Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1969 07 29

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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_deHrt_ I'I4dlIa by Bob Forilei' &lid RJdt DunDd - toot tlr.. &lid S8COIId_ Ted Bolt (JoLB) tIdrd... a Jot ottbe wwe 111 tbe AmatlIur-~ 100 rt.e:e&ll draee tbeJ all d1d...two AAt8lql e Ramble rs, Mark Rader &lid Jeff Wr1cbt toot tile lead dIl Hocte b . &lid altlloucb WrlCbt Ir1ed bard, Rader came uP witll tile wtn••Jn a tlrm lII1rd place was top scramb les ultrallCbtweJcbt Sleve Nichols on a Yamalla tolloWllCl in by fel1cnr scramb ler Troy McKee and tIlen desert ace JackM orpn•• Morpn IlUSed McKee but lost tile clIa1n 011 b1s Hodata twice and bad to step to put it bact &lid losing considerable time••• b1s r1dlnr st;yle was unbelievable in placesl 'Ibe Powder Puff class was really sometll1nc elsel carol Dans brourbt ber Sachs down from lIP NortIlandproceeded to wall 011 tile local talent.. .atter tile start JDa1be tile tlrst four girls rOt around that off-cam ber but tile rest•••wel1._tIley weren't so luclriY but most got gotnr ap.In witll Illtnt;y of belP offered•••there was CODS1derab1e course c:utI:1nr and a lot at crasbtn r but they all turned In real good rides espec1a1ly Sharon WUson, Jan D1tsoo and Carol Archer ...Red Dot Patt;y DollUlY's Hodata seized and so did DIane Connolly's wilen halt-wa y through; she 'AS holdlni down sixth.-1 t 'AS a rolCh course for pis, but they all came throucb sm1.l1.Dg and some said they would b&ve tried that downhil l. ora $peen., w11ll\. St... lIut Is out ...... by til. TrophJ Girl. 8asl Second To Woods In Trop'" Das", Comes 8ae'To Cop 'A' .ain AI W"ileman By Mite Capal\te Photos by Dan Mahony PACOIMA, CAL., July 19, 1969- For the secood week In a row, Rick WoodS toot tile Tropby DasbIllt 1nest;y leoolyto come bact III the ma1II ...ottob e~nbyone of tile same riders be bad beUen III tile dub. Gary BaIley (penton) toot a cornmandIni lead III tile lZ5-2ooAmatelD'-ExPert race witll Gene CannadY (Sacbs) behind him. On one lap CannadY really pulled uP and as tIley started IIIto tile bill section after the mudbole and caucbt lIP with slower riders, Gene saw b1s opentneand crabbed it and proceeded to pull away••• Bob Vacca on a Bultaco toot third with Larry Shoema ker (Yamah a) fourtb. .Jt • was a hotlY cooteated race and one that bad COIlS1derab1e discussion afterwa rdsl (Result s on page 20) SI8ft &lid Rick bad boeI tqIped tbe1r beats &lid sem1s aloor witll tile otIler two trophy compet ltlors, Sammy Tanner &lid Jack 0' Br1en. On tile lIDe it "II&S mdent tbat tIl1s "II&S a tattle royal comtne uP and as But bad tile 1ns1de on tile start, he was tlrst into the corner and toot tile lead comtne out bot WoodS "II&S rlebt behind him and as tIley WeDt IIIto tile second corner, Woods just lett tile tIlrottie on and was able to power past SteTe on tile 1ns1de much to tile surpris e of boeI tile crowd and Bast. It was tIlen a cbue wltIl Bast trytnr to catch Woods &lid Tanner trytnr to catch Bast, but Steve &lid Rick were putttne on such a tattle tbat !bey soon pulled away from Sammy, but try as be could, Steve couldn' t catch uP to Woods and bad to settle for a second. 'Ibe 'C' MaIn ap.In showed tIlat Cec Platt, the A ustra11Ian dlv1s1ooa1 c:bamP 15 to tile smaller Americ an tracts as Jim AnderSOll jumped IIIto tile lead and held it for two laps, but Cec was work1nr b1s way uP all the time, As AAderSOll went wide on OIIe corner, Platt moved under him to tate the lead and held it. ~ ComIDg out, Steve moved ~ a l1ttle, but not much and tile &TIJIdStands reallY started hoppiDi as Tanner ap.In pulled uP beslde Bast and tIl1s time it seemed to worry Steve a 11 ttle as he really stormed out of the corner and went lido the next one quite a bit harder and Sam 'AS not able to stay with him and tbeo Steve slowly pulled away. Sam and Steve bad been rntne at It so bard tbat Rick Woods tack in tIl1rd bad not be8ll able to move uP on Tanner and try as be could, be just couldn' t make uP tile dI1fereal:e and wound lIP witll a tIl1rd place with 0' Brlen taIdng fourth. (Results on page 20) c.c Is .daptln, to short.r U. S. tnch. John Carter also Ir1ed to eet under Jim, but be' t bavtnc anymore of tbat and he stuck witllit to t1n1sb III secood place. Paul Conser rlerre made tile 'B' Main loot lite a caIa! walt as be toot tile Gr_t Bear Enterpr ises ESO into tile lead &lid held it tllere for tile entire race. Of course be bad a little IIIc8lltlv e to turn it 00, in tile form of Mite Koale br_th1n c down b1s neck all tile way, but Mite couldn' t t1nd tile steam to eetaround him &lid bad to settle for secood witll Bruce Hasero t taIdng the third spot. Sonny Nutter, last y-.r's Stale Cbampi on and third III tile point standIn p was bavtnc engine problem s and limped in for a fourtll place. As tile A main lined lIP, tile determ1natlon could be felt as tile riders pulled to tile line. SI8ft Bast was determi nted to avenee his clef_t ln tile trqlby dash. It is normal to expect a certain amount of rlvalt;y between tile top two po1IIt men, bat WoodS and Bast seem to carry It a bit furtller . Wb1le they are the best of friends in tile pits, 011 the tract it Is '(0 for broke' as each one give 1t b1s all. As tile tla( was drOPped , tIley all _ t IIIto tile corner tccetlle r and as tIley came out, it was Steve Bast, Sammy TanDer , Rick WoodS, and JackO 'Brten .For_e r8ll.SOll, Tanner 'AS really leanlnr on ~ throttle and as tIley came IIIto tblI second corner, tile crowd really came qlued as tile Flyinr Fl_ was able to pull rlCbt uP next to Steve 011 tile ouUlde . ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• M O To -X BO O TS 17" High lace & Buckle $41.95 Sill' -12 .1 GI.res- I ..c' wIt' " ••., fl.,. r , ••1'4. $1.9S SlZI - 5 - M- L cvcle proauc:rs Csllf... . r.lIl1Hb ... 5~ tu A'.' Send for full line catalog of competition & road riding clothin g & boots. Womens sizes In some boots. PDIII Offering Profes sional engine and frame set ups for desert, motocross, T.T. road racing and street. Wide choice of compe tition and street access ories. A Ian Wurtzel Steve J. Italiano 11900 W. Pico Blvd., W. Los Angeles, Calif. GRanite - 70997 (213 area code) 101-644-91'" or write PELICAN DIVE' CYCLE liST. CO. 500 Broadway St. Vallejo , Calif. 94590 All 11II_ Dell 1_ IIIJ lrl•• IllyltM •••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••

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