Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1969 04 22

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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lean Eacle 5" patch. It will also pat 7llIl the Informattoo ma.l11JIc list to receive the latest bulletins as to bow everyooe is doing. 00 TV Tripe ""By Bill:Blakeslee fOil AID- f r .sl '!be Mootesa effort with ROIl NeisOll and JolIn DeSoto campaigning jn Eurgpe !Ills P\!eIl b1rth to a DOn-prof1t orpnizat1:oo, cal1"Amerlcan~otocross Tam". Doaatioos Jlre accepted- and recorded, tbe boola; are gpen to skeptics. U's ~ by Kim K1mball, Dan Gurney aDd Joe l1ar1dlurst. 'l"be JU:ogram, orlgiDa1ly designed to be1p Ron aDd JolIn, wUl now be expanded. The purpose 15 .to be1p American riders abroad. ~ informatl:on they gather alone w1ll be a valuable assistance to prospective travelers but 1£ tbe money keeps coming In it w1ll also be a jp"eat be1p. Make of macbine is nut Important, just be1Dg .a good American rider doing a good job and needing belP wUl get .the American Motocross Team behind you. Patches are being embro1dered now. A 11ve dollar donation wUl bring your ~ed wbite -and-blue- compiete- with- Amer- Count your blessing if you missed the recent stare-box drama called .. Aloag came BrQl1SOll". Seems tbe modern trend of heavy tb1Dkers .has spread .to tbe motorcycle. Young Bronson, fed up with .the rat .rac.e. takes hts late suicided frtend's $2,000.00 Sportster to go wandering to deterntlne the.meaning of tbi.nCS. lUding tbrouch tbe surf, ct:allI1tnC In .the.sand, and kicld.Dg In door pue1s 011 moring autos doesn't proride those aJI51i!I!I"S but it does turn1sh a beautiful (aatcher'ly) prl. She joins (natcherly), because sIlealso is se.ekIng understanding and the first thing they come upon is a hlllc1lmb jn prQCI:eSS. He (natcherly) wins with a macblne that magically turns Into a C Z, whicb I suppose 15 better suited than the Sportster. DuDking everything and evel ybody Into a river and wallowing In the mud to recover that two thousand buck beaut;y begins to shed the 1.ICbt. Full ~eBlizat1oo comes after .a 1iery crasb into soDle mlschieveous cans of gasoline placed in _nmea tile I'C*1 tor them. Now Ufe's are clear aDd we get a mercitul fIIdeoat. Real mercy will come oaly.1ftbtsdoesn't develop Into a series. it's not for me to say wbetber our public !JnlIlre w1ll beDefU from tbts tripe or not. I ooly know I was enraged by the f1ipput geoeralitles to which we as a jp"DUP were subjected. If TVlaDd cannot lind &Il)"tbInc.abont us that 15 wbolesome and hmest I wisb they would leave us alooe. But tbe money tree must be watered, .and tbey're all the stock scenarios inciuding tbe required number of mInorlt;y crOUPS and we1rdoes to do the job. ODe can ooly hope that some of the other planned mewtes will be a lItI:1e more Idnd. Ji'lip Flop ODe ~ tile joys of writing a column like this is reading It after the editor .edits it. The other 15 baTing to suck IacI< your own words, .atter your subject reverses himself. Good example. 'Ibis column repOrted that Torsten Hallman would pn tbe Spanish G.P. a miss because of the jinx that anyone who wins it will not win the tlUe. Now Hallman 1nust swallow that as Husqvarna have "adYtsed" him to ride it. And, even better, to win It. Not to worry tboueh, as this seems to be the nature of things. Especially In motorcycles, we can see trends that reverse themselves and complete the entire circle back where they started. At the J'IICtlS If ••• i8lIil!lf wtns - . n l um. ~ than hts !DR,.,d. becomes Tbe Bot Set Up. Take 21" troIIt wIIee1s- two ,ears : aco you couldn't etve themaWll3',_YOU a.. can't f1Ild one for sale. Others we are wttnessing are the d1s- U) appearing TT l:Jpe tracks and the bloomIng rDUCh moIocr08S C0urR8, the _ ~ sw1tcb frOlll!arge INICht_ to lItI:1e _ , lal and DOW tbe tJec1nnIDg ~ tbe trtlllll back -J up the scale. ~ TrVlb!kes DOW coostitute the bigest t.