Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1969 04 22

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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SH"ITSTIOIE (co.ti•••,,) Twin Engine ·Street Scramblers" JUST SEND IN YOUR LISTING .. ~ d>e<:k lor l7S illl. we'll 00 the lest IILL KRAUSE HONOA-TRIUMPH. AI.. deal" lor YiIlI. BMW. Gre•• & llln~p. Sales! Ser•• P.rts &Ins. 1257 ~ L.1llea B1~. In~ewood, 6 8-5035 0I671~1 "Th. MlC Depl Ston' am 1«1 new & used cycles on diSplayatall tiDeS. MARTY'S fOREIGN MOTORS BM' - MOTD-GUZZI Sales-5elvlce-Parts-Accessolles. Club Membels camel 11X1 W. CaIson Sl (al Westem\ TORRANCE. 1 lillie So.ol Sal OleiC Fwy. Tel: 310-1040 Svc. Hrs.8·5. AIIZONA LA HAiRA TWUIGA PHOEIIX BUDDY STUBBS - ARlZDNA H-D. Se,~ng ~I 01 Allz. Complete stock 01 everything lor H--D. Four factorytrained medlllllcs:Open 9-6 Tues.-Sal. 2507 E. Me 00..11 R~. Phoenll 85008. T.I: 16011215--7617. CALlfOINIA ALHAII'IlA STEEN'S In~ 1635 •• V.II./ Blv~ 12131 289-4151. Wholesale and Retail Cerlanl Forks CIld Real SlIspenslon, Rlliman MelIsse Kits, Magu'3 LeYels, FillIon Alf ·Th.Clea'lers. Taco Mini-BIkes. Hodaca SS 0111 Bikes. Home 01 SUPERGDODI ES" 8:30-5:30 Mon.-FII.• SaL 8:30-~00 we" LE BARD & UNDERWOOD. 221 E. Imp.II.1 Hoy•• L. H.bra. phOn.1I4-879~252 or 213-691-3104. 'Ser~" IS 001 m,ddle name·. BSA, Honda, BMW. CRESENTA VALLEY SPORT CYCLES 7139 Foo~,11 Blvd., Tujunl'. Calif. 91042. 3~·5917 YiIlI•• Hod., Bonilllza. SII.. & SOl. .qIIlP"'~ QIl//III.1e In~ 100'S Financina. lOIG BEACH lEST lOS AIIGELES OALE BROWN M'C'~ 2441 Lonl Bead! Blvd.. Lonl Beach, 427-8941. SuZtMI, &lIaCXI, Norton, Due.ab, Mlistani- Complele parts, accessories. and SeNlce. III 'C InSUfalCe. Flf}illlcrng. AS$l aboul our dIscount dub. Walch for OUI monlhly ~eclalsl HAPCO MOTORS - Han., Hod.. Kaw. sates-serviceParts-ln5.-Renlals. POtllng fOI all 4-slroke brands. Our I!putatlon IS built on serVIce. 11637 PICO Bhd•• W. LA. GR 8-l1'18'. Open 1 days - 8:30-1. HARLEY-DAVIDSON OF LONG BEACH - 3654 Long! Blvd•• 426-7101. H-D lor Lon! Be.d> alea. Full hne of parts & acces. 10. toOl Road Comp. Iiders. Top quality selVlce, lully eqtupped svc. depL Open Tues.-FIl. 8-6, Sal hi 5. .,,1'1 'II'" PETE JOSEPH'S 1I0USE OF YAMAHA - BSA. IJoIW. Bullaco, Yanaha sales, selVlce & pa,ts. No oown pay. ment O.A.C. Open Mon. Ihru Sat. 8:30-5:30. "'MIele the stars buy lhen 2-YItleel cals." 11975 santa Monlcd Blvd.. I m,l. Wesl 01 SilllIJi.go Foy. Call GR 3-6711 lor pIckup and delivery selv,ce. at 224 No. Anaheim Bl'A1 se,Vlce at 239 No. ~allelm BI'i1lI. (714) 533-1309. -we $geClalize In aftel sales servica.- TnUll'lllh, Yanaha, GleevtS. JOE KOONS SALES &SERVlCE - BSA. IJoIW.Suz. and Ve~a. Full parts & acce~. lor all makes. Large Qual. servICe dept. rully slaffed WIth l,alned mech. Bring tn aUl bike and see Mlat we can do. 1350 E. AnaheIm, ong BeaCh, 591-1159 open Mon. Ihru sal 8~. r TED'S Impolts - Til. Sales & service. Compebltnn desert bikes ready-tO-WIn In slack. -We wlillalle cars tn trade: 11726 Santa Monica Blvd., W. Los Angeles GR 3-1101 - Open 1 d.y< • BELLFLOWER LONG BEACH YAMAHA. Yillll. De.I" lor Long area. We servIce all. Open 6 aays q~:ll In long B.ach. 3580 E. P.,,!I, eo." Hoy. (2131 433-9'181. 