Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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Su nn y Fu n In Ph oe ni x luzzi.s Gooll To ., Hill, BUf Jones Wanfs To fl, Home by Peter White SYDNEY, Austral ia, Feb. 8 - Since b1s acciden t Cbuck Jones bas been transferred to tile Acute Sp1na1 Cl1n1c of the Royal Nortll Shore Hospita l, Sydney. He Is undergo1ni the most spec1al lzed treatment availab le, but his cond1tion 15 still describ ed as .. serious " • . His mother bas nown from Americ a, and lI1le Is witll him for lone bours every day. 1be circums tances are tragic and be certa1n1y needs ber comfor t. Jones, an Americ an speedwa y racer, crashed January 11 after turn1ng away from a fallen rider. Spec1f1cally, be has a crusbed fourtll vertebr ae In his neck. Tb1s bas resulted 10 com pie t e paralys1 5 from tbe neck down. He Is unable to mClft any of his limbs altbough he does have some feelinc. He can, for exampl e, feel bot and cold or _ebod1 lllucb1 ng him. He Is 10 tractiOll on a stiff board and Is llke1Y to remalA tb1s way for anotber twelve weeks before uaytIWl c furt1Ier 15 done or any TIlls Is ....,. Joe.s bit til. w.lI. His nICk struck tile csbll tII.t runs .IODI tb. top. banned, and this edict has not yet been llfted. The crisis ap~1I to have passed, boweve r, as the clot bas setthld out of. harm's way near hie chest. His only otber 10jury Is his r1gllt arm which was blId1Y smube d. Durine an operatiOll he had two plates inserted one above the elbow and ODe ~ tilE' wrist. It is bea11ng well. .. 'lbe doctor 15 del1ghted witll tbe Procr.. ..., Mrs. Jooes said. Apparen tl1 II Cbuck's tb1rd ftrlebr ae had been injUred be WOIIld haft bMII kUled outr1gllt so actaaUr be 15 a ftry lucky man. 1 am told the helmet MIl II crack dowll tbe IIIqDe8tam crown, so hard did be hit tile fIac:e. C1Iuc1t was 27 OIl Feb. 17 and his motller III8de a special tee c r _ cab. No ODe ot1IU' thaD nur-. . . permttt lld to atteDd tbe par1J. 'lbey han ~s of. fl)1DC Jones _k to Ca1l!orlda In late ~U or early . , but !be ellPllDM will be lIIIOI'm ou. A doctor' s ar. Dl&1 haft to be JlI1d .. well. n.y are qui" '-AI, will tbe treatme nt be 15 recetv1DC here, but natural lJ DotIdDI !lata be1nc at lIIIIIDe. Just wileD be will be able to let lIP and about 18 III Ulttrelf d~..t qustlol l. At !be momllllt C1Iuck 15 CClIIv1Deed be will make It, and tbat ta tbe 0IlIJ WT for him to tb1nk In his PAHIlt coadtt1OD. Be bas his depress ed momen ts, but pnerall118 bearine lIP qui" well. A flIDcI has been stIrtI!d . . . . InSJllDe J to asslst Witll costs, and to date $2320 has been realized . dec1stOllll made. He 18 havinc reeuIar pbyslotllerllP7. Unfortlmatel7, about two weeks aco a blood clot develop ed 10 his bod)' and his COlld1t1011 deterlo rat8d. Vlsttor s were CHfcr THf STARr'''G LI"E A DAYTO kIA UII • nat Dll't 2 TIlt ",C« RA CIN G CA STO R Ti., "Ci .