Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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U-Name-It Enduro Almost No-NameAt-All Enduro By Warren Lev CAMPUS SUZUK I- 2403 San Pablo A... Ave. Zip 94702. (415) 841.0192. Suzuki. Sultaco. Malco. Sachs & Ciao sales. service & parts. "Parts are our special· ty! Anythlne we don't have. we can GET." Open 9-.1 Mon. thru Sat. See Jim Johnson & AI Drlne. CONCORD, CALIF. NORTH BAY MOTORCYCLES - Jawa &CZsal es & servlce. Sldecars .I.S.D.T . 250's & 402's. "The Motocross Head·' quarters for North Bay." Parts & Acces· sorles. Open 9 to 6. 2120 Concord A.... Concord, Calif. 94520. (415) 687·9300. BIG CEDAR SPRINGS. CAL .• oct. 12. 1969 - On Columbus Day, october 12th, the Explore r Troop #305 from Madera held the U-Nam e-It Enduro; the Idea being that the overall winner could pick any name he wanted tor the dnuro next year. The event was held at Big Cedar Springs . torty mUes north of Fresno, In the Sierra tooth1ll s. The course was approxi mately 100 mUes. with two loops through the hills of tttty mUes each. Each loop covered a dttteren t route. both ending at BIg Cedar Springs . Since 11 ': '_~:::.oIlO...""",.~ riders became lost because The enduro ran smoothly unti I the first check. After that many they cannot allow markers to course markers had bun ramoved by forest rangers who said that be attached to trees. which means there will be quite a tew The race was cancelled at the end of the ttrst lOOP. and needles s to say, many people were quite disappointed. Under the circums tances 11 was the wisest th1ng to do. In order to satisfy as many riders as possible . Phil Staab decided to award trophie s based on the tlrst check times, TOM'S CYC LE CENTER - BSA, Kawa· saki. Suzuki, Greeves, Monte sa , Ossa, Moto·Geta. Full line'" Montesa parts. "Home of Good Guys." 1325 Galindo, Zip 94520. Phone: (415) 689-6722. Hours open 9-.1, 9-8 Wed. FREMONT CYCLE CENTER STORES #2 - 37422 Fremont Blvd. Phone: (415) SY 3·7311. Honda, Malco, Triumph. IhItorcycle In· surance. Taco & Bonanza Mlnl·blke. l00~ tlnancln e on awoval of credit. Difficult Customers . . a Challenee! CYCLE CENTER STORES #3 - 37418 Fremont Blvd. Phone: (415) SY 2.0111. SIIZ., Kaw•• Hoclaka, BSA. Panton. Mon· tesa. Motorcycle Inswanc e. Taco & Bonanza Mlnl-blkes. loo~ tlnancln e on approval of credll. "'e welcome dlffl· culty In Custom...s. UVERMORE CYCLE CENTER STORES 5#4 - 2310 First Sl. Pho..: (415) 443·5111. Kawa· saki. Bultaco. Suz., BSA. Malco. Motor· cycle In.uranc e. Taco & Bonanza Mini· blk... l00~ tlnancln e on approval of credit. Are you partlcul .? See us! OAKLAND, CALIF. COLISEUM CYCLE & ACCESSORY CO. - Kawasaki Sale. & Sllt'vlce. Complete aceesscr les. clCllhlne dept. CustOIl work. 'Kawasa ki srclall. ts. Factory trained IIIIChanlcs. Open 9-1 Mon. thru Fri.. Sat. 9-5. 3958 E. 14th St., Oakland 94601. (415) 534-5461. Pre.l· dent: Howard Self. All riders welcome! NEUON BROS. - Triumph. Honda. BMW. Husqvarna. Panton sales, repair & .hop ..rvlce. E.tabll.h ed slncel94 8. e parts & acces.or l.. depts. Complete Inswance & tlnanclne faclll· tie•• ' . . .tand behind our products & ..rvlce." 4500 E. 14th St•• Oakland 94601. (415) 532-3677. REDWOOD CITY, CALIF. A&A MOTORS - Parts & speed equip. .nt. sales & ..rvlce for Yamaha, Roy· al Enfield. Bullaco, Hoclaka' Malco. Norton and Yamaha snowmobile •• Also complete machine shop, hellarc weldlne, pickup & delivery and mall order ..r· vice. 2171 EI Camino, Redwood City 94061. (415) 366·1755. the more than 400 riders Explorer Post 305, that oreanlzed the U-Name·I!·Enduro didn't expect cone-sll on at the startInc area added to the problems out on the course. that. showed up and the hasn't rained here In quite a whUe, the conditions could be describ ed as somewhat dusty. Problem s began with the enduro trom the start. The organiz ers said they didn't expect the 405 riders that signed UP, and bY the 10 a.m. start there were bikes,' people, and cars everyw here. and the limited parking space didn·tbe lp the congestion. The race ran smoothly to check one which was 31 mUes trom the start, but about eight miles turther Forest ServIce ottictal s had remove d the course marker s. causing many riders to become lost. The Forest Service states that marker s were attached to trees on the course, which they don't allow. Most people telt It would have been wiser to have the Forest Service cancel the race at the start, rather than cause a number of riders to wander all over the hills looking tor the course marker s. In addition to th1s problem with the Forest ServIce , unlts of the Ca11tornla Htgbway Patrol were statione d on the course. on dirt roads, stopping riders and ticketing tor no license, lights, horn, etc. The Forest Service represe ntative In Fresno said that the Californ la Highway Patrol works with the Forest Service on enduros like these, so perhaps those of us who run unlicensed bikes tor enduros may be In tor trouble In the tuture. SAN FRANCISCO HAP JONES DISTRIBUTING CO.