Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1969 04 22

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Lady racer, Mary YcGeeon ber Husky was out, p1llml1llc to ride a lot of desert betwen DOW and tile Baja nm. On seeing II's only a pie plat. n..... but If yem 1..1 lib a wi_ JOlI look III1e _ . our camera, she del1beralleJy tried to bury us but was _ 1&tIIlr quietly feedIDe ber little SOIl In tbe family camper. BulIaco rider Tom Brooks bas been riding tbe same bike on tbe same course for two years, and quite obriously knows the terra.I.n. At tbe first cbeckpoint, bets were made tbat be'd be tbe first one througb. He wasn't. It was BUl Friant. Some time 1&tIIlr. Brooa admitted tbat be'd dropped it. He'd been cbas1ng Frtant aDd tbought be could have passed him on tile tb1rd loop. but bit a rock. "I knew tbat rock -.s tbere too, but 1 just bit it and endo'd, so I just !aT there aDd watcbed 'em go bY." It was a good race, and everyone agreed tbat It was a great way to spend Easter SundaY. How COIINI ...... w _ cIIat II's called IDnlp. wfIIl.......... do It II's boac:b ,acinI? lIosd__ Brooks, Dlt- . . C1111 cia • • or til....... TORCYCLE FLOATS FOR ST. PATRICK'S DAY PARADE Ii ,i,,-I , Tir. Ii ,.llie D. fa Wi,i Des.rt S.., story and Photos by Pat Dempsey Tbe Ponderosa Hare Scrambles on Easter Sunday ran twenty-seven miles, cODS1st1ng of t b r e e nine-mile loops. stra1gIlten out tbe humps and tile course would be three twenty-seven mile loopsl Eigbty-slx big bikes started wltbttttythree tra1lsters. Among these were John Frazer and bis son, mounted on a pair of Bullacos. John is In bis tblrd year of desert r1d1ng and IUs stratacY 18 to cool it for two laps and glvelt all be's got In tbe tblrd. He f1n1sbed 47tb but bis boy dropped a cbain. JohnSon Motors' service manager, Pat Owens lost out on a tropby bY slx places. He wtsbes be could get out more than just a few times a year, but most of tile time be'S busy working on Gene Romero's road racer. Corona, C&l.\forD1a's annual st. Patrick's' Day parade was tile occaa1qn for s1x UDique motorcycle tloats. prepared bY Floyd Burk's Corona Motorcycle Center. Burk enlisted tile belp of family and fr1ends to deslgn aDd build tile sbII.Inrocks, matcb10g riders' outfits, and sidecar decorations. Four l1gbtweIgbt bikes curled pretty girls and sbamrocks, wbi1e Burk followed wttb big bike aDd sidecar. equ1PPed wttb a cba1r for another pretty girl and a g1aDt sbamrock adWrt1s1ng b1s place of business. Floyd Burk Jr. brougbt up tbe rear OIl a scrambler. Burk's daug!lllers, Lynnatte and Carol, made tbe1r own outfits for tbe1r r1des on tbe bikes. and wife Wanda supervised the project. Tbe &Irk fUDi17's entbustasm extends Into competttion also, wttb Floyd Jr rand Lynuette rldIDg lJcbtweiebts. Floyd Sr•• a long-time desert competitor. campaigns a Trtumpb-engined Rickman Met1sse. • Walt!!Q!!!!J TriUlllph-Suzulci Motors, 1049 West 5tb Street GENE H. MYERS YAMAHA Dealer NEW & USED SALES Authorized Parts - Service & Repair 4459 Redondo Boa.1I BlYd. Lawndale, Calli. (213) 542-4041 Pomon~Cau~(714)62~642 ROY liNTERS - MIB Xelllll AMA Sportsman Motocross Champion, Dist. 36 Western Washington Indoor Championship Gold Creek, Washington - 100cc Expert Class 1st ED ELLIOT - MIB XClDI "AI.A_ _B?" MB SPORTCYCLES.311 E. ALEXANDER AVE., TACOMA, WASHINGTON 98421 .;: POWER RESEAROI & . . . . . .te.. U.S. DistribuLor G D £ CAl 1fT0I 269 Orange A~. Goleta. Calif. 91117 Tner Expansioa CIlamers Specialist in tuned exhaust for most two strokes. Port, Polish and five porting, also complete hop-UllS for Hodaka. 6025 • .,wood A... BId. U, Hunll_pOll I'.k. Calif. T1Irw bloc:ks off 51 _ _ 5I9-T7l7 Il_s 10~ S.nc1 One Da'er forupo........ "SUFEiiGCJOD'Fsr I ~.

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