Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1969 12 16

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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8ai'e, To Teac" Motocross Dec. 21t" At Ascot Have you ever felt that, given the chance, you might turn out to be one of the world's most famous racers? Well, dust oft your skid-lid and see if you can still get into that kidney belt that you stuffed into a closet five years ago, because the opportunity is here. At Ascot Park in Gardena on Saturday morning, December 27th, a special seminar on motorcycle and motocross racing wU1 be held, allowing thefastlearners to directly into an afternoon which will be filled with actual competition events. The head schoolmaster for the day will be Gary Bailey. Also assisting Bailey on his chores of December 27th, wU1 be a couple more of the top Inter-Am riders. So the scholars should be well instructed. Among some of the instructions to be given, are: mud riding, balance, jumping a motorcycle, machine preparation and proper clothing. Advance reservations for the school can be made by call1ng Carole at Bailey Bros. Racing in Gardena (213) 327-1420. Enrollment is open for anyone. And, who knows, whether you are a scrambles rider, a trall rider, or just one of those rare birds that enjoys playiog tag With speeding automobiles while street riding, you might possibly learn something that may some day get you out of a jam. DIST.37 MONTH AT SMA Dec. 14- Lost Angels M.C. TT Scrambles Point Event. Dec. 21- Scramblers M.C. Point Moto-X. Dec. 28- Scramblers M.C. Point Moto-X (Scramblers M.C :s first Poirtts Race Series. Be sure to ride bOth!) ai1 SaOOLeSaCK r;he ACTION'S oranae COUnTY'S mOTor PLaYGrouno DECEMBER 14 Inter-Am Motocross Championshi p Finale; SCTA Riding School DECEMBER 21 National Mini-Bike Champi onshi ps SCTA Riding School DECEMBER 28 ACA Motocross Finale JANUARY 1 Happy New Yearl Open Weekends,8 a.m.-5 p.m. Closed Weekdays Admission $2.50; Juniors & MinisSL50 saDDLesacK ParK o ~ BOX 2455. orance. caUForn~ 92661 NewportFwy. to Chapman Ave., east to Santiago Canyon BI vd., tum right, 1'12 miles to entrance opposite state tire station. Phone (714) 639-5832.

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