Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1968 12 05

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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.. • co <0 .... "" ~ Qj 3&8 CZ MOTU-x 1967 - 68 360cc CZ Moto-x, Excellent condition. Call (714) 528-8364 nttes, . - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ Q ~ ~ ~ ~ -J ~ Co) E NGLAND'S Leading Sporting Dealers for Moto-Cross, Trials and Enduro. We bave them all and spares. Metiss e, Cheney, Triumph, Husqvarna, Greeves, etc. 48 hour Jet dellvery servic e (Air freight, East Coast , West Coast. Send for free lis t of 100 new and used rnachines including two International Triumphs with Wor ks engines $740, Husqvarna Sportsman $740, Cheney Victor $960. P ersonal Service. Wes thury Moto r Cyc le s Ltd., Wes th ury- on- T rym, Bristol , England. 1968- 1/2 BANDlDO 36Occ. Ridden 5 times, drafted , be s t offer takes. (213) 597- 5806. BOO K: 'H OWTO RIDE If, WIN' Expert 'r ider s in American sports co rn petition tell the techniques of track a nd trail. Chuck " Fee ts" Mine r t on TTSc r a mble s , Bud Ekin s on Moto- Cross . Ea s t Coa s t' s Don P ink tells how to r ide . Enduros a nd woods . J ohn McLaughlin on Grand Pr ix Scramble s . Helpful u ps on s etup of motor cycl es, car ds & li ce nses an d mucho mo re . Hardbo und. $4 . pos tpai d. Send check . or money order to . . How to Ride & Win. c '0 C&S Publishing co., Box 498, Long Beach , Ca li f. 9(\801. FR E E CATALOG - Moto r cy cle Parts & Accessories, Books , Clo th es, et c: Callfornia cycle Supply, P .O. Box 192, F airbury, Ill. 61739. Phone: ( 815) 692- 3769. Immediate opening with leading mlc dealer for parts man, mechanics , salesmen, etc • . Excellent pay & co . bene!lts. Diver sified Co. - you learn three business in one job. Clean , smog free area. Thrl!ty Lad Honda , 2411 Lincoln, santa Monica, Cal. 90405. c-z 360 MOTO-CROSS 1968 twin pipe version. It's fast. It handles. It's reliable. Very fresh. (714) 675-5949 evenings. BULTACO-MAICO-PENTON County Cycle, 205 N. Harbor Santa Ana. (714) 531-9984. Orange mvd., 'BUY A GO OD GO AT' 1968- Husky prepared for Baja race, but never used. Engine brought to scramble specs by Malcomb Smith. Lights, gear~, spares. (714) 528-8364. K-R FACTORY Road Racer wheels, tires etc. Reti r ing - (805) 962-3846. 250cc (BENELLI) Shorttracker or 1/2 miler, 30 hoP. factory engine, tubular f r ame, spare engine parts, spare whe els, gearing, spare 200cc engine and frame. $350 .00. (213) 644-4212 (evening). UNITED MOTORCYCLE ENTH US TS IAS Speaks for YOU. Wherever your- rights are involve d. All it takes is $5.00 to J OIN U.M.E . Box 1154, Reseda:, . Caltf', 91335. NEW "BSA HORNETS' 650c c competition machines . Sev eral le ft "Steamy deal" • Jerel Sport Cycles, Inc . 10001 F olsom BlVd., Sacto(91 6) 363-2809 1968 HUSQVARNA 250cc, exlnt. cond., comp, rise., xtra s pr ockets, Metiss e bars $725.00 . Call (805) 762- 7311 Ext. 2072 . INDIAN!!!! They still go fas ter, better and quic ker . sammy Pierce, 933 San Gabriel, San Gabriel, caur., (2 13) 286-2550 or 2831310. RICKMA N-ME T1SSE HANDLEBARS Street, racing, s crambles, sole U.S. Importer's Dist. House of Suzuki -Triumph , 16112 Harbor Blvd., Fountafn -. Valley. caur. 92708 . F OR SALE ' 64 Corvette F B, red with black interior, mags, AM & F M, power glide $2300. 00. (213 ) 652-7029. about new Rancheros, trucks, new Fords, and used cars. District 37 r ider for 10 years. save $$$$$, ask for To m Mc Cartn ey . Phone (213) 591- 3311. Mel Burns F ord, 2000 Long Beach BlVd., Long Beach, Calif. FLATTRACKERS '3 HARLEYS' RACE READY 1961.-KR Cerlanis , all late equpt! $850. 00 1961.-KR all late equlp l $550.00 . 1966CRS, Axtell tuned! $650.00 . Omaha, Neb . (402) 553- 9643. 25% SAVINGS ON INSURANCE PARTS MAN WANTED Experienced only. Call Harry at (2 13) 793-5153. MECHANIC WANTED Experienced only, Yamaha, BSA, BMW. Call Harry at (213) 793-5153. NEW GREEVES 36Occ, $1050.00. P hone: (714) 686-8014. W OULD YOU BELIEVE??? You can buy a brand new Indian Scoutior only $995.00 - a dir ect deal from factory to customer. Indian Factory, 933 San Gabriel, San Gabriel, Calif., (213) 2862550 or 283-1310. DUCATI NORTON Sales - Service - Parts - Open 7 days. Competition Service Inc., 1244 No. Gaffey St., San Pedro. (213) 547-2203. BU LTACo- REPAIR& HOPUP MAN UAL Covers all models; Including 36Occ , discuss porting port alignm ent, 5 po r ti ng 7 porting, reed p~tes, cutting pts tlons , timing by light, gen e r a l tune up, s hl! ting problems and remedy, Cl utch heat treating, glass peening, etc. Send $3.00 to: Morgan Engineering P.O. Box 2774 Fullerton , Ca . 