Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1968 12 05

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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gs Or••,e CO. ','er••';o••' '" "" 0.. '" By Erma Redding ~ DOWNEY, cai ., Nov. 3 - F1tteen- y earc> ol d Ron Powell (Yam .) in the Novice 100 .... class rode like a pro, lapping the 8/10u; mile course in 51 seconds . But he had Q:; had luck on a couple of corners and was .Q passed by Kirk Travis' Brldgestone. ~ San Diego Expert Earl Roloff showed ~ up the other California 100 class Experts Q with his won on a Yamaha. Two who tried to pass were Harry Bevans (Hod.) ~ Adelanto's first 200cc class saw Dave t.:I Sprayberry stopped with a blown piston :i!:: after leading the first lap. Neil Winston t.:I (Bul.) fell down, dropping to third . By ..::J really working he regained the lead and CJ ::... won . 11 riders In the 250 Novice class CJ The played around mo re than any of th e others, doing wheelies, throwing kisses and standing on pegs up the l ong straight for the cheering spectators. Neil Winston took second on another Bultaco. He entered three classes and played bes ides. Ron Ringer (Kaw.) won this match. Jim Bassey took the 250 Expert on his Suzuki. Bassy on his M at eo didn't find the 500 class quite so easy. He workd - and still Sandy Armstrong (Bul.) took first. Bassy was second. " Gr eat A " day ended with Butch Rotz, Dick Allen and Jim Maup i n, all on Triumphs In the Open class, picking up one, two, three. (Results on page 20) ORANGE COUNTY, Cal. - A top field of national and Internati onal m otorcycle road racI ng s tars will be In contention on November 24 at Orange County International Raceway. Among the home entries are Art Ba umann, with factory Yamaha r ides In both the 250 and 350 classes; Ron Grant, contesting the 250, 350 and 500 for Suzuki; Mike Lane, this year's west coast 250 champ; topTTand flat track r i der Tom Rockwood, who has already shown promise this year as a r oad racer and San Diego's prIde, Don Vesco, trying for the gold in all three big money classes. . Out of state Invaders include Doug Libby f r om Detroit and the Texas Terror, Rusty Bradley, who sent Art Baumann back to Callfor nla earlier ih1s year remarking about those T ex as "scratc hers". Bradley will be shooting for a win in the 1ooOec (open) class on a big 40" Trfumph, The race has an added International flavor with the entry of Mike Duff, two times runner-up in the world 250 Cham plonships, and he will be on factory Yamahas In the 250 and 350 classes, as well as rIding a Trlumph-Metlsse In the "Open" _ Dave Scott, former champion of Scotland will ride In the 250, and several top BrItish short ctrcuit stars such as Tony Godfrey, Rod Gould, Terry Grotefeld, Dave Simmonds and Brian Kemp have all requested entries. Photo courtesy MolDr Cyc le News SPOT BRAIE ON NEW HON 4 Honda ' s mighty new 750ec took another step toward the dealer showrooms when the compl ete bIke was displayed recently at the Tokyo motor show. The four cylinder monster will be stoPped by a magnificent looking front spot brake, ranking It with the Cl ymer - Ma m moth In production brake design. F our chrome reverse megaphones l end the 750-4 that racy look and four 26mm carburetors take care of busIness In the mixing department. American Honda spokesmen say they hopefully expect the new model in U.S. dealers stores by this summer . . RATES: $75 per year (50 issues) for each single ARIZONA GARDENA PHOEMIX hers,sp ares. Tr3l1 stree or sports; we fill lie bill. . t CharlieHodue & Bill Thorwaldson. 