Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1968 12 05

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Police Is Too Strong a Word BOLD IIEW BlEED BRONCCO powered by GARELLI CYCLES (0 MINI-BIKE S By Rob Robb ins NORWALK, Cal., Nov . 4- Atthe Novem ber meeting of the Southern Califor nia MotorcycUng Association no tim e was wasted in startin g discussion on the l ong- pos tponed police force. 'The first dec is ion was to dr op the nam e in favor of s omething mo re dipl omatic . Just plain u committ ee" was sug ge s ted . Four r epresenta tives were nomina ted for the advis ory board - Pa ul Mc Cor mick , (Outrider), Gino Daniels, L.M. " Sha mmie" Street (Oxnard MC), and Al Reynolds (Originals). The latter two were e lec ted . 'They will draft guid elines for the •'commi ttee" and present them for approval by all r eprese ntati ve s . • • ELV IS TURNED HER ON In the movie "Girl Happy" Chr is Noel was brought i nto contac t with Elv is Presley, so It was na tural that s he shoul d catch the motorcyc ling bug. She also ha d some help fr om Steve McQue en, her publi cist says. " Riding r elaxes me," Chris sa ys, " It takes away the tensions of a c ti ng. " Chr is now has her own radlo show " A Date With Chr is " . It 's br oadcast over the 300 or so s tations li nked up with the Armed For c es Radlo Service . PARTS ENGINE SPEC IAL TIES. INC. P .O . Box ~OO BELMOHT . CAL 94002 4 15-593- 7&91 ATTEN TIOIl DEPT. LS ...~::--' ESI - Eas t P .O. Box 2~0 Ca rnwe ll s He ight s, P a, 190 20 DEALERS & DISTRIBUTORS WANTED CALENDAR• • • • • • • • • • • • • ••v Six clubs announced the date they wanted for the 1969 Calendar of Eve nts. Remaining clubs were asked to do li kewise, s o that the calendar co uld be ready s hor tly af ter the firs t of the year . The Annual Toys for Tots Run will be held Dec. 1. The entry will be one new or r epairable toy and 50 ~ . MAN WHO INTRODUCED HELMET BILL MAKES FRIENDS WITH MARY'S MEN By Bill Harmer LEMON GROVE, Cal., Nov . 3 - At a special ga the r ing of the Mary' s Men M.C. in the V.F. W. hall here, Wadle P . Oeddab, Democrat As semblym an repres enting the 77th district and co-a uthor of the compulsory helme t bill, presen ted the cl ub with an oUicial California Bear Sta te flag to carry in parades. Acc omp anyi ng the bann er was a certificate s tating that the flag had n own over the capitol building in Sacra men to . Mr . Oeddah dellvered a brief pr e sentation address praising the mo torcycle club for their outstanding r ecord of community service and high mo ral integrity . In vi ew of the recent s tand by the assemblyman , your r eporter welcomed the opportunity to inte rview him on his pr e-elec tion views conc erning motor cycle legislation. SP ECTATO R LI ABILI TY A PARTIND CIPAN T INSURANC E FOR TRACK OWNERS, PRO MOTERS AND CLUBS BUSINESS PA AGES - MO-:-ORCYCLE CK & AUTOMOBIL E - LI FE & ACC IDENT. s. HARRIS·PINSKY OF MICHAE L BENDER & ASSOCIATES, IN C5225 WI LSHIRE BOULE VARD, Sulto 717 L.A., caur, 900 36 (213) 937·2011 BROKER IN QUIRIES INV IT ED. imi chrome Shines Suddenly Roger Melan son, le lt, and Ken Ferguson accep t tile s tate fl a g from Wadle Dedda h Asked how he would vo te il s imilar measures were introduced in futur e se s sions he said that in view of recent developments , he would cons ider carefully the con stitutionally of the propos ed leg- . Si mic hromr i s a hone)' C l ean s qui ck .. s a bunny islation before either favoring