Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1969 04 22

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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/")0, /I, US meG, e Jj k' l(, {~~ Bomb ·~'I. ~ Gaeli,~ .... .... 1 1 J. , • '\ JllIfI!r I" \ H" Experts and be1d it all the way to take the three 15-mUe loops In fifty fiat. The Easter Sunday race was held two miles north of the HI Vista store. These races are held the first Sunday of each month, with a new course each time • ThIs course was a real blast, clean up and down trails, a short sand wash and a fast fire road. It was fun and safe. The banner was dropped at 1:00 p.m. and Holladay bad the lead. Dick Camp #22x on a 250Cc Bultaco was second and Jerry Perkins #963x on a 250Cc Yamaha was third. All classes were run together. (~,are ~r~ ~. '1 / Scrambles Jack Morgan #1 trail bike rider on a Hodaka and Jeff Wright #15 on a SS Hodaka were dueling It out for top trall bike spot, running tenth overall. Earlier In the morning they ran 1-2 at the Deadman's Point race with Morgan taking the flag by 30 seconds over Wright, and renewed the duel In the afternoon. As the laps progressed the three leaders stayed close together and in the same order with Holladay taking the win with only a fifty foot lead over Camp, taking first 250, followed closely by Perkins, taking second 250. Steve Kirk Tecltnica'ifeze To avoid frustration when replacing handlegrips, don't put your hand on the grip at all. Instead curve your rmgers, and pulling away from the center of the bars, apply preasure only to the flaired end of the grip. It works like a japanese rmger trap. Upon replacement, reverse the process and push on the closed end of the grip. If you're not particularly concerned with saving the old grip, grab a penknife and Submitted by Mike Quiggly, St. Louis, Mo. by DIck Wright HI VISTA, Calif. April 6,1969- Young Steve Holladay #10 on a 360Cc Husky, grabbed the lead from a good group of Meet The Riders By Bill Harme, #2 on a 360 Montesa moved up froJ:!l dead last to fourth, to take the second 500cc spot. Jack Morgan won the tran Learn Why visit booths 2& & 21 . Cy~le World Show -April 24 ·27 Steve Holladay, Husky, lst ove,all. bike class for the second time that day, finishing seventh overall. Jeff Wright was second trall bike, finishing tenth overall. Gaetz puts on a fine run every month with an average of a hundred riders, and being a new course every time the traIl dOesn't get real chewed UP and the old timers don't have an advantage over the newcomers. A lot of the riders hit the Ponderosa course In the morning and still have time to make the 1:00 p.m. start at HI Vista. Forty percent of the gate goes to trophies and everyone had a good time with time still left to go home and look for Easter eggs. (Results on page 20) The President of' the California Moto-Sport Club, STU PETERS of Hollywood, California has been a motorcycle enthusiast for most of his life and has been racing motocross since 1955, bolli in the United States and in Europe. No longer active In competition riding, he now concentrates his enthusiasm on promoting sporting events with his friend Kelvin Franks. Race promoting is more of a hobby than a vocation with Stu, and It is not very profitable, so to provide for his wife Marina and his little daughter sandra, Stu works In aerospace as a production coo r din a tor for Fansteel Corp. An enthusiastic and energetic racing devotee, Stu Is a good organizer and any motorcycle event that he Is associated with is pre des tI ned to success. By Clara Gutierrez Amateur Rider #"18K Is JOHN (Speed) GRANT of Rio Linda, Calif. John is a student at Rio Linda High School; a point of interest just for the record, John made the Honor-Roll at his school this semester. He Is 16 years Old, 5 ft. 6 inches tall, weighing 150 pounds. John rides a Moto Beta, under the colors of C&R Cycle World. John gives all the credit for the performance of his machine to his father ex-racer Earl Grant. Although John has only been racing for only eight months, he has brought home 35 trophies. This boy has to be good, due to the fact, that not only Is his father an ex-racer, but his mother is also an ex-racer #4U. Alice (Rusty) Grant. Now we know why John won the High-Point Trophy in his class last year at Sacramento National Raceway. John's hob b i e s are motorcycles, swimming and hunting. John's favorite track is the flat track In Chico, California. John says he plans a professional career, the minute he turns 18. He can hardly wait to try his first professional half-mife fiat track race. COOLEY'S COLUMN By Wes Cooley American M.C. Hare Scrambles Apri I 6, 1969 Trailbike Class 1st Jack Morgan - Hodaka 2nd Jeff Wri ght - Hodaka Deadmans Point Hare Scrambles Apri I 6, '1969 Trailbike Class 1st Jack Mor9an - Hodaka 2nd Jeff Wri ght - l:Iodaka For a firsf--hand demonstration of HODAKABILlTY, visit your nearest dealer for a FREE test ride. ............................................................................. -. : eN and .... your booklet. "Th. Hodoko Stor.,. ... : 1'", .ndosine 25c 1o CO"., posto. . and handlin,_ : oftle __ .. ~ S"eef . : C;1y .-J'.. . . --,...CO ~.I....... HO!)'''' HOIl'''' HOIl'''' HOI"'" . . . •.......................................... for the dealer _ _ 'R.~ neorestyou,write: . .........•........ .. : State............. = HO!),,,, . _............ lip P.O. lOX 3Z7 A1'MBtA. OIIOON 91813 HOIl'''' HOIl'''' HOIl'''' We recently had the opportunity to have a discussion with Mr. Edison Dye, Distributor for Husqvarna In the Ullited States. As many of you know, earlier this year Russ Darnell, one of the local Southern California champion dirt riders and an excellent motocross rider, went to Europe to compete in motocross events. What we didn't know was that Russ was sent to Europe under the sponsorship of Dye and Husqvarna. Russ has been riding in England for several months In the national events. After leaving England, we understand he will go to the Husqvarna factory In Sweden and spend one month in their Racing Dlvtsion learning all the technical techniques to make the Husky internationally competitive. Also we understand the Husqvarna factory will spend part of the time teachIng Russ everything they possibly can to Improve his motocross ablllty. He will then be sent to compete In some motocross events throughout Europe for the remainder of the 1969 motocross season. We're certainly happy to see thatRuss had been given this opportunity, especially since he was our 1968 ACA 250Cc motocross champion. We will be interested to see how Russ does In Europe on his Husqvarna and how well he does when he returns to compete in the inter-Am motocross series the latter part of this year against some of the U.S. motocross champions. It should be interesting to see how much Improvement Russ has achieved through the training he Is receiving as well as the exposure and experience. I think this will be an Important factor in the decision of other manufacturers to send some of the top motocross riders from this country to compete in Europe, and then return to ride in the United States motocross series. I feel'we are coming into an era which might show quite a change in professional motorcycling in the United States. It looks as though we will see a gradual change toward a great many more professional events being held in motocross, possibly other than the Inter-Am series, with perllaps a national professional motocross calendar.

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