Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1970 02 17

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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N.ROBERTS Te IIy Clarke wheelles past the smoke bomb out In frord of the dust from all the rest of the laOs. Photos & Story by Dick Wright The Roller Coaster section draued riders over rocks and through bottomless sandJust before the top gur sprint .to the finish. , LUCERNE, CAL. Feb. 8, 1970 - Winner J ,N, Roberts called It, "One of the roughest races I have ridden for sometime". It seems he was right and the Novices In all classes didn't fare very well, as only Experts, a few fast Amateurs were In the top twenty-five to come over the finish line. The course was set up as two forty mile loops In a figure eight. The first loop took Its toll of riders. There were a lot of get-offs in the rocky section, but the second loop was even rougher with big boulders and some tight, bottomless sandwashes. The up hills had even some of the big bikes pushing. After the banner dropped at 10:00 a.m., Roberts had the lead at the smok bomb on his Tracy's tuned Husky. Howard Utsey was second on a C-Z. Tom Max- well was third on a Husky, but he got off a mile after the smoke. Coming into the pits after the first loop was Roberts and Utsey, followed by Phil Bowers on a 250 Yamaha. After a total of two hours of desert racing Roberts pulled Into the finish line with a good lead over second man Phil Bowers on a Yamaha, Utsey was third. Tom Muto took fourth on a 500 Husky followed by'Steve Kirk #2 on a Montesa, who Is In the Checkers M.C. They have been the Number One desert club for as long as I can remember. Mike Patrick was the second 250 on a Yamaha. He took It easy as he shoulder is still sore from unloading six weeks ago. Sam Dempsey took first Open class on a Triumph. Wes Anderson Jr. took the first 250Cc Amateur honors for the fourth time in a row on his Yamaha. 7 f t . 'I"'U A D' rr U.~ • VU"nftD"~~ •• rller ARE wlla' '"er ride BSA Motorcycles ..oudly Intradueethelr 1970 Factory Racill/l Team. Palo Alto, California's Jim Rice was a3 lime winner last year on the A.II.A.'s National Trail, In his first year IS an Expert rider. Teammate Dave Aldana, a Slnta Ana, California native, was the wlmlnltst Amate.. on the Nallonal circuit last year, dazzling crowds from ' coast to coast with his spectacular style. The final member of the new "BSA Wrecking CIIW· Is young Kenny Presserove, Kansas born and bred and a lIal spltflre on the dirt. All three made their m.k riding BSA motorcycles. They are whatlhey ride. FAST. see tile 1910BSA's DOW at your local dealer BSA Western 2745 E. Huntlneton Drive, Duarte, Callforala 91010 PII. (213) 359-U71

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