'HITIlER HARLEY·DAVIOSON full line new & used motorcycles, parts & servo depl Lots of convtrsabon . while we sef\1! you atld FREE coffee. l.2630 E. Whittier Blvd. (213) 693-9114 Open Mon.-Sat. ·NillOl1·s Hom' Town-. AlAHE.M ROBERT IlLA. MlC SALES AND SERVo S.les& P.rts BELLFLO'ER M'C SHOP. INC•• 9135 E. Co".,.n Blvd. 12 Blk~ E. 01 L.k....rl1 Bellllow". 92"5093. -We emphaSIze serVIce: Tit., Yan., PAUL'S HARLEY· DAVIDSON 16211 ~ L......d Blvd. B.lln..... Ph. ME 4-1222. Paul L.... Lar.. sete<:. of new & us«! motorcycles. Illte fat mail order parts, new or used. NOI also deMet for SUzuki & H-D. IURlAIII ROEHR BRO~ Inc. (~orls L,f.\ 311 N. V"I0~ Blvd.• Burbft 842-4841 or 849-4921 Nal recogruzed -Sport modo, exduSlVt honl fork deSign. Send $1.00 101 new '68 Cat. Ya, Mon., Hoel, Kawa., MolD GuZZI, MiB, eonirlZa. Mon. & Ffi. 9-9 Tues.-Thurs. 9~. calOGA PARII INTERNATIONAL Il' C CO. 1233 Canog. Ave.• CilllOI' Pam. (213) 346-3700. l00's of used parts. Cyl. ,ebors Til., Villi., Hod., Mo~8eta. CITY OF IIIOUSTRY MOTORCYClE SPECIALnES K ...... Mar",. Sales & SOl. ROlla,. Retlu,lcinl & Speed Tunini- AI.. Hoodo 1ftI'M bJilding & ~eed COCllP. our speCialty. CoIlplete midi. '""'& weldini-I5816 Amar R~. City of InduS!ry. (213) 331HS64. COMPTDI CUSTOM CITY SPORTS CENTER Sales & Sv~ YR•• MlnHlLkes. Tolegates, m.'c (Iallers, cusl acces. see us before you de'!,!", Illy, sell, trade. 15721 S. Atlanbc, r.omplnn, 635-80;)11. JACK SIMMONS Motorcycle sales & Selvlce. Norton, SuZUki, Oucatr, Matchless. Serme 001 specialty-comp~te madline shop, speed tuning & heharc welding. Open 6 days, Tues. - Fn. 9 a.m. - 8 p.m., sal 9 a.m. -5:30 p.m. Closed Sun. & Mon. 15514 So. AtlantIC. Campion. C.Iif. Phone (213) 639-2777. COROIA FLOYD BURK db. CORONA M'C CENTER. W. Honda, TlIllmph, Buttato, RIckman & Hodaka. Cent/ally locat!d fOf.O,ange & RIverside Counties. Open 6 days. Half""'lle N. 01 RiverSide Fwy. 620 N. Main at RIver Ro.~ (714) 135-16110. LONG BEACH TRIUMPH SALES. 624 W. P."", eo"l Hwy., Long Bhch 436-()1S8. -Best se,vlce avaIlable, specIalIZing In llJIe-ups." Tn., Kaw., Marco & Duc. lOS AlGUES HARLEY·DAVIDSON IN LOS ANGELESfR,ch Bud.,,, Co.> 2531 ~ Man 51'''1. LA. RI 9-6235. ·Lari'S! H·D serVIce ald' parts heatkJ,larters In U.s.A.· CaU for pleklCl or aehvery service. MOITEBEllO STEVE HURD MOTORCYCLES - K.w~. 1JoI'. M.tch.. NOI., C,e., Duc., Mon., Hod. Malctlless parIs ,alolt. seMce & palls fOI Yotlal we seU. 1405 Olyt'lp,c Blvd. MooI.b.lo (2131 124-{)466. • HAITHORIE CB IIlTORS - &iltaco sales. Ie svc. all .akes. Ililliers !parts.. Trarl, street 01 sports: we fill tne bill. CIlarl" Hodli. & Bill Thorwal..... 13537 C,."lII•• Blvd.. H.wthorne. Cal. (213) 679-6550. GAROEIIA HONDA OF GARDENA,IS515 S. Weslern Ave., Gardena. Ph: 770....