Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1970 03 17

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Texas Road Racing Season Opens In Austin ~ By John Blanton Col AUSTIN, TEXAS: March I, 1970 - The :<= traditional Austin Raceway Park season :5 opening road race was held today, and the rains that plagued last year's opener :... were back for a return run again. How(J ever, the skies soon cleared, and no serious accidents results from the wet track. (J using uP almost all of thepavement(and, once , more) on the turns as he drifted both wheels in the sUck. Thlrd and fourth were Harold Peters and James Sloan on thelr Kawasakrs,' Jim Lutz was back in the 200Cc GP heat to win on his 175cc Bultaco. Next came James Gardner (I75cc Honda) Kenneth Gooselaw (175cc Bridgestone) and Willard Kelley (175cc Honda). on his Yamaha, and second was Bennie Campbell (kawasald). Bennie pressed the leader throughout the race but never headed him, and he was, himself, pressured from behind by Jet Tharp (Yamaha), especlally near the last when it appeared thilt TharP would make a bid to pass. But Bennie claJms that he recognized the threat and that on the last lap he sucked the Yamaha too fast into ' the esses near the pits. Tharp crashed heavily and could not remount for the remaining fifty yeards. BenUey Hardwick appeared set to take the Open GP on the Norton, but soon after the start Mike Cone was dicing with him on the 350 Yamaha. Finally Benny took the sUp road at the hairptn, and he eventually pulled uP at the finish just even with Larry Beall's 500Cc Kawasaki, then running in second place. Larry's Kawasaki Is the one he will ride at Daytona as are many of the other new mounts ones that will appears with thelr riders at the "200". The ouUay of new machinery at this ftrst meet of the year forecasts some vigorous competition for the Texas racing ctrcuit this year. Darryl Hurst's TD2 is new (he formerly raced a 100) as is Mike Cone's 350. Bennie Campbell, who campaigned a Suzuki last season, is now with U.S. Cycles in Universal City and astride a 250 Kawasaki. Two others who have switched to 250 Yamahas are Bob Nagil1er (lately of the Open class) and David Watkins, previously a front runer on a 175 Bultaco. There are more, besides, and the trend to the 250 class seems significant. As for Austin Raceway Park, as the last checkered flag fell on the last finisher, the sounds of racing died out forever at the race course. Hardiy four years Old, It Is being sold to developers. (Results on page 19) SPEEDWAY RIDERS TO CROSS UP AT ANTELOPE VALLEY FAIRGROUNDS J.t Tharp (92) and Darryl Hurst (34) set the pace on tI. banking tlrns at Austin Raceway Park . In the 500Cc Production class, BenUey Hardwick won on his 500cc Suzuki and set a pattern that he was to follow the remainder of the day, save for one race. Second, third and fourth in the event were Tommy Byars (500cc Suzuki), Jet Tharp (350cc Yamaha) and Pete Gibbs (500cc Suzuki). Winner of the Open Production class was also Benny Hardwick, this time on the very sharp 750Cc Norton. Next were Thomas W1lllams (750cc Honda), Eddie Patton (75OCc Honda) and Steve Kastner (65OCc Triumph). Edward Green won the 100Cc GP heat on his Suzuki after a race-long tussle with Jim Lutz on the former JohnnY Bryant Yamaha, a dice which saw Lutz Jet Tharp, Darryl Hurst, Jesse Reed and Pete Gibbs made it a 1-2-3-4 sweep for Yamaha In the 250Cc GP heat, and Benny Hardwick returned in the Open GP heat to win again on the Storm 's Norton over James Henry'S streamllned version of the same bike, Patton's Honda and David Boucher's 500cc Suzuki. The 500Cc GP was won by Mike Cone (35OCc Yamaha) over Ray Stringer's G-50 Sealey Matcb1ess. The 200Cc and the 250Cc Finals were run concurrenUy, and the winner of the 200cc class was Lutz on the Bultaco after early challenger Jim Gardner sUpped off into the culver at the haJrpin turn. Darryl Hurst was the 250Ccwinner at the Fairgrounds, April 12, May 10 The Speedway Racing Assn. has anand June 7, with the regular weekly nounced the acquisition of the Antelope season to start June 21st. Special disValley Fatrgrounds, Lancaster for the count passes to groups will be avaJIable. coming 1970 season for the spectacular For any .information you may call 714Sport of Speedway Racing to be presented 521-6422. by John Recclo and Jack Holmes. Contracts have been recenUy signed for this long awaJted stadium by John ROESELER AND McCLURG Rocc1o, who is a recent Pearblossom TEAM UP FOR MINT 400 resident. The contracts came through By Wanda Roeseler the efforts of Foster Phebus, A.V.F . Two more riders throw thetr helmets coordinator. into the ring at the "Mint 400". The sport of Speedway racing bas been Veteran partners of the Mexican 1000, recenUy making a strong comeback after Earl Roeseler and Jim McClurg will be 15 years of relative inactiVity due to the out to win that $6,000.00 prize money. shortage of the special racing equipThey'll be on a Yamaha from Dale's ment required and Is now drawing sport Modern Cycle of San Bernardino, Cal. fans by thousands In California. Earl has been riding desert for the The local U.S. champion Steve Bast last 14 years and earned the #1 desert and last year's champion Rick Woods are plate In 1965. He bas won more than 60 both eager for the opening of A.V.F _ trophies. " California Champion Sonny Nutter with Jim McClurg bas been at it for less his own Speedway fans club, Stu Morley than 4 year!;" but he made it to the top long time favorite dtrt track racer, Don In those 4 years. He was a winner in the ' Hawley a man's man racer, Larry Hein1969 Baja 500, and took a 7th in the 1969 selman from Great Bear Racing Team, Mexican 1000. He also bas many wins in Dewayne Keeter recenUy returned from the European racing clrcutt, and many \ T .T" and desert events. These two riders will" be ready for more will be racing at A.V.F. the Mint challenger. Three pre-season races are planned o s: o ... '" III s: E < a. ... ., o '" U. C') -..,. en ~~ :::> ~ U) ... • ._ 0 c. Cl E c: ... c: -III ~ 0 '" ., os c: w a. os o os '" III ~ os ...J

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