Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1969 11 25

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Directory ALAMEDA, CALIFORNIA first place spot. Tim Bothwell, a Husky rider, came in for a second. During intermission there was an exhibition race put on by the Hi-Jackers mini-bike club. These riders, all under 15 years of age, did a fine job. This club is designed for the young mini-bike rider in m1nd and Is a fast growing club-. Read all about them in our Special Minibike Issue next month. Hi,. Sierra faduro RAILROAD FLAT, CALIF. Nov. 2, 1969 - On Sunday the Port Stockton Motorcycle Club presented their near-perfect High Sierra Enduro. This amazing accomplishment was pulled off in a very small town full of bills, with absolutely no raliroad, yet called Raliroad Flat. OVer 500 riders sbowed up to match wits with the beautiful Mother Lode terraln and a large assoriment of clocks. Under blue skies and 80 degree tem. peratures, four riders per minute started at 8:01 a.m. over the 85 mile course consisting of 75% smooth fire roads, two very rough uphill sections, several low river crossings, and a wide variety of large rocks. ' The 24 mpb average was fairly easy to Mert La_III, 1969 AJA.A. National Champion, acc.pts a $1,000.00 check for wlnnlne "Number On." from Jim Couchlln, Sal.s Manaeer and Director 01 Public R.latlon for B.II Top1'1, manufacturer 01 salllY h.lm.ts and accllsorill. Th. Lone 8I'ach, Caillornia firm also paid La_III, f« his wins at Cumberland, Maryland, Columbus, Ohio, Castl. Rock, Washlneton, Gardena, California and th. National Cbnlplonshlp. La_III, who rides for Harl.y-Davldson, wore a B.tI Macnum H.lm.tto victory atth. . . .vents. Nln. out of the top t.n finishers in the A.M.A. National Championships also wore Bell H.I. .ts. NEW CHAMP ALREADY AT WORK • POWELL'S ALAMEDA HONDA - BUI.· Hod.-Suz.-Hon. Oyer 250 M/C's to choose from. Trade-Ins acce pted-pald for or not Liberal f1nancl ng. If you've boon turned down-Try us!) Free ridlne lessons with purch., Ins. counseling. 5 fact. trained moch. to serve you. 1828 Park Stroot 94501. (415) 865·0545. BERKELEY, CALIF. CAMPUS SUZUKI- 2403 San Pablo Ave. Ave. Zip 94702. (415) 841.0192. SUZUki, Bullaco, Malco, Sachs & Ciao sale., service & parts. "Parts are our specialty! Anything we don't hav., w. can GET." Open 9-6 Mon. thru Sat. S.. Jim Johnson & AI Dring. CONCORD, CALIF. NORTH BAY MOTORCYCLES - Jawa & CZ sa III & serYlc•• Sld.ears. I.S.D,T. 2SD's & 402's. "Th. Motocross Head· quarters for North Bay." Parts & Acc.s· sorles. Open 9 to 6. 2120 Concord Av••, Coneord, Calif. 94520. (415) 687·9300. TOM'S CYC LE CENTER - BSA, Kawa· saki, SUZUki, Gr"vls, Montesa, Ossa, Moto·Ceta. Full line 01 Montesa parts. "Hom. of Good Guys." 1325 Galindo, Zip 94520. Phone: (415) 689-6722. Hours open 9-6, 9-8 W.d. FREMONT, CALI F. CYC LE CENTER STORES #2 - 37422 Fremont Blvd. Phone: (415) SY 3.7311. Honda, Maleo, Triumph. Motorcycl. In·' surane., Taco & Bonanza Mlnl-blk.: 100.,. flnanclne on approYal of credit. Dlfflcull Customers are a CYCLE CENTER STORES #3 - 37418Fremont Blvd. Phone: (415) SY 2.0111. Suz., Kaw., Hodaka, BSA, Penton, Mon· Motorcycle Insurane., Taco & Bonanza Minl-blk.s. 100.,. flnanclne on approva I of credit. W. w.lcome dlffl· culty In Customers. LAFAYETTE, CALIF. New AMA Grand National Champion, Mert LawwUl, is not waitiDg untU the first at the year