Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1969 08 26

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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You'II~'''' Always . . . . . . . . s•• It FIRST • • • • in .. : .J Publish r. . . . • . . . Ohuck Clayton Editor. . . . . . • . . . . • . Eric RaIls Calendar ditA>r•••••• Teny Pratt Ilus;ness Manager•• Sharon Clayton O[[jce Manager..Gaylene Thomason Circulation Manager•• Broce Easley Production Manager•• Dellllls Greene Production Asst•• Dean Cunningham ",~-- _ _._ America's Weekly Motorcycle Newspaper" z z 7 z 7 7 7 z and lsn't that why I have been cbaslog myself in circles all these years? Love to all Ray Cooper Norwalll, Cal. God HELL'S ANGELS INVITATION Dear Chuck, You and Cucle News put it rigbtwhere It's at when you answered the Harvard Psucb1atrlst who said that motorcycle riders were rea1Iy weak and Impotent with a poor self image and a deep seated fear of. women. I bad planned to answer b1s statement when I ready it but you put it so well that !here was nothlng left to day. Jl Dr. Nicholl wants to learn more about the motorcycllsts he Is wrltlng about, be ls lovited to come out to Callforols and ride with !he Hell's Angles for a wblle and lhen be can tell us if be stlll belleves that motorcycle riders are inadequate as men. SlDcerely, RALPH BARGER, Jr. President, Hell'S Angels CaillorDia AN ANSWER. MAYBE? I would Uke to make a comment on our TT-Scrambles situation. I agree fully that there aren't enough honest to goodness TT tracks around anymore 10 District 37. South Bay Speedway seems to be an awfully good track but for me, and I know lots of other riders feel that San Diego Is a long way to go to race. So those in District 37 who feel that all the good tracks are gone, come to Adelanto, It's fast, (and fast enough for the big b1kes to really get with It) and it's smooth. They run there fairly often and a floe club called The Desert Phantoms put on rea1Iy good point races. So if you have never raced at Adelanto try It, Nuff said? CURT STINE eDIGGER- HELM IS ALIVE AND WElL Be1ng an ex-racer, 1 am very loterested 10 the point standtngs. Every week I f1Dger througb the P8J)er to see who is 10 !he polof lead. When It's there, it's harder than bell to find. Jl this can't be put 10 a simple place to flnd, what about this. The week before !he Nat10nal you always bave a short "flash" 10 the PaPer about !he upcoming race. Howaboutllstlog !he points that will be a-warded? It would sure help. I woUld l1ke to thank all of. my old ractng buddles that stopPed by to say bello. I am 11010 back at the mortuary, but it wasn't a very happy return. Just five days after I started back to work, Fred Nix was kllled. I handled all 'of. the arrangements, and it was one of. the hardest tblngs I ever did. Fred was a true champion, on and off of the track. 1 was also very sad to bear that my good buddy Joe Messaros was kllled... He and I spent most of the 1962 and 1963 season wavlng at each other on the road race BookIIeeper. • • • • • Susan Ql tel2. Lab Tedmici LID LaUch Waut Ads. . • • . . • . . SaDck'a Purdy Published weekly except tbe llist and last week of the calendar year by Cycle News, Inc., Post Office Box 498, Long Beach, California, also publishers of Cycle New~ East. second Class Postage paid at Long Beach. Calif. Editorial stories, CllItOOOS, photos, etc. are welcome. Write for information. Addressed, stamped envelope assures return of editorial matter. Reprinting in whole or in part only by permission of the publishers. Advertising rales and circulation information will be sent upon reQuest. z 7 z 7 tracks around the nation. We had our own private llttle war going to see who would get the most polots. On a coUPle of. b1s triPs to Caill. for the Natlonals, he stayed with me. My deepest sympathy goes out to bis family. "DIGGER" MARSHALL HELM Bakersfleld. CaL .FOUND: SIX TROPHIES The ProSPectors M/C would Uke to enl1st the aid of Cycle News. We have tried for