Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1969 12 16

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Regularly Scheduled Events ATTENTION PROMOTERS: For UsUal In thIs colulIII call or .Ite: Paul CtSU., ell Cycle News Box 491, Lonl Beacb, Ca. 90101 (213) 421-1433 DESERT MOTOCROSS EI Lobo Run by the Active 20-30 Club of Tucson *82. Corona Speedway Tucson, Ariz. at 10 a.m. Spectator admlss. $2.50. Proceeds to handicapped chUdren of Tucson. EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT NIGHT MOTOCROSS at Altamoat Speedway, Livermore, Cal. Pits open 6 p.m. - First race 7:30 p.m. Jr. &. Sr. Classes, Cash&. Tropb1es. For info. call (415) 278-3154 or 447-7727. HARE AND HOUND by the LoboB Inc. M,C. at Oregon City, Ore. AMA Sanct. Info: 252-5923. EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT TT RACING, Els1Dore Race Track, Gates open 3 p.m., races start 7: 30 p.m., Off Hwy. 71 in Elslnore, Cal. TRIALS by the Blue Barons M.C. at OJ7mp1a, Wash. AMA Dlst. 22 Sand. Info: 474-1591•. AMA CLASS C INDOOR SHORT TRACK (Dec. 13, 20, 26, Jan. I, 23) Cow Palace San Francisco, Warm ups 6:30 p.m. Races 8:15 p.m. HARE AND HOtJ:ND by the Imperlal Valley M.C. tn the Yuba Desert area. Writa to: Box 127, Imperial, Cal. AMA Dlst. 38 Sand. TRIALS 'by PacWc tnu. Trlals Society at Cycle H1l1s near UVas Dam, Morgan HUl, Cal. Mall entry to: PITS Registrar, p.O. Box 2272, Menlo Park, Cal 94025. info: (415) 992-3657. 1st .. 3rd SUN. OF EVERY MO. DeBdmans Polnt, Apple Valley, Cal. i- 1st Sun. European Scr., 3 classes, 1 br. each - 8 a.m. prac.- 10 a.m. start. - 3rd Sun., Motocrossall classes, 8 a.m. prac. - 10 a.m. start. Info: (714) 247-7473 (eves.). FLAT TRACK AND TT SCRAMBLES at Trojan Speedway, South Gate, Cal. Gates open 6 p.m. and close at 7: 15 p.m. First race 7:30 p.m. Info: (213) 923-7115. SAT. AND SUN., DEC. 2D & nst OPEN PRACTICE and Sport ridtng at Huntington Beach Cycle Park. 1/2 mi. W. of Beach mVd. on Talbert. $1.50 per rider, spectators 50~. Hours 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Info: (714) 897-4458. SUNDAY, DECEMBER 21st MOTOCROSS by the Patbtlnders M.C. at DunJap, Cal. 35 mi. E. of Fresno on Hwy. 180. Right turn at Kllngons Jet. Refreshments, facWtles. Sign-uP at 8 a.m. first race at 10 a.m. INDOOR SHORT TRACK at the San Francisco Cow Palace, Cal. AMA Professional races. First race at 8: 15 p.m. Admission, Adults $2.75, kids 75~. INTER-AM MOTOCROSS Saddlehack Internatlonal at Orange County, Cal. (Saddlehack Park) Internatlonal class starts at Noon. AMA Sanct. Sign-uPs at 8 a.m. MOTOCROSS by the CMC at Fontana, Cal. Raceway. First day race of winter season. Pract. at 8 a.m., sign-uP closes at 9: 15, first race at 10 a.m. $5 mall entry to: CMC, P.O. Box 1402, Costa Mesa, Cal. 92626. Prize money to 250 and 500 Experts, trophies to others. $10 post eniry. Info: (714) 646-3143. HARE