-Av on & Carlisle Tires. Borranl alloy rims. Premier HJ & OS helmets. eoce'e., shield .. accessor ies. Ilelstaff sulls, saddl.., ca.... tanks, handleb ars,tools . pipes & muftlers. pistons, Amal carbs. NGK. KLG & Hitachi plues, Lucas electric parts and all cycle needs. Send $1 for retail cata loe. BOl 3068, San Francisc o 94119 (415) 621-4185. SAN LEANDRO CYCLE CENTER STORES #1 - 16520 East 14th St. Pho..: (415) BR 6.9211. Honda, Hodaka, BSA, Malco.Motorcycle Insurance. Taco & Bonanza Mlnl·blkes. 100'10 tlnanclng on approva I of credit. Difficult Customers Wanted. The Motocross That Wasn't By Jeanne Frleslm an KIONA. WASH .• oct. 5. 1969 - Motorcycle riders are tamuta r with their own terrain, but I'd like to Introduce you to our part ot the country . Zane Gary describ ed the Horse Heaven hills, but tor those who haven't read at them should come out and see. They're located In southea stern Washtngton, about twenty mUes west of the Trl-Clt ies, (Pasco - Kennewick - Richland) on the south side of Hwy. 412. Once roamed by wUd horses and now dominated by wheat ttelds that extend southward nearly 'to the Oregon border, the "slopes " of these h1lls are quite a challenge to the best ot riders. At the base of Horse Heaven near the east end ot the I'ange lies the little village of Klona. About 9 a.m. Sunday, Oct. 5th, riders and spectat ors began arriving at the Hill & Gully M.C. grounds there, to compete In their scheduled motocr oss. A mere one dollar was all you needed to sign UP. PRESE NTS THE Beller Braking K11-19.95 Body-13.95 2771 EL CAMINO REDWOOD CITY, CALIF. 94061 DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED "'--( 415 ) 366- 8990 --'" Some sixty or seventy riders paid thetr tee and were warming UP their bikes. when they realized that the course was a bit dry. Dry wasn·t even the word for ttl Soon compla1nts Increas ed by the number as riders who tried unsucce sstullY to fight the dust. That brown stutt was so deep you could drown In 11. Even the most exotic f11tering devices dldn·t help. As it was nearlY noon and there was no chance ot rain, 11 looked as though we were taced with a dlsaste rl "Rider s' meetlng l" someone yelled. "Everyb ody to the club bouse." The previou sly angry group came out, all smiles and cheers. (Shorte st meeting I've ever attended.) Word was the Motocross was ot! and a Hare Scramb les was on. We lett the club site and drove threequarter s of a mUe east to the area where last year's race had been run. All bikes were lined Up and everyone had a helmet sticker . Although there were no colored marker s, the course tollowed a well beaten path around ttve slx-mll e laps. Engines dead and the riders over the tront wheel, the !lag went down and the desert came alivel Head tor the mountatn and veer to the rlght.. .tt you don't know the way, the guy In tront of you doesl (Contin ued on page 7) GORDY WILLIAMS Authorize d Dealer SUPER STOPPER I-Way Valve Stops dirt ties. Overall winner, tor' example, had 14 people who zeroed the tlrst check, so 14 people wUl receive a trophy tor overall winner, but only one can name the event tor next year, so PhU Is going to draw a name trom a hat. thts being the only fair method of selectin g an overall winner. The question ot future enduros In thts area, and prohabl y In Ca11tornla remains to be seen. The Forest Service has stated that certain conditions must be met for enduors to be held. Including spark arresto rs, of course, but most Importa nt, that bikes be street legal to run on country roads that are withtn National Forest land. The Forest Service hints that enduros could be run on lands that don't have county roads, but the posslb1llty ot an enduro of more than 25 mUes Is remote. The question of just how many riders are willing to run street legal bikes on enduros Is Important; It could mean that enduro riding will be rather hard to come by In the tuture. TU UN • • NORTH SA YM/Cs 2120 Concord Ave. In Concord, California {4151681-9300 ;~~~ -6 p.m. CY C~ !l C1 T~ (415) 939-4988 2631 N. MAIN,WALNUT CR •• CAL, SA LE NE;'1IBA (415) mu 2 689-672 LIGHT NINGS '!S 50 1325 Galindo, $1 Ca Iif. IDTD -OUT THE DOOR Concord, .;..,;",;.;;.;..;"