1149 .. EJ Sqpldo Blvd., Gardena. e l)) 756-1669. l Co.) 25 S.Main Stree ~ LA. RI s.6n 5. -l alge ~O 31 st $eMce aid parts headQuarters In U A.- call for .S. picklCl or del very setace, i HONDAOFGARDEWA,15515S.l eslOm A , Gardena ee. Pb 770:-06:03 or 3~3 1C. Begin.pnvate tr3in.course, : MONTEBELLO CB M OTORS - Bollaco sales, I. svc. all m ak... V ii· BUDDY STUBBS - ARIZONA H-D. Se ng all of Atz. ", , Coqllete ~ of everytbinl for HoD. FoUl factorytmned oed!aucs. Open Hi T....-Sal 1Sll7 E. Me Dowell RII.. P1lo- 617. 7 tree ndinginst, Come CALIfORNIA STEEW'S Ine. 1635 I . vall. / B (21l) 28 "II. 9-435 1. ItIoItsale _11 Retail teri..i Forks aid Rear Suspen-SKIn, Rieman Mebm Kits. Ki r-na Leers, Filtron Ail Cle.en. Te M ini-Bikes. Hodaka SS Di t Bikes. r "The _ 01 SUPERGOOIJES" 8:J1-5:ll Mon.-F n_ 2 8:3J.- :111 sal AIAHE.M ROBERT II. LAIIlIC SALES AND SERV. SaI.s! Parts al 224 No. Anlfleica Sh d. SeMee at 239 No.. lIlaheim B"II. (714) 533-1])9. "We spedlii.. in al1tr sal" ..... ce.. Tn"",h, Y.aha, G........ NDRII REEVES ANAHElII, 224 N Anal';O BllId. (714) . 53S-'lSQ. O,.,go County's biaest mle duI .. . Honda, IiIII., !!SA, Hod., Molo Bel> &- K a... CoOIpI.1e ,arts set'Vlct. In orcall lor lull info.. . .1 HONDA OF GLENDAL.E "WIlel e yo meet the nicest u people.' large stock of parts. Finest mectl. and courteous persoonel. Also Kawa. & fill. Sure would like III _eet you at ga E.Colorado Sl in Glen e. just across S dal I"", Bob's Bi Boy. (213) 246 g -2461. 10RIALK 808 IIL::URE H ONDA, 171191 Beacb Blw., HlIlb.go il. Be ach, Cal if. 92247. T.1.(714) 842-5Sl1.Olalgo Coll'lty·s newest Honda dealer. Sales. service and parts. ~k financifll. Open 7- 7 lues. thN Sal. SundiJy 10-6. Closed Mondays. Mechanic needed. JENK SPORTS CEWTER - 'The Eslra $eMco INS Deal er: Speciali nne in Yanaha UCIUSlYely. Complete So"'ce. Parts, Saes, Op•• 9';; ''''Y day "CO(lI l ROEHR BROS,lne. (!Paris Lif ) 117 N. VlcllllY Bl w., . Bo_ 842~47 or 849 21 N "co~i z ed ' 5' -4'1 al port - . ... d u~ .. f.. nf fork desilll- Seod SI.III 10. new "68 tal Y am.. Mon.. Hod., K awa•• '*'10 GuZZI, MIS Bonill Z3. Man. & FI1. 9-9 Tues.- Thurs. 9-6. . INGLElIOOO CROIEll CYCLE SHOP, 10427 Pr~ • • A I.~ .. .... WOOl!. OR l-'l 57~ IIatdl., Hod., 1iII1. CnqlI.1t and s.c. lot oil oak Open 6 days 9-7. ... ,Ills modi.. O,enTue..- Sa 9';; . 