AND HOUND by the El Cajon M.C. AMA Dlst. 38 sand. 10th annual Coyote Chase. Info: (714) 444-7829. HARE SCRAMBLES by the Master Links M.C. Last chance atAMA Dlst.37points Info: (714) 892-3709 or 897-0250. CROSS COUNTRY by the Prospectors M.C. AMA Dlst. 37 637-0682. NEVADA TT CHAMPIONSHIP by Vegas Valley M.C. at the Sunrise SPeedway, Las Vegas, Nev. Practlce at 9:30 a.m. Eniries close at 10: 30. First race at 11 a.m. Last race of the season. Limed from Vegas Valley Drive and Boulder Hwy. info: (702) 382-6600. SUNDAY, DECEMBER 1.11 MOTOCROOS at Ascot Park, Gardena, Cal. All classes, prize money for Seniors. Pract. at 9 a.m. first race at 10:30 a.m. mall entry onlY to: 17124 S. Western Ave. #6. Gardena, Cal. 90247. MOTOCROSS by the Antelpe Ramblers. AMA Sand. Info: (213) 769-2582. TT SCRAMBLES at Huntington Beach Cycle Park. 1/2 mi. W, of Beach Ave. on Talbert. Sign-uP at 10 a.m., race at Noon. Park admission $1.25. Entry $2. Determines '69 Park ChamP. New TT season starts in Feb. '70. Info: (714) 897-445t CHRISTMAS PARTY and new officers inaugural ball by the S.C.M.A. Info: 429-3557. SUNDAY,DECEMBER2~ TT SCRAMBLES by Lightweights M.C. at Adelanto, Cal. Race Track. Speclal M1n1 Bike race. 0-200cc 7 a.m. s!gn-uP, 8 a.m. practice. 250cc 10 a.m. s!gn-uP. BIg bores 12 p.m. sign-uP, 1 p.m. pract. TT SCRAMBLES by the Coachella Valley M.C. Perris, Cal. AMA O1st. 37 points. Small bikes at 8: 30 a.m. Big bikes at Noon. Admission $1.25, entry $2. TRIALS by the San Dlego Trlals Riders at Mirimar, Cal. Limed from Interstate 5. Sign-uP at 8:30 a.m. Trlals at 10a.m. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 13111 VACAnON by the Cycle News statf. The otf1ces of Cycle News w1ll be closed for two weeks during the holiday period. MOTOCROSS by K.C. Trallblazers at Poso Park, Callf. 18 mUes north of Bakersfield on east side nf Flunoso Junct. Hwys. 99 and 46. Practice at 8:00 a.m., first race at 10:00 a.m. AMA Dlst. 35 points, all classes. Mall entry $2.00 to: 240 Ash, Shafter, Callf. 93263, closes Dec. 18th. $4.00 post entry. Info: (805) 746-4058. TT SCRAMBLES at Woodland, Wash. AMA Sand. Sign-uPs at 8 a.m. TROPHY PRESENTATION by the Rams and Checkers M.e. at the American Legion Hall, 21340 Devonstl1re st., Chatsworth, Cal. 8 p.m. start. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 23rd MOTOCROSS by the CMC at Carlsbad, Cal. Gates open at 7:30 a.m. pract. at 8 and first race at 10 a.m. $5 malI entry to: P.O. Box 1420, Costa Mesa, Cal. $10 post entry. HARE SCRAMBLES ty the Side Hack Assn. Umed from Four Corners, Cal. AMA Dlst. 37 polnts. Sign-uP closes at 9 a.m., $3.50 entry, 10 a.m. start. FLAT' TRACK AND TT SCRAMBLES at Trojan Speedway, South Gate, Cal.Gates open 6 p.m. and close at 7: 15 p.m. First race 7:30 p.m. Info: (213) 923-7115. NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP MINI-mKE SCRAMBLES by