to start selling motorcycle racing. Recently, Mert attended the Torrance, California YMCA Rider Training School and gave a talk on safe riding to the graduating class. TIle nine teenage boys in the class had never before ridden motorcycles, but by the end of the twelve bour school they were all looking like'LawwUls •••well, may be not quite. This was a second in the series of rider tra1ning programs offered by. the Torrance YMCA. The scbool is under the direction of Marshall Stewart and Bill Stoner. Mrs. Stoner was one of the pupils in the first class beld. The following week after Mert attended the scbool, the students came to nearby Ascot and watcbed him win the annual state championship half-mile. You can guess who they were cbeering for! . RICK SCHELL'S SPORTCYCLES-Bul., Yam., Pen., BSA. Hq. for Gardner Carbs. Complet. H.II·arc w.ldlng. W. spec:. In dirt bikes. Hom. 01 Dis!. 36 ";;1' 3681 Mt. Diablo Blvd.,, Calif. 94549, (415) 283·2282. LI VERMDRE, CALI F. CYCLE CENTER STORES S#4 - 2310 First St. Phone: (415) 443.5111. Kawa· saki, Bullaeo, Suz., BSA, Malco. Motor· cycl. Insurance, Taco & Bonanza MIni· blk.s. 100'" flnanclne on approval of credit. Are you partiCUlar? Se. us! OAKLAND, CALIF. Crowd Growi., for IIi"t .otocross ALTAMONT, CAUF. Nov. 7, 1969 - A large spectator crowd witnessed the Altamont Motocross Friday nigbt as about 90 riders warred for glory. 11 was doubtful whether the spectators were watching the sky or the races, as the sky was covered with threatening black clOUds. The evening turned out to be a success thougb dry, with good racing. The 0-125 class turned out to be a good · : chase. A rapid, fellow named Marchand led the race for 7 laps on his Yamaha, but tina1ly gave way to Steve Foster, who was riding a Sachs, for the win. John Andersen from Davis, Calif. came In on a Penton for a second and Howard Hendry, also on a Penton, look third. The Jr. & Sr. combined always makes for an interesting race and that's just what It was, with Gary Newman from Walnut Creek riding his C- Z to victory. The OPen Jr.-Sr. event was the main show of the evening with the fast Ed Edgyed, from San Jose on a Mateo, showing the rest bow to hang onto that J •• I ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• : WATERPROOF AIR FILTERS wi th "FILTRON" FOR Maico $19.95 Bultaco Kawasaki Hodaka - CARBURETOR: COVER : YAMAHA : DT·l : AT·l: CT·l: AMAL : CHAMBER M FFLER 9.95 I" stinger IX" stinger • 2771 El Camino, Redwood City, Cali!. 94061, ..... (415) 366· 990 ............................................................. • · · -' · · · · · · · · · · , $1.25: ~ : keep uP, although many riders were stopping at the top of Blue Mountain to drink in a magnificent view of the Sacramento Valley and the Golden Gate Bridge. On a clear day, with a telescope, one can see the cars c1"lOSsing San Francisco Bay Bridge some 120 miles away. (There's not mucb air pollution in Northern California.) Althougb no time was allowed for a lunch cbeck, there was a gas cbeckabout 40 miles from the start, which required crossing a major highway. Naturally, the California Highway Patrol and the Calaveras County Sheriff Department was there in full force. However, contrary to public opinion, the law was all smiles and helped alleviate major traffic problems. The course itself was very well marked, a bit dusty in some areas, but basically perfect. This year's High Sierra Enduro was probably one of the largest spectator enduros ever held. Behind every tree and bush and most turns, lurked bundreds of uns!'