Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1968 12 05

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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CALI FORNIA OOPttE RSMC olP,ado P. ... !'aA seet, Address P.O. 80. 25 75.Bell Gar""' .. C.IIL Meet. 2nd -4ttl Tltes.. 01 each month at Jack Rabbi ts Cl b House. u 9143 E. Compton Bl d., Bellll....' "8:30. v ~FD,ilA TMlLllAatlNE ASIlQA1IOll.So.CIl. io.. r. Bob DaU, Ie A,riODl $I., Olk VI.... CIl. '31122; CIoInI CII. itolo r. CIood< P.D. Box , llII, _ ... CII. 93lO2. 110. Cali\. iaID r... Coa. K,n_. _ EIIIAw., ". - . Cal.94S4l "-.y. CAL POLY PEN GUI N M.C. SI, eVdlrt "'lo'cycl. S o dull. A Ill. 111, Cal P~y. ~ Luos Db""" Calil. . g 9l4D1. . "~J IN X FAIILY I.e.. Fill _ .. coarpotition 3lld desert. Meetinp held 1st & 3nllbur!dly of ooch _t at 2lI833 Siene.LanDOd, cal. Visiklls new " caM. _embers invillld. HHmTS M Conmrnerl Road iOld Co... Club. N C. ebo H on N Dnve, La M all em esa. M hncs eve1Y' I ues, et 8:00 P.lll. ThirdTues.. eveTy month ISd ubSOC Ial. HI LLTOPPERS MC INC. 01 S'I">I H,". Call l AlIA Sane. Utets at 2255 Cenitos, side entrance, Sienal HIli. llIJrs.. at 8 p.m. Past Meeting" refreshments. Yal l mess: P.O. Ill. 1146, Long Be3Ch. Calo l. JACKRABBIT COMPETITION Me. Meets " ,er Ilonday y CENTRALIA MUD SLINGERS M.e. C/ GI.. Hodge RIo' .1 8:30 p.... 31 lI1e Jack'abbl club house; 9143 E"I o J. 80138.Central ia. Wash. • - CollllllclJ Blvd., 8eIlfloWff (Jusl 011 Lakewood Blvd .l DlECKERS M.e.. 1710 M_I" Blvd.. IkJrbiOlk. I.. lJ,Iift at ~'lI thy'S anYtime. - A Chance to IIlOcle Will the best.· Wed. R!te. 8:00 p.m. -- JASPERS '..e.. lOad ndllll club. ueets 2nd & ~ltl Mon. 7:1I p.Jl.. it JIl l W. Callfomla St.. cetane, Cal lI. 171'} 986-1II8. Q.ASSI C & ANTIQU E MOTORCYQ. E ASlII., 80S S. C,"ch Sl., Visali .. CaI,l9l277. Frri Coo l,!, Sea etal)'. Dedicated to ttle ftstoration, preservation. Md ..b",. IIOtolCYcles. So Cill. D>~ ler: F.I. " Rob" Robllin.. 1000 N Canbri. PI•• _ei.. Calil9280\. •. COACHELLA VALLEY M.C. AlIA salcl,onOO com p.. ·30) H lway club. Meets every Wednesday. Address: 11 111 Ra'lcho M !lilge, Cali f. 92270. Listing in thi s depart ment is tree, contributed as a service to CYCLE NEWS readers and motorcycle clu bs. As a res ult we ·have to rel y on the motorcycling public to advise us when listi ngs are erroneous or out of date . If you discover a discrepancy in thi s department. please wri te or call us to set it ri ght . CLUBPLEASE NOTE: SEND YOUR INFORMATION C/O CYCLE NEWS/CLUB DIRECTORY - P.O. BOX 498, LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA. IS YOUR CLUB LISTED HERE? ACE OF Q.UBS 01 U. Ang. les M.e. Meet. 1 ~ and KNIGHTliLC. . f N 3Ci_ H li;'1s.lIeels 1.I ..d lnl Sa or ""'Y ",n1ll 31 7 PoL lbil _ ... 