S.C.M.B.K.A. Saddlehack Park, Orange, Callf. Sign-uP from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. Nine classes. info: (714) 847-6620. MOTOCROSS at Altamont Speedway, Tracy-Uvermore on Hwy. 50atJunctlon of 580. Jr. and Sr. rider classes. Gates open at 6 p.m., first race at 8 p.m. Info: (415) 27.6-9213 or 276-9211. MOTOCROSS by the Feather River M.C, Road Umed tin Marysv1lle, Cal. AMA SaDct. Sign-uP and prado 9 to 11 a.m. Race at Noon. All classes. FRIDAY, DECEMBERI~ MOTOCROSS at Altamont Speedway, Tracy-Livermore on Hwy. 50atJunctloo d 580. Jr. and Sr. rider classes. Gates open at 6 p.m., first race at 8 p.m. info: (415) 276-9213. FLAT TRAC K AND MOTOCROSS by the Houston Motorcycle Sports Assn. at Houston, Tex. off Hampstead Hwy and Fairbanks Rd. AU classes. FRIDAY. DECEMBER lStb SCRAMBLES by the Greater Seattle M.C. at the JoUy Roger M/C ground, Kent, Wash. Info: 720-0964. AMA SaDct. EUROPEAN SCRAMBLES Dual Event by the BushmasterSandProspectOrsM.C.s. Limed from EI Mirage, Cal. 12 mi. W. of Adelanto. AMA Dlst. 37 points. $3.25' entry, first races at 8 a.m. TT SCRAMBLES by the Lost Angels M.C. at Bay Mare, Cal. AMA Dlst. 37 sand. Small bore 8 a.m. Big bore 1 p.m. Info: 768-1058. ROAD RUN by HODda Llmtted. Kamikaze Run: Rain, Soow, wbatever. Ioto: Olelt Sehandoney (213) 894-9218. TRIALS Rldlng School by the S, Saddlehack Park. info: (714) 639-5832. CROSS COUNTRY by the Lions M.C. AMA Dlst. 38 sanct. TT SCRAMBLES at Woodland, Wash. MOTOCROSS by the Lompoc SIc-Pokes M.C. at Santa MarlaSpeedway,Cal.AMA mST. 35 Sanct. Ioto: 734-4716. ENDURO Goose Chase Enduro by Explorer Post 305 of Oakburst, Cal. AMA Sanct. ***************************************** ,. ,. ; ~Ai({'lMOTOCROSS1 ~ C~~ e~~,.!~~, 1 ~v~ : DECEMBER 21 : SADDlEBACK PARK NOTO CROSS SCHOOL A ROGER DE COSTER DAVE BICKERS ,Airport Road off Interstate 5) • JIJI- : It It It ~ • 125, 250, 500 JUNIOR & EXPERT . • (sIx riders to make a class) 3 LARGE Readable No. Plates Required '- _ C.M.C. No. Required Entries close 5 days before e..n t ' ~~1"8a~ It It It lst Race 10 a.m. All C.M.C. Races are Points and ,. SORRY, No ov.nllht camplnl at Carlsbad. It . ,. II- (CI fACTOIY IIDEIS) : It It It It It It It It JlIt II' NEW MAIUNG ADDRESS: JI- ,. CYe ,. JI- P.O. Box 1402 Costa Mosa, Ca I. 92626 CMC membershtp required - $2.00 por It It It lNr It 811NG YOUI OWN IIIE, LEA THEIS AND HELMET JIII- It DECEMBER ·I3TH DAY 8EFORE SADD1E8ACK INTER-AM : ALSO AN OLDTIMERS RACE [Iver 4lI "ars old) : ,. Don't forget Dec.....r 21", Fontana Raeewa" 1st DAY Mltocross. NEW JI: LONGER COURSE. $5. mall entry IIOr event _ $lO.postoatry : : ANOTHER FIRST far C.M.C. - A IIOce Class will ride 3 Motls (8 bikes): ,. to make a Class" riders under 1& are O.K.) ,. JI,. ***************************************** • STARTS 10.30 AM $15.00.

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