.aven hunters with large guns and bright 6range vests. Although there were some reports of hunters changing course markers, this is the first time I've never gotten lost on an enduro. The only compla1nt, and a minor one at that, came at the 5th and final check point. The enduro started at RaIlroad Flat and finisbed some two miles from the pits. This was an inconvenient for the wives and friends picking up riders, to say the least, because of probably the first traffic jam In the history of Raliroad Flat.. Altogether, the High Sierra Enduro was a tremendous success and the Port Stockton Motorcycle Club sbould be congratulated for pul±!ng on a great sbow. Watch Cycle News for the full results which are being computed now. MOTD-X ACCESSORIES p.llcan Dlv. & Cyel. Dlsl. Co. 500 Broadway St.,, Cal. 94590 All orders shipped same day ,rs SALE NE;"SA LIGHTNINGS (415) 689-6722 .. 350 1325 Galindo, S crILl IIITII • OUT THE DOOR C;,OlI;;.;e;;or;.;d;:.'.:Ca;.;;.IIf;.;.'.1 COLISEUM CYCLE & ACCESSORY CO. - Kawasaki Sal.s & Servlc•• Compl.t. acc.ssorl.s, clothlne Custom work•• Kawasaki s~elalists. Factory traln.d m.chanles. Op.n 9-6 Mon. thru Fri., Sat. 9-5. 3958 E. 14th St., Oakland 94601. (415) 534-5461. Presl· d.nt: Howard Self. All riders w.lcom.! NELSON BROS. - Triumph, Honda, BMW, Husqvarna, Penton sal.s, repair & shop servle•• Established slncl1948. Eltenslve parts & aec.ssorl.s dlpts. Complete Insuranc•. & flnanclne faclll· ties. ·W. stand behind our products & IIrvle••" 4500 E. 14th St., Oakland 94601. (415) 532-3677. REDWOOD CITY, CALI F. AU MOTORS - Parts & spe.d equip., sal.s & IIrvle. for Yam., R.E., Bul., Hod., Mal., Nor. and Yam. snowmobll.s. Also complet. machln. shop, h.llare . . llllne, pickup & d.livery and mall order _vice. 2771" EI Camino, 94061. (415) 366.1755. SELBY MOTORS -346 EI Camino Real, 94062, (415) 36'-4112. Larpst stock of tires and W. hay. the parts for Kaw~ Gr••, Suz., Montesa, BSA, and Sachs. Easy pay Ins. and honest deals that w. stand behind. G'lIves dealer In No. Calif. Clolld Mon., Open Thurs. 9-9. SACRAMENTO, CALIF. JOHN SMITH MOTORCYCLES - (The Wh••1 Kine) Custom whllis for any· thine and lest. Sli. of cust. parts, 1nc:1. .xtend forks and slues for most bikes. Deal" for Suz., Jawa, CZ, and Garelll. Mall order for most maklS, Incl. BSA and Trl. You Phone - W. Ship. 5600 Franklin (at Frultrlde') Sacram.nlo, Cal. 95814, (916) 422·2420. SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. HAP JONES DIST. CO. - Avon' Carlisle Tires, Borranl alloy rims, Amal carbs, NGK, KLG & Hitachi plues, Lueas .I.etrlc parts and all cycl. nllds. SInd $1 for retail calaloe. BOI 3068, 94119 (415) 621-4185. SAN LEANDRO, CALI F. CYCLE CENTER STORES #l - 16520 East 14th St. Phone: (415) BR 6·9211. Honda, Hoctaka, BSA, Maleo.Motorcyel. Ins..ance, Taco & Bonanza Mini-bIkes. lOGS flnanclne on approval of credit. Difficult Customers Want.d. SAN RAFAEL, CALIF. BISCUITS' CYCLE TOWN - Moto-X Hq. for Marin County. Compl. Mach. Shop. Sis. & Sve. BSA, Yam., A.E,, Gre., Hod_JAln/·Blk.s: Maverick, Taco, Bonanza, Scout Choppers. Co. . In and learn to rlde.Op.n: Mon. 12.5, T,W,T,F, 9·9, Sat. 9-5. 933 FrallCI seo Blvd. 94901 (415) 456-0335.

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