(Wi(l3 a' 323-8314. Belln.pnvate ham. course, free ndrna Inst Come III Of call for fullll'rto. GLUDALE ED KRETZ &SON CYClE SHOP 417 E. Garvey Av~ Mor.terey Park. AT G-8244. TIL, Hon., Malto BIll lad SuL ColIIplel. parts & servo EJpert lII11nl & Work. .ech. Nfl. Co.ti.e.t NCRTH AIlERiCAN III'OR~ M ..,idl Sbocks.ItoJia. ka nMsrstorized I,.ilions, ~ul)nt Alloy Ri.s & Stanless Stltl Spokes. Free tltefature upon ~l P.O. 80,621 Galden Glo... Calit92642.Ph. (714) 534-6390. NEVADA lAS VEGAS PACOIMA SHAW CYCLE SAlES &SERVICE, J.... COZ& Bultaco. CoCIplete sales & sel'. dept Full line of parts & KefS. 1026 S. 1st Sl,las Vegas, Nev. 1 b1k. E. of Main. Ph. (702) 382·'282. POMORA WASHINGTON HARLEY-DAVIDSON OF POMONA-1241 W. Hollillvd. Phon. '213\ 332-G616 or 17141 622-54\7. Au~ollz" Halley-Dav,dson dlr. lor Pomona. Full line of parts & acce~ Qualify selvlce tn a fUlly equlpl serVIce depl RIVERSIDE SKIP FDRUYCE MOTORCYCLE CENTER. •••·ve !>een told Irs one of Amellca's most complele and modern facllllres". Shop the Big Store and SAVE where Itte bargains are. In the 1III000e of Main Street at 14~. R, ....d.17I4\ 684-4741. SAil BERHARDIIIO THE TWO WHEELER - TrIumph, SuZUki, Bultaco. Home of Chanplons. Full parts. service and Access. One block west 01 Inland Cenler, 861 W. Colton 'Ave., San Bernard1l'lo. Phone TU 5-3445. If your business isn't here, It might as well not be there! ...Iet's let m Call (213) 42H1431 get listed! w, d SAlTA AlA ROY'S Me SHOP. 12JGl "'es Instel, santa Ana. lange County's oldest establrshed Honda dealef.HonlU, Tllumph-, KawasakI. 71..; 531-{17J2. ORANGE COUNTY CVCLE-Qra'lge CXILWlIy'S most complete YamoVla and Bultaco celllel. Complele pailS and selVlce all malles. 205 N. Ha,bor Blvd., sanla Ana, Cal. Phone (JIJ\ 531-9ClSJ or 531-9303 under new owne,. Stllp.. Drop In ilia see Bob Maynard. .lliLEIOOD IRV SEAVER M'C - BSA. BljW. SuZllk'. Ossa. CuShman hucks. 2402 N. IAaln, Sanla Ana. t71J' 5.:2-869L HARLEY' OAVI DSON OF INGLEYIlJOO 901 N. L.B,.. Blvd. AuthollZed H'"O dealer lor Inglewood area. Specla" IZlng In Road 'ldelS access. & parts for all models. Full eQlupped service dept. With facl. lIained mechs. Open Tues.·Sat. 8-6. 671·7609. KOLBE CYCLE SHOP 22420 Del V.lle.loodlillld HII1~ 018-7865. BSA, HlIJ1da, BuIOO. HodelIa & MI.1. E'II•• Corrr!>leIe parts & "I~ce depL CASEY'S CYCLE REPAIR - BSA - Bu\.. Hodall•• s~ 101 most Compl. machIne shop. ()Pen lues. lhlu sal 9-6. 10249 san Fernando Rd., PacoIma. 896-10.:6. HONDA OF GLENDALE "Whele )'Oc meet the nIcest prople: Lar,. slock 01 paris. Flnesl mech. and COIiIleous pelsonnel. Also Kawa. & EIt1W. Stlle ViCluld like 10 llleet you al905 E. Colorado SL In Glendale. Ilist across 1I0Il Bob's B'I Boy. 1n31246-2461. Inten.Heel CRO'ELL CYCLE SHOP, 10421 p""" A.... Inll...... Cal. Ph. 673-SS62. Ds...-Ho~ &Bur\~j.Complete parts & ter.le: all mahs. Open 6 days WOOOLAlO HilLS MOIlTEREY PARII CULYER CITY TED EVANS Moto,cycle Sales and servIce. Complete hne 01 accessotles lor TIlU~h, Yamaha and Bullaco. Slleet and ~e!d luning alit specially. Open lJally 9 b 5. SaL 8 10 ~}IOsed Sun. &Mon. 1J347 W. '"',,nllOn Blv~ r213' ...-3406. WHiniER SIl EIIIAI OAKS BUD E~INS MCs In Sl'e,man OakS, THumpn-HonoaJawa - C·2 - Eso -Hodaka- RIGmanlAehsse- Cheney. oPen Tues. througn Sat. 10:00 an-1:00 pm, closed Sun. ana Monday, U Ventula Blvtl.