or r ejec ting it. The Mary's Men M.C . proudly accepted the flag and plan to display it for the first time at their Brawley Ca ttle Call Overnighter on November 23r d & 24th. Story and P hotos by Rob Robbins EL MONTE, ca ., Oct. 27 - 'The Re bel Rousers of El Monte, Cal. held their s ec ond Mystery Tour of 1968 - a s uccessful and enjoyab le r ide. 232 r ider s and passenger s took the Rebel Rousers' second tour through the Ange le s National Forest and back to Herbert C. Le gg Lake in El Monte. The Mystery 'The mys tery for about 20 r iders, who ei ther got lost or had some trouble , was that the second check poin t was closed by the ti me the y arrived. But all was well when the back- up truck came to the r escue. Ju dging an d games were well planned and moved right along. A tug of war be tween club mem be r s and out- riders an d several races preceeded the unilorm judging. While in the parking l ot, bike judging was also in progress. Much em phasis was placed on neatappearance,as man y trophies were awarded fo r the best dressed judging. But bike judging was good for only two trophies, one fo r over 10oocc, and one under . 704 Washi ngton Ave ..,. Iow a Fa lls Io wa SUZUKI MAK ES IT 00. SO MAKE IT SUZUKI 33-Year-O Id-Club Th e Rebe l Rous e r s were chartered in the AMA in 1935, making the m one of the oldes t road cl ubs in existenc e . To commemorate their 33rd' year, they awarded the 33rd entry a trophy, Eddi e Alford of the Ace of Clubs was the receiver. Leroy Dean traveled all the way from Fo rt Ord, up around Monterey, to enter the Mystery To ur, over 400 miles to take the long dis tanc e rider trophy. And by 4 p.m, he was on the way home, along with over 30 other winners . A salute to the Rebel Rouser s for a very fine run. ( Res ults on page 16) The Lone Wol[ Th is mlnl·blke Is re all y a sp are , mounte d an the bac k 01 a Handa 450 . OMPETITION T ube 8 St CHEMICALS Can $2.95 ( points . Hor a ce Wllliams, better known as the " Lone Wolf", stepped up to fi ll the positi on. The Silver Eagles Motor Corps , who have a Turkey Run Nov , 24th , took the trophy for attendance. 70% of their club signed in at Meyer s Cycle Shop in El Monte . Br uce Barbara was given the job of drawing the Swee ps takes trophi es and a ti cket tor a raUle that has be en in progress for about a mon th. A pure bred German Shepherd was wO by Jerry Kle tt n of the Ete r nal Drilte rs . But Jerry gave the dog to a young lady who had be com e quite fond ofltwhile wai tlngfor the drawing . A vote of thanks to Jerry. Rebel Rousers Being a little short- ha nded, the Rousers dr afted help for one of their check ACCESSORIES NEW WEST COA ST WA REHOU SE *******************~ : THE TWO-WHEELER~ * ~ : SUZUKI ~: * Ready for hlJllediate Delivery ! * * * * 1 8 67 W. Calton Ave. 5an Bernardino. ca11f (71 4) 885-3445 ~***************** INTERNAL REVENUE SALE ASSETS OF ASTRO ENGINEERING 255 N. MANCH ESTER - ANAHEIM M OTOR YCLE PA RTS & ACCESSORIES TO B E SOLD IN SMALL L OT S AT HONDA - 350 K AWASA K I - 250 & 350 Pa rt # HPK8 P art # K250 & K350 (Your Bamottdea le r has th em now. AlumInum Allay, Ca rprene Ba nded. Wo do na t se II reta il. SEE Y OURBARNETT D EALER ~~ ~fIIIKRt" E _J. . .;;Ir .l:. J ~" o" 4915 Pacific Blvd., Vernon, California, Phone: 589-5488 . PUBLIC AUCT I ON NOVEMBER 22 , 1968 9:00 a.m. Contact: REVENUE OF F I CE R G.F. HOVEY Te le phone (714) 836- 2310

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