> class In.racillg. There ar.e only a few trallb1kes 1nteDded for real racing. 1bts too 15 cbanglng, drastically. Wben the Internationals passed through here they were impressed by the sbow of 11ttJe bikes. Being professioDRls tbey aren't slow to get tbe messaee. Joel Robert 15 doing sometb1DC about It now. First thing he got next to frame spec1aUst Jim Lee In England. From Austria comes a toUCb lItUe engine that gets a lSDT treatment IDcludlag six speeds. Together they came up wttb a real racer In a 125cc size. It goes without saying wbat its reception w1ll be In the U.s., but l!'\'I!D In Europe there is the beginning of a lucratl:ft market .for little bikes now. Joel has reserved the first 50 machines to takie back to Belgium with him. With a price, in 'England, guessed at about $550.00 tbts will be the next Hot Set Up guaranteed. Wait and see, If it all comes off Joel wUl be riding ooe here next year 00 hts tour• t (Co.ntinued on page 24) • Metric Nuts, Bolts and Loclmu.ts • High Strea~ AlRCRAF'l' quality Grade 8 Bolts • Metric Allen Head Bolts • Exhaust Systems OR All the Fiberglass and Almninum Sea.ts, Fairings, Tanks, Etc••• • • New and Used Competition Motorcycles We BUILD and REBUILD ALL TYPES OF MOTORCYCLES and nave a large stock of Road racing and treet Equipment available. ow - April 24-27 -B>' 14. O%ford NoYice CIMck Sell1l . . . . It 1$0"1. Ii". SAN JOSE, CALIF. April 6 - Cbarl1e HaJnes' Halls Rancb and tile campbell M.C. put 00 .the most beautUul Easter "Parade In~ caI1tornla. It was tbejlUada of ~cles aDd 1500 spectators tbrOUCb the ankle d~ tra1ls of raID aDd IIIDd to experience tile secrets of speed IlII tbe 7G-degree angle, 240 foot See'e at SADDLE ACI Pili! no btll. It bad ra.Ined for a week before tbe climb so tile b1ll was like quicksand. Tb1s didn't leave mucb tract100, but Leoaard G8rcla made it over the top In 8:46 ll8COIIdS in tbe 200 Norice. otbers ___'t so ~.' Bikes ~ tbroUlb tbe air lIP1n outs tmlI1 before leaving tbe pits. 'l'he Pootes could care less wbat tbe clllld1tioos are, the ~.ouPer tbe be.tter. Albert came over with 1st on a 6: 82 In tbe 250 expert. The Bakersfield Boys just didn'tseem to know how to wallow .in the mud. Mel Cunha, Rodger Voyles and Junior Catlett did carry trophies home from the Bunny's basket. The star of tbe day was Daniel Mc Nabb, not tbelightlng F.rank Durso and hts BSA. 'McNabb not only nabbed 2nd in the 650 nonce with a 6: 02 but bad top time of the day in the OPeD event with a 5:90. The Triumphs seem to be taking over. Don Cody, first In the 650amateurand Tom Elsa, 650 novice, seem to be tearing them up with their Triumphs this season too. A new rider, Red Nickelson, isn't doing too bad for a beginner - on a Harley Sportster no less. (Results on page 20) I TrojaD Flat Tract 1st carl SkDY AIII'II 20 - ACA MDtlenss; SCTA Rilling School April 21- SltItII.1Ck 5cmUIes Ma, • - CUC $III'iIg . . . . .s 11II, 11- iai-Bib IIIet; SCTA Rillilg Schill I.e'e. ' ••rseff If SADDJ.IIACr rA11l Open 9·5 daily, exceptTuesday .and Wednesday s raehr"";'VAN TECH ...... :;::::;JOO'(6)"" Trai's Acres of fun Box 2455, Orange Cal. 714/639-5832 ..

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