• $belman Oalls, Cal. '213\ ;68-1251 or ,213' R72-2II0. TEMPLE CITY MOTO BETA & SACHS lor Ih. Sou~ B.y ''''. Inll.. .... Kart SIIop-I307 N. L.Bre..lngl'Wllod-618-6811. 2·cycle moclllcatioos. heti·arc weldin&. mlnl·blke and CO karts. sales & servIce. Complete entrne work. OPer1 HONOA OF TEMPLE CITY. 9228 E.Las Tunas. T.mpl• City. AT 7·5949. Han. & Hod ror Norlheast Olea. Parts galole and service too. Tues.-Sat. HOCKIES MOTORCYCLES - S.les & SVC. 22025 S. F.gueloa St, TOHance. HarbJr rwy. - Carson SI. lum011.• 2131 328-12J2. Gre., Yankee, Ossa, Hod. Also used bIkes. Best parts supply 10 town. We service 't'otIal we sell. Complete mach. sOap - EIl.Il. lunlOR & mech. work. HOllrs: 10-1. Closed Sun. & Mon. BUDSCHAT MOTORCYCLES - Trailbik. H.IlIlquIJl.JS, Duc., Hod., Molo Guzzi, Norton. Parts - Acees. - Setvice. Nol1tlwest's largest stock of parts. Mall order ",vi",. Open week days 11Hi:30 SaL IIH:IIO. 17002 AuIOl' A Se.III•• '.1II. 98133. Ph. (206) L16·2070. .... IA/('s & PAITS JIM'S CYCLE SHOP 'Used paris Hdq. '" ~. WesL' We blJy and sell used motorcycle parIS, cusL tanks and wheels. Chrome elcho Used M'C's. S"ales and Repans. Ballelles and IIres. 15 yeals same locallon. 11155 Allillll" Ave.• LynWllo•. NE 2-4298. INSURANCE ',HE IoIOTORCYCLE INSURANCE .RlTER" "nee 1937. FIle, thefl, compo P.O. & B.I. IndIVIdual molD" cycle msurance and Dealer InSUlance. JOHN MAYNARD ~j':~m~E, 3441 Molor Ave., Los Anaeles, Calif. LEATHER APPAIEl CUSTOM MADE motofcyde appareL NUllber manlts, allmhCWls and Zlppels replaced. Crance Amberg, ABC Cuslom Leathers, 9S~ S. Atlanll c Ave., South Gale, C.I,1. 90280. Phone: 1213\ 164-1150. OI/en 8 u. 10 4:30 p.m. Mon. thru FIl. By ~olntment only saturday. Eveung appomlments avitllable. SEiVICES For cu.lDm work, weldlne. lPeclal Installallons, pIlntlne 1l1li otIler MOM.MII . .rvle. ., u.. tile bu.lo.... .. 1I ••d here: BROWN FAIRING OJMPANY - Speaaltzlng In Cusbra F3Inng~ Tanks, ald seats. J.O. Blown, 1l}41 Palomar Way. Sillltl An•• C.II1. 92105.17141 633-1621. Clrs~m repaIr on all flbelglass components. JACK O'BRIEN PAINTlNG.•• ClrsL lilllk &h.lmerp."L fiberglass WlOlk, cornpl. w'eck leblnld, vCleel lac,ng & 10lk slf3lfllenln&. IHe hardenlOi- Free PldtJrp and dehYery to dealers. Isgq santa MonIca, sanla MOnica, 451-4317 Open 6 days 8-6. STEEN'S Inc. 1635 W. Valley Btvd., Alhambra. HI· Pelformance Hodaka ServICe: FOlks extended to 5-tnch travel, 90cc cases bored fOI 100cc cyhndel, 90ce cases machined lor 5-speed cogs, borl ng and porllng. Complete Cellam suspensIon parts and se'Vloe. 8:30-5:30 Mon.Fir .• 8:30-2:00 Sat. 1213\ 289-4351. TORRAIICE ONE STOP CYCLE .SHOPPING - AuthOrized ~,. Jor Han., TrI., Gre., BMW. Sates, Svc. palts & Ins. Bill 1<,3tJse Honda-TrIUmph, 1257 S. LaBrea Blvd., Inglewood. 