. Jimm backed th is Impressi ve disp lay with a convincing win the y Novice IIna l of the California State T .T . CHAMPIONSHIP. . " '.S.D.T. Go'~ M.~., Wi.l.r N 1\ '\~ rING SCORPION - ~ Ken Ratzloff, riding for Kar Cycle Co, in EI Mente, made it 2 weeks in a row in the desert by winnin~ the 500cc Novice Class at the Master Link~ Hare Scram- .. biiigiiide.sert.tiiianiik, • . M o nt esa M ot or s, In c. / 365 7 B e v e r ly Bo uleva r d ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ G

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