(i fi. W, " ,.,~~" IS' RllCiac ClISfW Tllere'5 a Reason. Californian 8a,I all Is AMA Pres A,ail 1433-37 First Street Escalo n, Calif. of WUliam M. Bagnall of Sterra Madre, Callforn ia was re-elec ted Preside nt of tile Americ an Motorc ycle Associa tion (AMA). Trustee s of the 105,000 membe r associa tion, headqu artered In WortlllDgton, Ohio beld tIIe1r annual meeting at the Washington HUton Hotel 10 Wasb1ngton, D.C. on Thursda y, Februa ry 6t11. In addition to Bagnall , elected were: Michae l Bondy of New York City, New York, Vice-Pr esident ; Lawren ce Wise of Pb1ladelPb1a, Pennsylvan1s, secreta ry; Earl Miller of Baltimo re, Marylan d, Treasu rer; Robert Hicks of DlUlvers, Massachusett s, Assista nt Tre&s1ll"er. In addition to tile fin officers , tile Trustee s elected an EllI!Cutive Commi ttee, whicb 10cludes Donald Brown of NuUey, New Jersey, waIter Davidson ol MUwaukee, Wisconsin, Roxy Rockwood of Los Angele s; Callforn la tocomplete tile eight man commit tee. Other action taken by AMA's Trustee s gave a prelimi nary gO-ahead to tile deYelopment of organiz ational structu res at tile district level. Trustee s also voted to submit to the Class B membe rs a propose d By-Law change whicb would have the charter ed clubs in eacb AMA district elect an alternate, as well as a membe r to tile AMA competi tion COIIIJ'ess. The alterna te to sene In tile abseDC8 of tbe elected membe r. Before adjourn1ng, tile Trutee s requeeted that tile chairma n of tbe CompetiUon Coocre ss, W. T. Berry, Jr .. estahl1s h tile Decessa ry special committees to study tile queat10ll of sportsmaD and profess looal riders parttcJp atInc 10 non-san ctioned enots• Tom Rapp - WI_, ACA Moto-Croas 2/16 SOOcc Senior Clns Bob Maynard - 2nd AMA .0~Croas 1961 Point Standlnl s John Maynard - 3rd AM .0t~Croas 1961 Polnt Standlnl s CM ,iols .S 'lJ /1N .". -e< J ~ !~~6~BO~~V·D'E!f!~ - 531~84 (114) Your Moto-Cross Headquarters .AICO - 250 &360(( e YAMAHA DT.J 'IIT OI· JOO & J25(( e IULTACO ·J25, 250 & 360cc complelt line of competition accessories FOR THE BIG MOTOCROSS MACHINES SPECIFY THE MOTOCROSS MODEL AT 132.00 PAIR NOW IN STOCK THE NEW "MAVRI CK" 5-WAY ADJUST ABLE HEAVY OUTY SHOCKS REBUIL OABLE LUSTROUS CHROME S'RING S 12"''' LENGTH CENTER TO CENTER OF EYES ~" TRAVE L PLEASE SPECIFY MOUNT TYPE REQUIR ED EYE AT EACH END OR EYE AND CLeVIS TYPE • pair SPARE SPRINGS $8.00 PAIR Dealer Inquires !'nvited SPRING RATIOS FROM 75t to 12&t In stock SHOCICS COME WITH 95t • STANDA RD COMPLETE ReBUIL D KITS • . 00 EA. we SEALS '1.110 ,"AIR ""'MII llCAli -wam - ,,:0... 12' •- ."If tbe maiD. m Amat8U r-li:llP& rt beat 1be Br1D RoA (Dac) Uld TaIII Ra1ford (BIll) flrst and RCClIId tor lIIne laPa. 8)TOIl BlIa& (Yam) was beet In tIftIl JIIIIee atllp ODe, tb1rd In lap lIIne, RCClIId OIl lip four and laDe abad of. Br1aII a- after tbe jlmp to wID bJ eteIIt ~ The RoA let tbe jaIDp ott tile bile maiD Uld tlIr , closely PIJl'sued ." Boll&, GUlbert, JIm and Tom aaam, ."If RaUoni . Gabber t dJ uPPed out OIl tile SlICODd lap dUI to _ e ma1flIDet1Oll (t2Dbr1 t:1s?). Boaz paulld Roea for . . te.d in . . tb1rd lap. Tbe f1II1sIl had 8lID, ROA and JIm HalfCll'd about twoleac tbs each apart, all tbe rest were away t.cJt. Paul Nteml (BuI) was fIflfI OYerall beh1Dd tile Halford brotber a, and ftrst Amateu r. He ran ahead of Dale sturdevant (Yam) and Larry Desmond (Bul), In that order, 10 both tile beat and malA races. ADDZIP ADDInVES •• By Matt Glover PHOENIX, Ari~., Feb. 9- Another 10Ytll,y Sunday afternoo n. Over 50 bikes on lbe grid board. 