618-5035. "The M'C Dept. SIore: SEATTLE Sliop Cycle News Advertise e ts ••• for the lIest. street scramblers are the lastest thing to tltilate our modish Pepsi Generation, that Is if you pay attention to the big four-color ads. Facts and figures tossed Impressivelyaround by the industry headS further convince us that we are lucky. How many of us wonder what a street scrambler really is? Or do we, unhappily, already know. Old TImers(read pre-Japanese) will have their own opinIon. There was a time when racing bikes were ridden to the track. They still are in some parts of the world. Some even had a girl and a lunch on the pl1l1on pad (remember that?), But then maybe these weren't tracks. Certainly not sophisticated "cycle parks" like we have now. Or maybe the bikes weren't racers either. They certainly weren't the high strung, tempermental, pampered, expensive and super-efficient bombs we have today. Wonder If those oldies weren't as much fun? The latest unlikely street scrambler being prepared currently by unlikely Torsten Hallman is from Husqvarna.. This one has two, count'em, engines for double your pleasure in case you need MORE horsepower. Possibly Hallman can use the extra power but how many others can? And make no miStake, th1s street scrambler has snch an excellent chasSis UDder it some could easily end up on the mota-cross course. Nowonder Hallman is trying to retire. TV Series The very important winter television series of races by the BBC in England ts pow over. Because of its impact on the home market these events were as hotly contested as the world championships, Works teams from BSA, Greeves, CZ, Husqyarna, AJS, OssaandRlckman/ Matisse were all present. Big John Banks, 14 stone (nearly 200 pounds to you), clinched the 75llcc Grandstand Trophy, Banks Is the BSA hopeful to replace Jeff Smith and was runner-up in last year's GP 500 class. Smith ftnished fourth behind another BSA and a big Greeves Griffon. The 250 Trophy fell to Husqvarna. (Alan Clough) alter a tremendous tussle with the new AJS machine ridden by Malcom Davis, they were level pegging the entire series until the final event when a poor grade gasollne caused the AJay to stick. Greeves' new Griffons finished third and fourth with Bryan Wade fourth alter competing in only half the events due to racing here this winter. Castrol 4 s ·Modest Rewud" /SIJODSOrship Is a touchy thing, always, and rather scarce in th1s country. In Europe oll and petroleum companies often sponsor races and riders. castrol, the Engllsh oll people, have diverted some impressive amounts of money back into motorcycles. Latest is what they call the "Castro! Motor Cycle Design A ward" and it goes, each year. to the individual or group that makes the most significant contribution to safety, comfort or performance in British motorcycle design. Not bad, eh? A 2,400 dollar chunk of change. A "modest _y of rewarding," comments the castrol Group modestly. Not only that but they have dumped an undisclosed amount into the Read/Weslake concern, with no strings attached. This Is inteoded to helP get the Harry Weslake-engined Metlsse on the tracks. World Champion Phil Read has joined forces and will campaign the machine and sort out bugs. The engine Is all new, a twin overhead came with eight valves. Since it is all new and untried one might think th1s was a risky investment for Castrol. The rationaliZation must be patriotic, Would that America. could afford such patriots, other than in Mllwaukee.

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