Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1969 01 28

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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by C&S Publishing Co•• Post Office Box 498. Long Beach, california. also publishers of State Cycle News for the Eastern states. PnllUsber••••• Charles C. ClaytoD Basiae5S - e e L . g,a.... ClaytoD Managinc Editor. Wayne Fle.... etoe Prodtoclioa _Cel'.•Delllli Greene -America's Weekly Motorcycle Newspaper" Assislant Editor ", Lab Technician • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Bill Peltigew Bookkeeper•••••• Susan llbiteJa .. Circulation DePt. • Jenny McDonald Receptionist. •••••• Sandra Purdy Pu blished weekly except th first and last week of the calendar year VOICES OF THE WEST RESPO SE TO It-r.l$!?! True. CYCLE 1'lEWS prtDts it like it is. PerbaPs it's a good tb1Dc ooae d tile more "e1oqueDt" members of tile elemeat were lolerriewed. S1Dce motDrcyc1lDC bas become an all-famil;f sport, and CYCLE NEWS bas assumed aJeadlo reportiDg on its aetivftles, tile paper is I'elId bJ yOUDg persons easily impressed. A WW'd or pbrase appearlJIC 10 prtDt by a puIli1eatkJD d staDd1Dg and JIIlIlgr1t.J is too easUY traDsferred to tile l1st d respectablllty• Pr1Dt it or tell it like it is If it's deceat and wbolesome, but If Yerbatim report1Dg serves Dot the cause d bettermeat, faD back 011 tile ultimate ~ d tile press. EdIt. Yours s1Dcere17 for respcms1ble dissemI_loa d _ , LYNN WINELAND Los ADgeles COIlOIENT: Traly. we were IIOt awre &IIat Cycle News is so IIIUIY' _ _ and dilldreD. Now we lIDo",. We prgUae f-. 110'" lII! 110 live . . 110 . . '"IIew "&e" as a famI.Iy new-ater. read'" THEY MADE IT Many tbanks to tbe Pa sadella Motorcycle Club and to tile riders who participated 10 tbe BoI.1dIIy HelP ,January 5 for tile good sports_ DshlP and be1p1Dg bands t1at assIsted my son and me durlng our fea.rfWed ride 011 our 1955 BSA sideback. Wltbout tbe belp and dedication d JoIm Palfreyman, ace tuner, and Julie WlUlDgbam, chief pit stewardess we would bPe neYer survlftd. It was a great racef FRANK DANIELSEN JR." SR. Los Angeles, caI1f. J.C. 1 DASCOT IIlNlGEilEIT I was privileged to bave seeD tile ClYde Lltcb Benefit T.T. on New Year's 017. It was beart war~ to see bow tile molorcycle fraterD1ty will respond wber1 one d "tIIe1r own" aeeds 8sststance. It was grat1ty1Dg 1ndeed to see tile Cycle News Staffers, AMA Qmc1als, Roll;)' and all the others lnYo1vedpnton such a great sbow and for sncb a wortby cause - and knowtng tbat all bands were giv1Dg freely tIIe1r time and effort.. The ooly bllgbt oa an otherwise dellg1Itful afternoon came wilen tile little man iD tbe white coat came rUllD1Dg up to me, as I parked my bike, on arrivlng at the track and lnformed me t1at bike park1Dg was 75~. WbeD I told b1m tbat the bike parklng fee bad been el1m1Dated, be said tbat it was oa NOW - TODAY. Tbis, understandably, led to quite a discussion.. As tb1s d1scnss1on was underwaY, tllree riders, wbeD asked for 75~ by tile l1t1le man, just turD!!d, and wUhout a word, rode at!. When Don Basile (J.C.'s right-band man) was f1Dally contacted and lnformed d tbe 75~ bike parklng cbarge,beturDed about two sbades 01. white, cracked b1s little bike into low gear and took immediate and dec1s1ve actioa. Needless tosay, the 75~ b1led tile best elements of both the l1beral and conservative viewpolnts toward !be aeeds d the state. His loss will be keenly felt for a long time to come. We, as motorcycle people, remember b1m best for stopplng the helmet bill in its tracks 10 1967. His was tile very last committee tile bill bad to pass to become tile Jaw d caI1fornta. After _ explalned OlD' objeCtloas to compulsory be1mets be understood and agreed willl lIS. At tile '-ring A5semb17maD Foran explained witb great solemnity tbat the Federal GoverDment would withhold highway funds If tbe belmet bill were not passed, empbaslz1ng the great money loss t1at California would suffer. "Do you mean to tell me," Cbalrman MWer demanded 10 his gravelly voice, "tbat if we clOD' t make these people wear be1mets, the Federal Governmeat is going to take forty mUliOll dollars away from callforn1a?" "'Ibat's correct." Mr. Foran replied, smiling••.believing be bad made a major point 10 his battle. "Tben let them go bangl" M1ller tbundered back.. "We cIOD't Deed their money." Later 10 the bearing be suggested with a w1nk, ''l4aybe _ sbouldjustprlnt a warning oa the side of every motorcycle - Cautioa: Motorcycle r1d1ng may be bazardous to your bealth." When Foran tried to brlDg the bill llP for reconsideration, hoping to sneak U tllrough witbout opposition, Senator MUler caJled to advise us 01. the plot. "You'd better be bere, be's going to try agaln." Last year the helmet legi sla Hoa was stopped long before it reacbed his committee but it was a greatcomforttotnow t1at Senator Mlller stood 10 tile palll of its nltimate progress. We bave lost a br1D1lIDt legislator, a powerful ally and a good friend. How _ , _e will ID die Iiefare oeab.-Mer lIarlllO' las enactad? Yo., Bill, Mullle- was tIie 2IId wleh 10 less than a , . . 1I0Il Rla'lD. RIALTO, Cal., Jan. 2 - A l4-year-old Rialto boy, WlU1am Mu1l1gaD, was'ldlled after striking a steel cable barrier wb1le rid1ng on the banks d a San Bernard1Do COUDty flood coatrolJeveeoar his home. He was proaOUDCed dead on arriftl at San Be rna r diD 0 Community Hospital minutes after hilt1ng tile cable, stretcbed across an access road oar tile intersectioo d Cactus Avenue and Base Line Rd. Mulligan was rid1Dg a bt1

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