1760 Q>.xrl.. l oont, Hacienda HeiF Cal. ....A & RRe. Club pfion. 1s. (213) 336-0414. KERN COUNTY TRAI LBLAZERS M.C. T" " iOld competlllOfl d ub, NAA d1artered. W address: St r Route atl a 801314,McKIUnck, Calli. COLORAMAS M meet 1st sat. of month al 8 p.m .C. . ContiKt Frank Gerwat, 14 H t St. Arleta. Cal if. 263 oy . ' 899-8329 LAFAYETIE U.C. Races. m eets, lanll ly fun and IOo1d tillS. New lIltlllbers welcome' Call 01 W ille lor lnlo: Frillk Gillespie. 154-3306. Address: ~4 Orchard R d., 01ll 1a. Calif. w CONEJD TRAIL RIDERS, c/o Roy P,.... l«l2 Calle Quesbradlo, ThouS3ld Oaks, Calil. 91 liO. Need reps IrtJm all trai dubs in So. Cal. to discuss state l d plans tor trail an canpareas. CRUI SERS M.C. ofSanta A A.M.A. sanctioned. Meets na. every 1st & )rd Tuesday at 16841 Lynn St. Huntington Beach al8 p.m. For informallon call (71 4) 836-5546 or' 9l-1lO9. B CYCLE CLU BOFlsi BAPTI ST DlURCH 01 Villi Nuys. \leels every Thursclay al 7:)) p.m. and sat. at 1:00p.m. Shop and mainlenance faci lities. Ao:!,ess t 'o Rich ald Cohen. Firs! 8icllis! Clurch, 14800 Sllennan Way, Van Nays. DESERT M An active desert compeb t,on ctub. Ad.C. dre 12551 SC3Id,a, Garden Grove. Pbone (71 4) 897· ss: 3894. DESERT DlALLENG ERS M.e. Fo, inlo write P.D.80. 7.\. Appl. Valley. Calr!. 92307. DESERT CREEPERS Desert racing club, IIIlstly liarlied,racinl iIId C3I1lJIint enthusaasls..Potenbalm embers "n K. Jac' son(113)DL &-IZ9!l. DEIDlT FOX ES M.e.. deser1 compebbon ..d tt~1 ridint d ub,. W int ~A satcbon. Meet 1st led. 01 eadt monttl 7:Jl P.L al selected loa tions.. CallLloyd P_ I at (213)923-70t2 lorIllOre IOlormabOn. DlST. 37 SP ORTS COMlllTIEE Co nlact Pre~dent Br ll Adalls at 81 Cobb Ave., Placentia. Cahf. 926 lor 4 70 inlormatl onon meetinas. Ph: (114) 528·JXJ7. DIRT IJGGERS NORTH M.e.. ActiVll '"'I>Obtion clu~ m eets every Uonday 8 p.1l1. at the ltIitelront, Rocklin, Calif. Mail add'ess: p.o. Bol 338, Orangevale, Cal. 95662. Phone (916)988-352•• OUSTERS M.e. 01 'ilmm ~ton. twA sanctioned. Meel Monday mghls 8:00at 23015 Catsili ll, W ington. Cal. ilm OYNA-Ml TE MC 01 EI Monte, Calif. Nl.A sane. Meels S at 12359 Felipe, [I Monte every Tuesday at 8:30 p.m. 359 M address: 12 Felipe, EI Monle, Calli. ail GIB-3567. 3id Fri. of every month . xcept Dec.(1st Fri. only)8 p.m. ClubAddre", .11106 O k, EI Monte, Calif. 91731•. . A.M.A. (AMER ICAN MOTORCY CLE ASSOCIATION ) Nabonal sanctionmg bJdy. Address: W Olttllnglon, Ohi o. MembershIp $2 one year. . AMERICAN CYCLE ASSOCIATION , lo' . 1 rider. " SJleedw3y'. mo ~CfoSS and load racIng as well as ~ lbusiasls.11 youYlCUld like 10 col1ltleteor be associated with racingin the capacity of CDurse persolIlel. contact FAR W M.C. Meets every Fri. L1nN~ M.C, 4761 C~. May, San 0"10. Calli. 