125 Novtce and Amateu r to run togethe r, also tile oPen Amateu r and Expert. Friendl y, freckled twelve y-.r old Gary Wells, and dad, are vtstt1nc agatn from Las Vegas. Wells (sri) won botll heat and main in tile 125 Amateu r, followed at a safe distance each time by Bill Cramer (sri). Dick Shuman (Ka"lf) took third over Jobn flW (Hon) In tbe beat, but the maiD was lIliother story witil HtU turn1ng tile tables ~ Dick. . Eleven bikes on the line for tile 250 ovtce races. Bob Ritz (Yam) in cood form today took both tile heat and main. He won tile heat 10 fine fashion, all the way. But, In tile main Pete Wouter s (Yam) kept dlm1n1s111ng the lead and closed lIP tight in the sweepe r of tile f1na1 lap. Bob pulled b1m down tile stra1gllt lID win by four leactbs . All t!lrouIb tile race Pete had his pr0blems sbakiDg ott the ever pAAiD g Gary Wells (sri) wbo took tb1rd. Wells made a poor start in tbe '-to belDc eJcIl1b OIl the ftrst lap. III the maiD be had second spot in the 1n1t1al cln:ult. Ray BI'own (Bul) cot tb1rd in tile - t , and fourth in ......: (7'.) S3U39G Pey Poasge on P..-peid 0rdIn Cellfomill R8IIdent s edd ~ for . . . tax ..... 0.-, dollf. faG . . Mike Hampton (Hon) jumped 1oto the lead at tile start of tile Open Novice and Just ran off from tile pack, winning easilY by more tban tile length of tile straigh t. In tile last lap Ron Ford (Trl) bested Pat Hayes· (Bul) for second. Carl Antilla (BSA) was fourtb. In tile maln ROIl Ford toot the early lead, and held it for three laps. Tben Mike charged ahead 10 til!! esses In tile fourtb, going on to tile checker by ten lengths . Going 1oto the sweepe r on tile last stanza Pat Hayes tucked 10 under Ron Ford, and tIley dragged it out to tIleflai, Pat ahead. Larry Bruner (Nor) ran fourtll all tile way, keeping 10 front of Carl Antilla (BSA). The ()pen Amateu r and Expert beat started witb S11 Modesti (Nor) out front, closely chased by ByrOll Boaz (ElSA) and Jon Sellers (Trl). Lap two bad Boaz 10 tile lead. On tile third go-roun d Boaz went a little wide 1oto the approac h r1gllt bend of tile lett sweepe r, got 1oto tile loose dirt (mud) and Sellers , who had jUst passed Modesti, took the lead. Sellers and Boaz In tile next frame, 10 tile same place, Sellers went 10 too fast and wide, sUpped 10 tile "stuff" and Boaz took OYer, to win. In the main Sellers held first for one lap until Boaz went by on a fast tract. Boaz bad ftfteen lengtbs on Sellers at tile fin15h; and Modest i was another twenty lengths bect 10 third. Fourtll overall , and first Amatelll', John Haviland (Trl) was nenr beaded bJ Carl Antilla (Not) and JIm AtIbott (BSA) 111I0 f1D1sIIed In that order. Two nat track racu were rllD 011 the quartw mue anI, dry and fast. The 250 eveRt was taken bJJ1m HalfCll'd(Yam) oat frOllt all _ laPa. ByrOll Sou (Yam) started third beb1Dd Brlan Roea (Due), mO'led up to secood In tile secood lap,lNt coa1dR't qulte catcb JIm. Lak1D Gabber t (Yam) ran fourtll for two lips and f1n1sbed tbtrd ahelld of. Brlan. 1bls was . . oal1 OIIe of stx rac.. 8Dtwed by Illlu tbat he didll't win. 1be OPeD fiat track was a parade of. Sou (BSA), Sellen ('I'rl) and JIm Abbott (BSA). TIie GraIId F. . . . was a wbee11. CCJDoo lIHt 1IOIl bJ Gary Wen. I01DC doWn . . slnilb t OIl a ToleooOolIt, ~ -Dd'Ic ClIl . . . . . " (aMll1tB OIl pep 16) ••