Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1969 04 22

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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o 7fI'-eS~ 7fletp7 On . . allier side of . . coin, ~ practlcaUy all jlII118 of the aerea to lItale are BOW &ft1JIIbIe tf )'QU .D88d to pt there In a harry.ldMllJ•.routeyour~ _ W8I' IDIDc aDd .&DOtber tor the THE Y "nda prabIem d dec1diIIC wbere to 10 to dlIrtw . . er-t-t.amlMli of eoJo1. - t fnlm JOU1" DMurCJc1iIIc .. a b"'Js _ tbat is DOt euD,y eolnd. oar metbDd .may DDt WIilI'k.far)'QU. mCIDIUIC. a lel8areI1 m......_ roata off .... ma!ndnc'. ~be~ day but1t.may H!'ft as a bUll 1nJIIl wb1cb to worJe-.JOU1' awn pet lICI1DtIlIaa. ~ are . . tlrBt b&s1c tool. To . tbem "'"clently sbouJd be ~88d out ClII . . ltriDc roomlloorllDdJbe flIrn1ture .-ed lack to "lift enryoae room to erowlI arCllllld aDd I'llt tbetr nOle In. JJIC1uded JD tb1s callecory sbouJd be not CIIIb' IItaIle maps but al80 cOllDV maps tbat 8bow In detail roads tbat are COJIIIIlele1Y JeIt off, or sbown 0D1Y as small blue.l1Des on tile state maps. "y cr- return trip. o sure ellOUlh, siIuId1n& _ the edp at the road . . . the tree with tile crat IeputatiGll. It was a cood 1b1nC the owner.s had hung a siCO 011 hIm tbouch. for to me be looked Just like any otbar ):alm tree. Wuo't even very big. Motorllikes.••Aad 'l'H Read 1. merging Mota Guzzis from Italy~ '1'IIe J~ inva.&101l was reIId1ly lIPIlal"ent with numbers at Hondas, Yamabas, some at the recent 500 Suzukis and a few Kawasakis led by tbe1r new three cyllDder bomb. There were a goodly number at exotic hoppers at various brands tbat were out of tb1s world. And last and least there were a fe.... at !be bad boys trytng to Impress everyone with tbe1r junk bauled in tor !be occasIon on pIckups and traUers. In the mornlDg we tool< our tlme. ate a leisurely lIreakfast trom our endless supplies boug1lt !be night before. loaded tile bike, and slipped uPtown and took In a few of the steh1S including the famed ,terrItorial prieon and the museum. To think !bat human beings had to live in quarters such as these gave me dark, morbId cb1l1s tb1s brjght sunny day. The prison m use u m cootained everything from lnd1an storage baskets to World war 1 helmets, and co.ll1d abSorb as much at your t1me as you want to give It. v11Iage In Ob1o, wish1ng. Saturday mornlng arrIves in tile splendId garb of a beautlful day. WithIn m1nutes the bIke is loaded and we are UDder -.y. A short stop 1I.t a locallt1"e&SY ~ for a bIt of breakfast, a stop to feed !be bIke .a bIt at gas, and we drop ooto the free-.y h8lldecUor indIo. The weather Is beauttful beyond descr1pt!on. The rugged snow-Cl!Wed peaks dom.iJate the scene as we pull San Gorgooio Pass through Beaum.oot, BanDing, and start the downItl"ade Into the desert heat. MAP OF THE ROUTE Super 'free Tbe opportunit;y for sIde trips are innumerable, but th1s morn.IJIg we bave a partlcular point of interest to look for • We had seen a television program about !be date industry in lndio. Unllke !be LI.....lpt _t COIlIIen.Hs . . euy slDrllp _.tDrqclL After coos1deriDg !be factors of the weather. how IIllICh t1me you bave. whether to c&IIIP or sta¥ In.a motel. the familY !1Dances, aDd last but not least, wtIat you feel like do1o&, we will bave picbd a pneral deSt1D&tlon to satt our mood. Now comes tile problem of selecting the exact routing. In tbese dlQ'B of high speed fr~ tramc 1t is an added safetY factor to know wbat routes are needed and when. The secret Is to