92107. LDIof'DC SLlH'OKES, 80. 1177, O'artt. C.lil. AlIA salclooned. Phone(8051IE 7·5836. LOS ANCANDS M CLUB, 71 'C 09Cooneslog. W , San .y Diego, Cal lI: Conlact 81 11 Stetder 111 41 18 &-3756 lor ft!l ther inlo. [)eserl club and Baja M. 'C tllpS. (dill liden oaly) LOS PADRES 'lC. Inc. of Ventura County. MIA sane. c:oqL dub. Meets noery l ed. al 6541 Ventura Blvd.. VeI1lura. Pres:Art Carter. Secy. Frank Reasner. LONERS no organization. no ~li nls. just guys and rirts 'IIItlo like tl nOe cydes 10 (:alit and read Cycle Hews.. Malina actdtess 801 498. Loog Beach. Watch for the Bir Stlr Pnze M Labor Day. eet . LOS IlO RRADlOS M.e., AMA salctiOned, oeel, I~ SurId3y 01 each _th. 1Il:OO iIJII~ Road rrdr ng du~ .lililll aliSrt$S, 669 DriYe, Ojai. Califomia. v.. tur> ..... Phone: 6&,9469. LOST COYOTESM .e.,LiOl".ter. Cal.AlIA salcl,onod Mall aritress44 E. Second. Lancaster, Cal. Phone 738 (81lS) 9.1-o1l58 0' f BOS ) 9'2-760~ LUCKY IHEELS Me. Road RidingClub.Meets 8:00 p.rn. on filsl MId third Friday 01each month. at HoD shop. 1241 W. Holl Sl , Pomon.. Ph: 633-541 7. AlIA & RRC. s Pre1.: J. M. Jone - 983-2524. LU CKY FEW M Roa!! Riding Club. PJl.A chartered. .C. P.O ~I HA , Los G.'ltos, Calif. . M ARIN CO U TY MOTORCYCLE ASSN. 01 Sa R.fael , N n Cali f. Meets at 8 p.m. everyMonday night al 202tI 4th St in San Ratael. Sportsman racina team and also road riders. IW.A cha rtered. Mail address, Boll 221, San R alael, CallI. MARY'S MEN M of San OieRO. Road riding club. .C. Meels every ls i Sunday and thud Tuesday at 44.&2 iego, Cal. 92120. Family type road GlaCier Ave•• San D flders onty. ~A chartered. t. A.e.A. olfiee, P.O. Ill. 147, Full. rton, Ca I,1.0' Wtdnesday at 8 p.m. W oetd more actlYe member . Ade s "II (71. ) 5ZS-tm m-ess: 4085 Oeebte SL. sacramenlo, Calif. 9S820. AIIERICAN MOTORCYCLE SERVI CE A SSN. (AIlSA) FOUR ACESftlC. InYl te you to our meeting any Tburs. mil l at 8 p.m. in !he Field l'tou st be tund the ball diamond, Narth H ollywood PaOl on O1and St M ad-ler .lil dress: P.O. Bel 922. N H olly~od. tahl. 91603. ortn t.«lNARCH M.e. 901 N LaBrea. Inglewood, Calif. Ph: . 671-7609. GHOST RI DERS 01 P........ CaIoL, Road R,d Club. ,"g Meets lsta'ld3rd Fnday al 22 Concord Ave., POlllOna. 31 I llte E. D. ColemiU1. address 5aIlle (7J ~ ) 623-4676. C. bonalbaraalmngaaen, t.()TO RCY CL E RACE RS IN Na for Cl ss C profesSIonal ndelSt O a Wllers & medlamcs. Phones: (2111 67B-7611. 4Z3-760)' W P.O. 80. 5111. nl. Lo Beach. Cali!. ng Emerteflty load ser ice for motorcycl es. Dues S pel v IS year. 11520 San Vincen te Blw.., los A eles. CaIiL ng (2131 46 8O, 5-t7 AIIERI CAN FEDERATIONOF MOTORCY CLlST ~AF\I) PromotlOn

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