671-76119. l JUST SEW D INYDUR L1 5nNG "!h dleek10,175 md we do ttleresl 'll M OTO BETA lor !h. Seu~ Bay a.... I n~ ewood Kal1 Sbw-lll.7 N. L a B,,~ n ~ l!OOClCI-O ~ l ~ 2- BI.... Long ng Beadl 427 , -8941. Suzuki , Ekl llacn, NO I1Dn. O ucab, Mustang. Compl ete pa rts. accessolles, and service. M Insurl Open Tue.. -F ro. 8-6, Sal bl 5. JOE K S SALES & SERVICE - BSA, aul,Su aid OON z. Ve~a. Full parts & aten. for i11 .lIl3kes. L.ari e.Qual. serVIce dept lully sta ffed wittl fratned medt. Bring In yOUI bike and see whal we can do. 1350 E. Aniilei , m long8eactl, 591 - 7159 open 'I on. thru Sat 8-6. LONG BEACH YAMA Y Deal.. lor Long Beadl HA, an. arel. W se e rvice all. Open 6 days 9 ~:ll in lone Beacb, l580 E. Paofie Coast Hoy. (213) 433 -'l'l87. ~eclahllneln lun~s. - Tn•• Ka , Maico & Due. w. SIM PSONM OTORCYCLE Sal es & Seo., Hodaka, Jaw a Rex, C-l, Bollaco. Com,I.I. sales & serv od"l Fu li I blk E.of Main. PHDN E:(702) :Il2- 4282. . WASHINGTON SEATTLE BUDSCHAT I«lTORCYCLES - Ducab, H odaka, Mo~ GuZZI. Norton. Parts - Actessolles - Setvice. "0rUtwests larant Stock of Parts. Mail Oilier 5elVice. Hour~ _ Days 10-6 Sal ID-4:OD. 17002 AIlro" :ll A"_ Sealll.,l asll 98133. P1l: (20 LI 6-2070• . 6) ."'5 & PARTS CYCLE SHOP "Used ,arls Hdq. " JIoe lest." I, tuy and seU used a i)n:yclt Parts. cusl tanis and ..eel.. 0 _ "'dl. Used 1lIC'.. Sales and Reoairs. Batteries and bfes. 15 rea" sane location. 11155 Atlan Ave., Lyn'MlocL NE 2.....298. tic HlSURANCE ;_.~ (213)768 -2251 or (213) 812-2110. Cycle insurance and Dealer insurance. JO HNM AYNARD ~~fItCE, 3417 Molor A.... l os Ang. es, Calol. l Harl ey- Davidson dl.. lor Po r mona. Full li ne 0. parts & 1 acces. Quality $eMce in a lully equipt se rvice dept HOCKIES MOTO RCYCL ES - Sal.. & sve. 22025 S, Figuer St..Tonance. Harbor Fwy. - carson St llImoa oft. (213) 328-1242. GIn., Yalk .~ Ossa, H A olI. im used likes. Best parts SlC)ply in town. We se rvice.nat we sell. Compl ete mach. SloP - Exp. llInln & m l edl. work. Hours: 10-7 Closed Sun. & Mon. . TEMPLE CITY HONDA OF TEMPLE CITY, 9228 E. Las Tunas, HARLEY - D AVIDSONOFPOMON A-1241 I . Holt Blol. Pboo. (213) 332-(1616 or (714) 622-5417. AIl ~onZed IIEOOING NORBERG'S I«lTOR CENTER, lll56 Eureka I'Y , ReddlnL Cahl 'I6OIlL (916 24 ~. Mon.-Fr i. tll ) il 5:ll. Sa 8:ll lo 5:IXI. Y_ a Moilrcyd" md l a ~ •• ON E STOP CYCLE SHOP." RIVERSIDE 'THE I«lTD RCY CLE INSU RANCE W RITER" since 1937. Fir~ !h.1t, cnmo. P.D. & B individual molo. .I. TOI\l I. Ci~. A 7-5949. Hon. & G ilr Nortbeast T ,.. area. Partsgalole aid svc. lllO. SKlw rtlOm open atln..Sal 4 . Sbop open Tue.. - Sal 9';; . ·W.'" been told ir s on 01 Amerita's mo st co e mplete and m odem lacilibes Shop !he BII StOle and SAVE -. whefe ttle bargains are. In the mi ddle 01 Mai n S treet al I4I1L Ri", ~ d. (714) 684-4747. If your shop isn'llisled here il musl nol be there! So • , • leis lei them know, SAN BER NAROINu TH 1110 WHEELE R - Tn., Suzuk" Bo ltaeo E . HlIIIe of ChauplonS. Full p_ts. SeMce aDd Access. O block west of Inland Canter! 867 I . Col ton Av ne e., SOl BemardlOo. Phon. TlJ >-341 • LEATHER APPAREl TORRANCE • alterations and zippers rep laced. Clari ce Amber&. ABC CuslDm Leathers, 98el S. Atlanti c Ave. South Gate, . Calil. 9028D. Pbone: (213) 56 4-1IS D 8 a m 1 0. ,,,, . 0 4:Jl p.m. Moll:- ltllU Fri. By ~po in trnen t only Sahmlay. Evening appotnlJllents available. MARTY' FO REIGN MDTORS BIll - MOTO-liUZZl S $ales-SerYI ee-Parts- Acces.sofies.ClubMembers ffeI. come! 11)) I . Car9)n St (at l es ) TO RRAN CE. 1 tem mile So.ol San Diego Fwy. Tel:320-7040 Svc. Hr!. 8·5. TUJ UHGA ~lI pl , completeInSUl3l1ce , HAPCO MOTORS - Hon Hod.. Ka . sales-Serv,c~ .. w Parts-l ns.