some time no. to follow our runs with sw1ng1D' llttle trophy presentations featurlng sq>er n1ce trophies. It seems we always end UP with quite a few that are never clalmed and after sltt1J1g around for a wh1le, they get dirty, broken, etc.ItlsverydiscouraglDg to try and get these to the right people with no results. And we do go through quite a btt, llke checldDg the entry ijIanks, wrlt1ng letters, telepbon1Dg, nmn1Dg ads (10 Cycle News, of. course) and f1Dal1y end UP ma1l1Dg !hem out only to have !hem returned unclalmed (Hwe'rellJCky) and usually 10 worse shape than they left. So if we mll,y recru1 t you to publlsb this letter with the following names of unclalmed trophy owners, it would be greatly appprec1ated. PROSPECTORS EUROPEAN SCRAMBLES of. Decembt>..r 1968- NoviceTrallbike: Robert Nieman. PROSPECTORS GOLDRUSH ENDURO of. February 1969 - "B" Lightweight: B. Spr1Dgman. Subscdptioa: ODe year 2nd class mail •.• _ ••. _ • _ ••••••• 57.50 NATIONAL AD DIRECTOR • • • • • •• • ••• Thomas R. CUlp Cycle News lWesU, P.O. Box 498, Long Beach, Calif. 90800 Tel. (213) 421-1433 L.A. Line &36-8844 EASTERN ADVERTISING Paul Cosner Cyc Ie News East P.O. Box 13, Amherst, Ohio 44001 T.1. (216) 984-2433 z 7 7 PROSPECTORS HARE SCRAMBLES TraiIbike Novice: David Simmons; 250Cc avice: D. Richards; 500cc Novice: L. Lehigh; TrailbtkeAm.: Randy Klassen. Jl these people or anyone knowing !hem would contact me at 537 Penn S1., El Segundo 90245, Caill. Phone (213) 3224297 I am .sure we can get together and get these tropbies to their owners. Our tropbies r,epresent a substantial amount of money, for example; most of. the abOve come equipPed with very D1ce radios. The investment Is well over $100 for just the six mentioned. I would th1nk that if people didn't really care about receivlng trOPb1es, they might lDform us so we might make better use of. the money, llke a donatton to Rescue 3 or some o!her cause. DAVE SMITH Prospectors M .C. of. June 1969 - BIRT HURT I want to extend my thanks to everyone who belped me after my crash atthe Deadman's Point Europeaoscnmb1es.A lot of people that were raclng stq>ped to see J! I wasallrlgbtand to look after me. Many of these people I didn't even know but I guess th~y knew me because they said, HHey, that's E.C." ,and stopPed. t am especlally grateful to Rescue 3 and to the Broya Holcomb family for seetng to it that I was taken to the hospJ tal. I might be riding 10 about three weeks, but I guess I'll be a llttle slower for a wblle. COM/dENT: E.C. ls DOW at home at 4566 W. l6SUI St., ndale, Cal., recoveriDc (100I should rib injuries. He phoned in bis letter of gratitude because bisarm basn't bealed euouch to aJlow him to write. CYCLE NEWS EXPANDS A LIT1LE New Home For Growi 9 'Newspaper Bix ,Sloug" Pro'- I #753x Palmdale, Caill. WA WORD TO THE WIVES" ABOUT COOPER'S VIEWS Woman, llke many other products of this worldbasbeenbelddown(oppresSed) sloce time began. Oppression bas never reallY made anyone happy. It makes woman less of a woman, less of. a wife, less of. a mother. And the world needs more good mothers, good wives, good woman. When the day comes when we can compete equally with woman, the different races, !he different polltical viewpolots, different rellg10us beliefs, acceptlng them as they are and allowing them to be heard and understood without fear of. repression we will have taken one giant step nearer our goal 10 ille. I am all for; girls In the pits, competition with girls and women on an equal basis (equal rights), bellyaching, hollerlng, cusslog when sometblng gripes you (free speech), a chance to spout- off 10 writing (free press), a cbance to show your feellng through palDtlng, sculpture, photography, art, llterature, b1ke racing, polltics, rel1g1on, science, physical fitness or unfitness (freedom of expression), I welcome competitioo from women, llttle g\IYs 6 years Old, black people, brown people, fat people, racists, hypocrites, po 11 t1 cia n s, rel1g1ous people, athelsts, small bike