know wby you are going and when you need to be there. once th1s is est:abllshed. tile rest is easy• If the planned activtt;y takes pIiIce Satur- , "9 "Valorie Jean's" .. Stockton M.C. Scramblas - 3/23/69 100cc Novice Class ore Motor.hites If one word could be used to describe our stay In Yuma It would lave to be "motorcycle." The dUferent mabs .and models represented was unbelleftble. The Barleys I:1lOC8d from !be heauttful new '74's to raaed.old police bikes. The European scene ranced from the lmmaculate and lt1"owtnc numbers at BMW's throug1l the ..ual numbers at :Engllsh bIbs 1ncl"dl nc the new multi-cylinder 'Irlumpbs and BSA's, to the newly im- Now Jilt's pat tile theory toto pract1ce. We lave both dII,ys of tile 'IN b nd aftll&tile. so c •• '.IJIg tile t1me. tile .-til... aDd tile JIl8C1C ara of our ''!eeJ1DCs.'' • we draw a c1rc1e ..tth a I'Ild1us of %50 m.U8s from oar IIome GIl tile map. tllliDC tb1s as aJ'Olllb guide. weCOD8UltIl89B1"&1 1lIca1 1l8WIIII8P81"S. IDd of course. Cycle News, tor - u ; oflnterest to us occur.IJIg within tile nnce d our c1rc1e. We dec1de tbat tile y _ Priaoo Run m1ebt just be our CllP at ta tb1s weabDel. Ma7he 1 am a bIt 'Of aromant1c. but tile eartb-sbaIdJIc rumble at a m ult1tDde at biC "HacB" bMdlngfor some mysterious locatlon las never eeued to pnerate a bIt at excitement In wbat is left In me of !be little boy sItl1ng at a 'cross-road majortt;y at hum1ln ntios which are ooe to one, !be average ntlo at the date ):alms is oo.e male to fifty temales. ThIs one partlcular tree that we want to .find 15 really ambItious. Named KIng Solomon, and tor good reason, for he takes care at not a mere fift;y, but a full four hundred! To ftnd directions to tb1s sUPer tree. we stQIIped bY tile Cbamber of Commerce and approached tile d1gni1Ied, ultra proper Jady _ted behind the counter and asked, "could you tell us where to find the sexy tree?" Alter giving her a bU more of a detailed explanation, she was very be1Pful suPplying us with an armload at brochures, pamphlets, and instructions that took us In exactly the opposIte directlon we needed to go to find the tree that we were searching tor. Her false directlons, however, led us to an intIerestIDg dIversIon. A date 1t1"0wer. ShIelds, located about one mile north at IDd10 DII Rt. III advertises a twent;y minute picture. "The Romance and Sex Ltfe of !be Date", shown In the.Romance 'I'beateJ:. After _tchJD& tbe1r picture we asked to see the remarkable tree in questioo and were told !bat U could be foaDd &bout tsI m1le6 MlIIIb d 1nd10 011 Rt. 86 at a date lt1"owers place called bert&, C&Mda wIIUe DII v.acatllJll last summer. stops bY for a cbat. To me tb1s .Js tile rearvalue at these pt- tuptIIe:z s, laY1nC • ch8nce to become &cqut1nted ..tth some at the fabnlo.. JllIIlPle who make uP the world at motorc)'C1inc. Rel&ZiIl~ Route DEAD BIKE our _yonce more after our successful quest, !be weather contlnues to get hotter, until leaving E1 centro we notice a huge thermometer, outside DIIe at !be local business establtshments, with a needle about three feet long pointed tight on a hundred decrees. And It telt like it too. SetWng down we start the last leg of the journey to Yuma. Miles of two lane hIgb_y with heavy traffic, running through classIc sahara type desert. Mile after mile of abSolute nothing meets the eye. F1nally even !be sparse greenery and papier-mache ridges that look as false as stage settings in an old western, give ft.Y to notbJD& but roWng sand dunes and !be bo1l.lJlg On