- Renlals. Potting lor all 4-stroke brands. Our r~u tallon IS bu 011 $efvice. 11637 Pll:o Blvd ilt .. 'Oll ar~. Num d>mges, ber SERVICES BARN EY'S MACHINE SHOP 15745 Lak .-ct Blv. om buck.. 2402 N.Main, SOlta Ana (7141 6i2-l1691. PACOIMA Dalul alios.Race Tulllnc.cus_ parts& aetessonu, Ixmn", lI ad1ll\lnc. 11111 ling beaus. MlC Ins urance, avail· HONDA HORSEPOIER. Eft~"' buildi.g md "'oed DIOdlfiC2tiou. Purtlrtl aid polishinL expert an ~ 1.lIldi"&. hi. perlollT1a1 ct ~$. big I))re and stroker kits"etc.Forheebmsy, sell, trade. 15 s. AU m antrc, Co.,1on, 63Hu:lO. Sun~ . -Home 01 The . Iii-Jinx FalllIly Momrcycte Clul1 13200 Sal Antlmo. al the Santa Ana Frwy.. N orwalk. Phone: 868-9997. Bhu. Authofized H-O QuIet' fot In,r ewood area. Speci.izinl in Road riders access. & parts 101 all models. Full e~ipped service depl will fac trained t BURIAII[ MONTEREY PARK HUllnNGTOI BEACH BEllFlDIER IlIC SHOP, INC_ 9135 E. CoqJ~n BllId. (2 Blk.. E. 0.1 Llkewood) Bellftower, 92!>-509~ of new & used molorcydes. Write lor mail order parts. new Of used.. (213) 724-l1466. ED KRETZ & SON CYCL E SHOP, 417 E. Garvey AvOM " ey Park. AT O-ll244. Tn., H , Bli Old Suz. o.t on. Co~ lete parts& seMce. Expert tlrIing & 1IedI. work. HARLEY-DAVI DSON DF INGLEWOOD !lOIN. Lalllea • PAUL'S HARLEY ·DAVI DSON·16 5.Lakewood BI w., 211 llflower. Tel. ME 4-1222. Paul Lass. Large selec. Be STEVE HURD I«lTORCYCLES - Kawa, BlI, MalelL, Mont.b~ lo IELLFLIlftIl -We _uue semce.- Tn•• Yan., Mon. HARlEY·DAVIDSON INLD ANGELES(R'd> &Idol'" S Nor, Gre. , Due.. M . on.. Hod. Matdlless parts galore. sewee & parts for lIrtIal we sell. 1405 Olymp ic Blvd., GLENDALE ALHAIIIU ad LOS AHGE LES fic n ~ec. svc. ;Jart~access. & Tectl. compebbon blmng available. Mon.-Sat. 9-7. Pacl'" Honda. 63D PalmetlD. PaCi fica , 3S9...{1 1 . 67 calli. W OODLA ND HILLS KOLB E CYCLE SHOP 22 420001Vall., _ land Hill.. D 8-7865. Your Iliendly nedl bol11ood deal" lor BSA, I Ho nda & Eklltaco. Compl ete pa and service dep t. rts DEALERS: Customers keep coming back Cor Cycle News! TO ORDER the newspaper Cor your store, call Cycle News Circulation Manager (213) 423-0431(both display and Outside vending Racks DOW available). JACK O BRI EW PAlNTlN G.•Cusl tanl< & b.imer palOl ' • fibe lglas 'MJrII., Q)lrql l. WIeck rewi ld. YIIleel laclnl & s .. fOlk straiilterung. tire hardening. Free pidr.up and del ivery III dealers. 1599 $anti IiIonica.. santaMonica. 45 1-4317 O 6 days 8';;. ,en MOTORcYCLE SERVI CE CEWTER. &l .-HolI. I. 1 serVIce all mlcs.. Complee mactl. shop for cusklm worll.. 220 E. Hunting Or•• Monrovia. Open & day lDn s 8';; . N.d F" lI\ls, GalY Gnffin 357-2274STEEN'S Ine. 1635 W Valley Blvll., Albanbra He . Performance Hodaka servICe;: Forks extended ID Soinctl travel go cases bored lor loo cylinder, gocc cases . cc cc m nedtor>!Cleed Q)g5. boringand porbng.Complete adll ten_ SJSPensi onparts and service. 8:]}-~1I1tln. F••, tJl-2:111 Sal (213) 2119-Uil. ..

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