Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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Po te et M ee ts Po nd er os a, To ps Ou t By Gael Bucbana n Doug was knocked tempora rUy unconscious, but finally, got lIP and walIted across the finish line for third. Bill Friant on his Bultaco came In second In Saturda y's ()pen class. Considering thai be was cbangtn g a spark plug when the starting banner droPPed , Bill must have done some prettY hard riding to make up for time. Last month's winner, Richard Richard son, followed Friant to take fourth on his Husky. Jerry Hill, Kawasa ki, won first place In the TraU class, seconde d by Thumpe r McDow ell riding his Hodaka . Third went to Gary Wingate . In Sunday' S Open, Tom Poteet repeat- LANCA STER, CALIF. , Sept. 4 & 5, 1969 - Riding the Ponder osa for !be first time, Tom Poteet walIted away as !be Open class winner of both Saturda y and Sunday 's Hare Scramb les. Tom admitted that he dldo't know where to go when the race started, but found the best groove to follow after the second lap. Then he really turned on. Novice Doug Pattison was flying way ahead of Tom and the others for the first two laps. But the whOOP-dee-doos got the best of him In the third, and he endoed Just 50 yards from the finish., Th e Law In Yo ur Sta te JULY 15. 1969 LEGISLATION ~ ... ... • u ...... ~ • 0 ... ti tit; al ~i2 ... ... ...... ... 6 % %. tf ALABAMA L ALASKA ARIZONA ARKANSAS L CALIFO RNIA COLORADO L CONNE CTICUT DELAWARE L FLORID A L GEORGIA L HAWAII L IDAHO ILLiNO lS • INDlANA L IOWA P KANSAS L KENTUCKY L LOUlSIANA MAINE L MARYLAND L MASSACHUSETrS L MICHIGAN • MINNESOTA L MISSISSIPPI P MISSOURI L MONTANA NEBRASKA L NEVADA L NEW HAMPSHIRE L NEW JERSEY L NEW MEXICO L NEW YORK L NO. CAROLINA L NORTH DAKOTA L OHIO L OKLAHOMA • OREGO N L PENNSYLVANIA L RHODE lSLAND L SO. CAROLINA L soum DAKOTA L TENNE SSEE L TEXAS UTAH VERMONT VIRGINIA WASHINGTON WEST VIRGINIA WISCONSIN WYOMING · · L L P L L % ...... ...- ..... ...... L L L L L L L P L L L L L L P L - L L L ... al - ... ... ~% ZO c· cO .c "u c'" D::;; ...~ %% u • ciii L L · . Q% Z ... 2 ... 0 z c... E~ ·'z c ... L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L . L L ed b1s win on a 250 Bultaeo , !be Ideal lillte for the Ponder osa accordi ng to Jack Ross, Greybou nds M.C. Preside nt. BW Friant, r1d1II& b1s Husky again took second, whUe Doug Pattison crasbed In for 8I1rd. Doug bad been boldlng tile lead for the first two rounds as per Saturda y. but again be met disaste r. As be was 1aW1ng a Husky rider, the two got too close and collided . Both racers unloade d, so Tom Poteet and BW Friant passed them by. Tbere were 38 entries In the Trat! class of which 19 were to be trophie d. Howeve r, only 15 riders f1n1sbed, so eYeryon e wbo came In ~ked away as a tropby winner. Thumpe r McDow ell on a Hodalta came In first, followed by Doug WInchell ridIng a Kawasa ki. Next for third was Don Kesler racing his Hodaita . One rider was disquali fied for being on an unmark ed trail. 'Ibis weekeD d's riders recelft d extra prizes. Not onlY were SO% at the entries for eacb class given a tropby, but some were awarded be1mets and Tbe Bardab l 011 people came out to give six quarts of tbelr product to !be first 15' riders of eacb class who bad Bardab1 sticker s. McHal gave belmets to the riders witb !be b1gbest motocr oss points for Saturda y and Sunday comblD ed. Tbe TraIl belmet 8I1s montb weal to Tbumpe r McDow ell for b1s first IUId second, wb1le tile Open belmet went to Tom Poteet for b1s two firsts. Tbe Greybou nds M.C. w1ll bold tbelr nen race on Sa.turda,y and Sunday, Not'. 1st and 2nd. WInner s of the pret10u s race can pick lIP their tropb1e s at 8I1s time. Until tben, says Jack Ross, riders are welcom e to come out 'to the Pooderosa to get acquain ted witb the course. (Resnlt s on page 21) on. L L L L L L L L L L L BETTER L L L BETOR SHOCKS L L L L 'L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L P L BETOR Ma kes An y Bik e L L L L L L L L L L L L: Legisla tion has taken place governi ng the item or practice . P: Legisla tion is pending . Connec ticut: Connec ticut's helmet law was recently vetoed by the governo r. Further legislat ion Is pending . Michiga n: Helmets must be carried on the motorcy cle. Oklahom a: Helmet s must be worn by operato rs under the age of Texas: Parties in the Texas legislat ure are pre~enUY trying to 21. defeat the law. Utah: Helmets must be worn on roads with a speed limit .above 35 mph. Helmet laws for Nevada . Louisia na. Utah, and Wyoming have .been enacted since January 1969. This summary was compile d by CYCLE NEWS from informa tion by the America n Motorcy cle Associa tion. CNE corresp ondents provide d . and pri vate sou ree. We cannot be respons i ble for its absolut e accurac Y. legislat ion was in progres s during its prepara tion. It will no doubt since be outdated in the near future. . cae s s ... a era rs pac.r _ 0,'" an osa.oll wonon Saturday and SUlIday but an Saturday he was lad IIy Doue Pattison to wltllin 50 yanls of Ith. finish ..... Doue crashed. L P L 'om i both Good suspen sion means the di fferene e betweoen wi nning & losing and BETO R makes better suspen sion system s.I3ET OR shock absorb ers are available in five model s for motorcycles and three for minibikes. All cycle shocks feature 5 way adjusb nents and are comple tely chrome d. Rebuild kits are availa ble for all 5 cycle models . Wri te for full specs. BETOR FORKS BETO R Fork Assem blies will be fou!\d on winnin g eyel es everyw here. Even the small fork will handle 21" wheels and allows a full 5~" travel. Both large and small forks are availa ble with extend ed axle mount s at slight additional cost. To make a good bike better - ask for BETO R. Full specs. sheet availa ble. EXCLU SIVE U. s. IMPOR TEd DEALE RS, DISTRI BUTOR S WRITE: AFS di str ib ut or s DEPT. CN 229 E. TmRD ST. LEWISTOWN, PA. 17044