riders, blg bore riders, cheaters, squares, dirty old men and dirty old woman. And no matter where I.f1n1sh 10 this (open competition) if I have done !he very best I could do I will have acb1eved personal satisfaction from kn<>wing that I bad competed with the very best. (Happiness). Happ1ness brlngS me then closer to Sinde copy price• . . . . . . . . . ZSt New office is western In deslen, twice tbe size of old offices. This week Cycle News moved loto 'lts new, larger offices at 2499 Cerritos Ave. 10 the llttle communlty of Signal Hill, Caill.At the same time its publlshers, Charles and Sharon Clayton, announced that the motorcycllsts' newspaper recently completed Incorporation In the state of CaillorDia and the'parent company is now called Cycle News, Inc. FlodJ.I1g its staff of 12 cramPed 10 their old building at £477 N. Long Beach Blvd., and with the new Artesia Freeway destlned to expropriate the site, the publlsbers decided to move. The new Signal Hill olflces are double the siZe of. !he old location and more telephone llnes have been added to handle a constantly growing now of Wormation. Although the new olflce is inSlgnalHill, the Post Office address ts Long Beach, Caill. 90806. The old Cycle News bu1ldJ.I1g will be used as a distribution center for the paper unt1l it ls taken hy !he Freeway. From Its beg1nn1Dg 10 1958 until purchased by the present publlshers four years ago, the weekly motorcycle newspaper, under different names, went through a number of. owners, never rising above 5,500 circulation. ' Weekly paid circulation of. Cycle News West now stands at approximately 30,000. A second edition, Cycle News East, headquartered 10 Oblo, clrculates about 15,000 bl-week1y. "Cycle News ls l1ke a da11Y newspaper pub11sbed once a week," says pub11sber Chuck Clayton. "We gather news of all !he events that take place on Sunday and prlut it in the P8J)er on Monday. To be able to do this with our small staff requires an ultra-efficient of.!1ce layout. At last we have it." . Local readers and those pass1Dg through are lovited to drop In at the new of.f1ce and get acquatnted. IeRlS CORle Up Again By Eric Raits Last ~s San Pedro NaHona1s were interrupted by a black and wb1te unlt of. the Los Angeles Pollce Department. "I'm golng to 19ive you three mlDutes to clear !he ar,ea and !hen the wagons will be sent for 'and we'n haul you In,'' the loudspeaker boomed. Most of us clustered around the pollce car and tried to find out what was bappen1Dg. The gendarme, a Sargeant Snow, e.xplalDed that many complalDts bad come 10 about the noise and dust caused by motorcycllsts rldJ.I1g 10 the area across (rom lbe san Pedro Drive-In Theater. We wer,e unable topln 111m down at first as to who exactly had done the compJalnlng. Flnally Sgt. Snow said .dust was settllng on Pollce cars parked at the Pollce station just over the crest of. the b1ll. We all know that dusty pollce cars are an abomlDation and b1Dder law enforcement but suggested that if the cars got dusty enough, each pollceman could play Uke he was driving an unmarked car. All we received for our suggestion were threats. The upshot of it seems to be if everyone uslng tb1s area would stay down in the "bowl" or flat area, and not ride over the dirt b1lls near the pollce station, we will be allowed to use the area. Officer Snow said the noise and dust is not as noticeable if riders stay on the bills. Beggars can't be choosers, and dirt riders who don't wish to drive 100 miles to !he desert after a hard day a t work are def1D1tely gettlDg 10 the sam e category as beggars. The Recreation and Parks Commtssion Worms us btds for development of the Slough are due back to the commission "about DOW" and contractors do1ngwork there will probBbly fence the rea. We still have a llttle time; f1Dal bids will have to be approved by the commission but it looks as if the broken glass and catta1l settlng will be gone to us sometime in the near future.

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