sun. Good Deed Tille 10 the middle at all this hot noth1niness. sitting alone the 8dIe at the road was a lonelY motorcycle with the dder crouched In the skimpy shade prov1ded by his mAchine. We siIllPped toJDqutreas to his problem and to _ tf we could be at any au1staDce, IDd d18conr tbat itJs an older Vlncent and the owner be11ens !bat 1ts lower eDd Js a tbJD& of the past. A h"IeDd at mine. who is a sbager in L.A., ... ~ with us and he had broUlht some :rape. So after etnDC tile ll&r:CIIed nder a bIt at wa1I8r we worlrad uP a crude tow line and puUed the dead Eagliah bIlie !be remAlnlnc thirty m1Ies or 80 to Y\IIDL, 1lPoD arrlv1nc we d1sc0ftl" the town 18 -full at motorcycles. Eftry cooce1ftble make aDd model .and they are everywhere you look, running uP and down the streets, in all the J:8r1dnc lots. Em!1"Ywhere! Bavtng preY!ously made uP our mind to camp tb1s weekend. welocatetbe cit;y park that is being used for tb1spurPOle, fiDeI an empt;y spot. and set uP our gear. No 'SQOIl81" are we aet uP than a person we last seen 10 !be wilds at Al- Home About nOOll, we gas uP and leave town for home. Again !be day 15 bright, hot, and ultra sunny. WhIle stopped in Holtville for a cool drlnk, we decide to rIde a little out of our way and take a cooler route bome. We cootlnue west on Rt. 80 picking uP !be new 1-11 just before ID Centro and contlnu!Dg on toward San DIego. Before long !be road begins to climb from !be hot desert fioor to the cool mountains. WIde sweeping curves, one after another, with just enolCh climb to make !be bike develop a good, deep rumble. If tb1s ~'t fun ridinIt. notbJD& is. The scenery gradually changes from !be sparse desert vegetation to rocky heights until there Is nothing but boulders and rocks everywhere. The bigher we go !be more the lt1"eenery begins to show until we enter the boundaries at the ClevelaDd National Forest. The cool air is aure a welcome relief from the desert heat. We ride past a huge shade tree and It looks 80 invlt1ng that we turn back. wblp out !be trust;y army blanket, pull off our helmeis and boots, and lay back and _tch the San Dieco riders rumble by. On our way again, we soon leave !be road to San DieCO and turn north on State Rt. '79 and wiDd throueb Cuyamaca State Pa1:k. CoottnuJD& nortIJ we find our ft.Y through the crowded streets at the little town at Julian, taIdng nate tbat there is a little museum that could 10ter.est:lnc 8tQpcmlr on another trip. CamPCJ1)llllds, oak a--. tidIng stables. and small 8paish missIons abound al.ooc tb1s route. Small streams runniDC throug1l tile wooded countryside 1Jw1te you to 10 for a stroll -.lone tbe1r lanka. A few miles past W.&rDIlI' Sprtnp at a wide spot JD the road called O&k Grae. we -.sUIl. After a1ll!Jl8!' the lIUII beg1ns to set, so we dec1de to slip DII Oftl" to'Rt. 3.95 and head home. dark we pull In the drive. OYer .a cool drink we dIscuss the weebDd. The high point'? Jt's lard to pIck one out, but taken altogether the....-kend most certainly has heen aJUccess. No..... where to next tlme? , 1st I.InJ Ri".-Cilutti defeating 25 riders ~~~~I=~;=;;;;~;;=::==~~~,=",,~~ alley Cycle V & Repair 2305 Law_ce 5t. cere.. Calif. Distributor For The Seuen If estero States Seat - Tank CllIIIItiaatilll 3 pl. ~paclty· $19.95 12 Ib. lIllal wel",1 uses stock mounb and petc:ock hiCh luster sll_ ...tallialle finish H... J.c1 •• ie ,o.r send Z5¢ for cataloC" prices Ho.~ • wi••er Clle) &31-8422 Bos 3433. Oranee, ClIlII. 92565

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