Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1969 03 04

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Littl, P.opl, G,t II Th,r. by Barbara Adams Dahms F.......nd . . . . . . __ 5lI!lo or .. total 225 Intrll•• - ilh T • esl A Lylle Cree I RIALTO, ca11f., Feb. 16 - Over 200 riders, 50% ot whom were entered as fatber and son teams, competed for tropbIes In the Lytle Creek Enduro, sponsored by the Crestline M.C. and Rialto Junior Chamber of Commerce. Rialto was the scene of two neckbreaker tragedies In less than a year and 50 tile Idea of an easy, fun- run type of enduro was developed as a way of providIng organized trail riding tor tile area's burgeoning young bike population. Although the approximately 50-mile course contained no "Impossible" sections or high average speeds, there was plenty of mud and scenery for all tile participants. Finishers arrived covered with well-earned dirt and glory. The few hardcore endurolsts who entered may not bave found the course very challenging, but we applaud the sponsors for putting on a rare "caDdy run" for beginners who like their fun wltllout frustration. The event was held at the Inland Empre safety Association Trials Course In RIalto. ThIs trials course Is also sometiling of a "first". Rialto businessmen wanted to give tbe IUds a place to ride. Using land which Is the property of FontaDa Water and Power Co. - uDder lease to Owl Service Rock Co. and used by their permission; the Jaycees and city and county otf1clals, with the help of loe&1 cyclists set IlP tile course which 15 avallable for use by anyone and for any type of event except speed o:ompetltlon. TIle enduro wasaforty-sIxm1ledouble loop, limed to cover alI types of terrain except large h111s. It included tire roads. sand and water cross1nc. Riders - . able to sign IlP for ODe loop or bo6. AI H1l1an, President of Crestl1ne, BUl UId Cecil Clayton, TIleresa Voct, Betty Smttll and Charlotte WIlllams were those manning chec~ ude1eUl-llP. "Two hundred and twM,y-flve riders entered tile event even tIlough tile rain came down steadily for two days before. I am sure we would bave had more bad the weather tIlen been like lh1s." BUl Clayton said, noting tile perfect _tiler for the actual event. "We feel It was quite successful. We bad cooperation from everyone, tile CHP, Sheriff's Dept,. and the Probation DeP&rtment(tIle COlD'se went lhroUlrb portions of the Verdemont Boys' Ranch, a probation facility:i "We are hoping to make tbisanannal event, and perhaps bave otber types of events here. Meanwhile, don't forcet Crestline's Hare and Hounds in July," he added, "It'll be a mind-blower." amonr 80I' 'ril's $8 by Rob Robb1Ds DOWNEY, Cal. Feb. 9 - 'Ibe first eettoeetber for the Soutllern Ca11fanda MotorcYeltnr Assn. tbis year wu a box soc1a1 at the American Lec10n Hall III Downey. Twenty-two Iwndsomely c:Iecor&-.sbox luncbes were the center of att:ractklII, with some enjoyable &ide Jlcbts to boot. Average price on the lunebe& ran&roaDd $5. However, one generously ~ lunch, bought by Cbarl1e Browa fit tile Pac1f1c Coasters, went for $8. New AMA Payoff By Milo Walz, AMA NoY1ce Alter bArtnr tbe new payoff for races at tbe Feb. 2 TT at Ascot I WOIlder wbat wt1l become of ProfeSlllonal motorcycle rae1Dc? UDder the new ru11Dc 0D1y first tbroucb fourtll places in tbe~t&Ddfirst tIIroucb fourtll places in tbe maiD event wtU pt paid. Is tbis really fair to tile other maiD event riders ttve tbroUlrb ten? I mUllt say I tb1nk tbe new rule Is uafair. In previous years alI tbe riders in tbe maiD at last made sometb1ng for their effort, since t!IeY were tile best for tbe race meet; but you wtU bave to be better than t1ftb to even maile gas money uDder tbe new ruItnr. In my own aston1sbment I ealIed AMA to coattrm tbe new payoff rate. I talked to a member of Tom Clarks staff (Director of Pro Com) and was told the new payoff would be for ail dirt track races for the year of i969, a1so to 1nclude the 100 lap TT in March at Ascot for what I understood on tile pbone with AMA. If I remember correctly there are 33 riders In tile 100 lap TT race and if you are rllllll1Dg in 25!h place on tile 50th lap, are you going to keep on ridIng 50 you can go bome with a worn out motor after 50 more laps or will you pullin the pits to save wbat you bave left? Remember you need a fourtll or better to get paid. A professional rider can tell if be 15 in serious contention for a win or not and as a Dovice myself I make a lot less money than an expert, but my expenses are tile same. A good expert will wear out a new tire within two race meets but if be only got a fourth in his beat and a t1ftb in the maiD will he make enough money to replace that tire 50 he can return next week? A sprint car organization tried tbis same payoff before and It ItOt to tile pOint t!IeY were lucky to pt 15 to 18 ears for a race. They went back to paying everybody a little sometb1nc and now they get 50 to 60. WW tbis same type of situation happen to professional motorcycle rac~? Wbat will tile paytnr public tb1nk if tile riders pull out of a race because tIley are In a "loaded" ~t or main (Van Leeuwen, CoJlPaC&, Romero, etc) because tbey're not In a PlY'1DC IlOlIltion and want to save what tIley bave left of tbelr equipment? WW this new payoff put alot of privately oWDedblkesoutofbusiness? I belleve It will. It's not that you don't want to race on tile pro level, It's that you got a fifth in tile maiD and you drove 450 miles and are going home empty-handed. I think every professional rider who Is in disagreement with tills payoff should write or call AMA and let them know their oplnioo; maybe tile rullng can be changed for the next meeting ot tile competition committee at the end of the year. ~~IR ~ PllAMEKITS and Can. . . CHASSIS to tit pop4.da. . ." Do~"". ~ i:""~~ IEIIl"J • sun:--E far ......·'.10.,· ::==.:::. •• =~:::-:ss~\'~ ~L~:!i!~f;~! ~ ;.1~ .:;:,: ,t. fr": ,:E>.fJ A WIN ING TEAMI Hi-Jinx Motet-Cross 2/2/&9 125cc Class lst Earlloeseler • SACHS Fontana Met..Cross 2/8/&9 125cc senior Class lst G. Sc'.e"e • SACHS Sachs' new 1969 Enduros, K-100 and K-125GS, are successors to the famous Boondocker K-80GS, which won the greatest number of national even1s in the 1967-68 season. Whether your bag is trai li ng, racing, or general fun, check out the new '69 Sachs at your dealer. SYMBOL BURBANK 317 N. Victory Blvd.· Burbank, Calif. 91502 Telephone (213) 849-4921 • 842-4847 lor (SJ QUALITY SACHS Dealer In(JJiries Invited Importer and Western Distributor IS: HERCULES DIST. LTD. 1812 Colorado 51. Santa Monica, CallI. 90404 PH: (213) 451..728 U) t :z: !oJ ..:I ~ U

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