Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1969 04 22

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Honda Wins .Nat'l Championship Enduro Micl>ipn's .leek MeLlI.. _ .u smi. . .tier *'-ti", his old riYIII John Penton for tho! overall win. ' By Paul Cosner WHITING. N.J., M.r. 3O-TM South Jersey Enduro Riden ...... th. big boys CTY uncle on tlMtir very fint try. Nick_ _ tho! '~ stripers" for tlMtir dislincti.. r'Ild _ whi1ll jeowys, tho! club, under tho! WftChfuI eye of PresidIInt Ben TrimbIoo, ...... tho! 1st ~n"" Nm...... "Curly F""," Enduro • howli", succea. And that's just what the majority of entrants were doing. Howling, that is. "Impossible, "unbelievable," "sheer murder," uabsolute tortuJe," ·'madness." And those were just the printable descriptions. (After an boys, this is a family publication.) But to the everlasting credit of Trimble and the SJER, the riders, ahnost to a man, voiced the opinion that the "Curly Fern" was the most well-organized, challenging enduro they had ever ridden. U MORE FOR THE MONEY Trimble, who layed out the course, said, "A lot of riders were complaining that the ''Sandy Lane" National Enduro was so easy that it offered no real challenge. So we decided to make the "Curly Fern" a little more difficult." And they did! Qu.t of 333 starters, only 115 finished, and many of those were over an hour late. For those people who think of New Jersey as part of the "Eastern Colrider," the area around Whiting would be a revelation. Compared with the oler~wded masses and the usual pollution-spewing industry that typif"Jes most areas along the Eastern seaboard, Whiting's 500 inhabitants are living in bleak desolation. PINE&SAND The are.. known as the Jersey Pine Barrens, stretches for 100 square miles .through southern New Jersey, and is the most uninhabited SPOt on the East Coast. Those few hardy types who do make their homes in the area are called uPineys" in deference to the 20 foot scrub pines that dominate the landscape. The club has a rule that members should not ride alone in the area. If a rider should fall and injure himself he would be out of luck. He might even starve to death before the rattlesnakes got him. The rust rider was flagged off at 9:00 a.m. from the Whiting Fire Station. He was scheduled to wind his way over the 95iUi1e, 8 check point course by 1:00 p.m. This proved a bit optimistic, since it had rained the night before, slowing the pace considerably, especially since there were no paved road sections. Part of the route was over old stage coach lrails used by tourists on their way to the Jeney Coast to escape the oppressive Summer heat in Philadelphia and other inland cities. Many of the old route markers were stiI1 visible. - BAIRD RETIRED? A couple of familiar faces were absent from the Start. Bill Baird, National Champ, sent a letter of regret, even though he had pl"tH'ntered. Baird, who pl-.l 3rd in tha 500A CI_ at the - . at Stone 0_ Mountain, is PI8gued with old k... injurias ano_ enduro. John Buffaloe, who won Overall at Stone Mountain was also a non-starter. _ said he may _ ricIa t RESUL TS GRAND CHAMPION-Jack McLain, Port Huron, Mich., ·(Hon) 988 points. Trimble Trophy (High Point District 6 rider) Earl Gu1Iestad, Belmar, NJ. (Tri). Soon ef18r tho! lIB _P John Penton w. eonwinced that tM Sou1h Jeney Endure Riders w.... out to do him in. w. Talk about aq.....teni"" Hugh Malone's Penton lifts it's front _ .. tho! beck dr_ into th_ f8et of wet eonc:rwta. Below that ..... w• • solid bottom. Tha trick to ~ mewing. 0-125cc Class A: l-Doug Wilford, Amherst, 0., (pen) 930; 2-Robert Brooks, Lansing, Mich., (pen) 905; 3-Bud Green, Columbus, 0., (pen) 901. 0-125cc Class B: l-Tom Wendt, NoIristown, Pa., (pen) 874; 2-Pat Myer, Baltimore, Md., (Yam) 829; 3-earl HetzeU, Smyrna, Delaware, (Yam) 816. 126-250cc Class A: I-Bob Fusan, Glenshaw, Pa., (Yam) 971; 2-Buck Walsworth, Valparaiso, Ind. (Yam); 3-8ieg Langer, Macedon, N.Y., (Yam) 957. 126-25Occ Class B: 1-Ed Brougher, Euclid, Ohio, (BuI) 922; 2-Tom Jiare, Crystal Leke, m., (Yam) 877; 3--Robert Robinson, Union Lalce, Mich., (Yam) 875. 251-500cc Class A: I-John Penlon, Amherst, 0., (Hus) 968; 2-WiUiam Osled:amp, Gary, Ind., (BuI) 968; 3--EarI GaIIIItad, Belmar, NJ., (Tri) 950. 251-500cc Class B: I-Jim FOlie, Columbu., 0., (Hus) 935; 2-Paul Rink, BeaYeIdam, Va., (BSA) 827; 3-Doo Moody, Beer, Delaware, (Tri) 802. SOl-Open Class A: I-Robert Stapleford, St. Geo:rges, Delaware, (Tri) 6th check; 2-Dan Vandriel, Belford, N.Y., (Tri) 5th check; 3-Dave Barnes, Courtland, N.Y., (BSA) 3rd check. SOl-Open Class B: Howard Kohler, Hamburg, Pa. (TIi) 6th check. Sr. Class: I-Ed Cau55DWI, Cristiana, P.a., (Yam) 787; 2-8a1 Scirpo, Hartford, Conn., (H-D) 6th check; 3-W1Iliam Go.. Sr., Newlisbon, N.Y., (Sac) 6th check. Best Club-16 riders-Back Mountain Enduro Riden, Noxen, Pa. Best Tam: Central Jersey Competition Riden: Bitter, Gullestad, Height. Add more FUN and II your cycling " AROS builds sturdy and attractive C\lOLE TRAILERS " Prices range from $144.00 II $199.00 for up to four bi kes, ~LL For Information .nd brochu.. write 0' un AROS .eldlne & • •"'.cUlne, 37' No. J"""son AYe.. EI Cajon, C.llfoml. '2020 442-4600 invnediate delivery 1970 is here" anil Montesa will prove It at the show. .... tile first time you'll see tile NEW 175 CAPPRA GP 5 speed NEW 250 CAPPRA GP 5 speed Moto-Cross NEW 250 CAPPRA GP 5 speed Desert NEW 360 CAPPRA GP Moto-Cross NEW 360 CAPPRA GP Desert AND the 247 COTA Trials visit booth # T, 8 and 9 ~\VA and say hi. onttia

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