92633 REG PRIDMORE offers his 500cc Manx Norton, 1968 AFM Nat. Points Winner. Kept in A-I shape, many spares, Garden carbo $1150.00 . (805) 967-8919. VIVA MON TESA New 250cc Street bi ke, 100 mph $495.00 Open 7 days. Compe ti ti on Service, tnc., 1244 No. Gaffey se., San Pedro. (21 3) 547- 2203. HUSQVARNA, PENTON Spec 1allst. Mall order parts, Swedish moto-cross gloves $7. 95. Malcol m Smtth, 1689 La Cad e n a , River side, Cal. (714) 684- 1866. DT-l GYT KITS Ins talled, timed, tu ned , pi tt ed $170 .00 complete. Malcol m Smith, 1689 La Codema, River s ide, (7 14) 684- 1866. EL CAMiNO'S, Trucks, and ears. Call Jim Woolwine, (213 ) 352-3241 or (213) 353-3226. Chev. Dealer . '65 TR- 6 650 DESERT bike, new Cerianis & tires, s pr oc ket, high pipe, Bates seat, engine strong, man y extras . $850. Must see. 1574 La Cor ta, Lemon Grove, canr. (714) 465-8454. • COME IN OR CALL M E TRADE '67 Bultaco Sher pa 200 for Hodaka (714) 636-0188. ' 62 MATCHLESS G80 CS 500cc. Clean dependable desert bike $300 . ( 805) 4825787 . Dealer garage liability 15% savings on Dealer 's bonds . JOH N W. MAYNARD INSURANCE, 3447 Motor Ave ., Los Angeles , Calif. Phone: 836-5211. HUSQVARNA 62 INDI AN 700cc orig. condo $400. or best offer. (213 ) 436-8378 evenings 5-9. FOR SALE - 1968 Yamaha Endur0250cc F ll tron air cleaner, expansion chamber, compr es s ion release T .O.P . (2 13) 6389514 after 7: 00 p .m , ' 67 BSA HORNET 650c c, s et-up for TT racing, $795. 00. P hone: (714) 686- 8014. YAlo-iAHA CHAMBER (new) 80c c to 100cc $20.00. (213) 676-6746. LEAIlNG CYCLE DEALER NEEDS HELP! FREE SAMPLE: British magazine; DetaIled photos, illustrating repairing , preventative ma intenance, .tuning, touring, competing , cus to mi zi ng, all European, Japanesl cycles . MOTORCYCLE MECHANICS, 3388 Modoc , Ker man, canr, il3630. 67- 1/2 HODAKA ACE 90- desert ready --all the extras $375 .00 firm . (213) 3423884. 66 XLCH SPORTSTER PENTON DEALER For the So . Bay area is Scuderia, 1634 Pier Ave., Redondo Beach, Calif. (213) 376-5095. W ARE E Twice as fast, twice as efficient, twice as good. For twice sakes try us for Indian parts, sales & service. sammy Pierce, 933 San Gabriel, San Gabriel, Calif., (213) 286 -2550 or 283-1310. • Exl; condition, ve ry low mileage, extra seat, Hi-Fi, blue $1095.00 or best offer . Call evenings ( 413) 839-2620. F OR SALE: 3 rail tilt motorcycle trailer (714) 982-2146. '61 650cc BSA DIRT. overhaul, new tires, trade for street bike - 250 and UP. (714) 546-3915. NEW BULTACO El Bandido 36Occ, $925. Phone (714) 686-8014 Riverside. • YAMAHA DT-I, Gyt Kit, desert equipped, cherry, must sell $650. (213) 789-0925. • Compl ete Metric Whitworth Hand tools valued over $1, 000.00 - Sell $500 .00 . Includes roll-away and tool box. (805) 947-3521. DO YOU WANT to ride Ascot wearing tennis shoes next year? You can if you are fearless, have a strong grip, and can spell Triumph blindfolded I No previous motorcycle experience required. Spiit expenses & purses. stan Shorrwo, (213) TO 1-1878. 1963 BSA GOLD STAR twin 650cc . Very sharp road machine $695.00 or trade for cab over camper. (213) 693-2180. . .. 175cc DUCATI road racer, fairing , alloy r i ms , etc., many spares.(213) 391-8432. '61 GOLD STAR Special - roadrace equipped now but has many other possibilities. All moving parts set up on needles . Extra gears, etc. Needs tires . Placed 2nd at Carlsbad Nat . Road Race. Priced at $800.00. L :A. area. (213) 5221467 - san Diego (714) 444-3631 . • ' 61 650c c BSA DIRT, trade for Pick UP. "(714) 546-3915. GRANT VAN TECH frame for Honda ' S90 $55.00. (213 ) 846-9873. 1966 BSA VICTOR Scrambler, 441cc, extra rear sprocket, shop manual, excellent condition, street or dirt $525. Torrance (213) 371-9872. '65 MONTESA 175cc fast, clean, race ready, many spares $325.00. (213 ) 5342397 after 5 p. m, BMW- 1967 R60 perfect con di ti on. (213) 798-1022 (Al tad ena). 1968 MOT a- BE TA - clean & fast, excellent co ndition. Cer lanis front & back. Pe relll ti r es, never raced but ready . 30 hrs. r iding time. (213) 862-3322. VAN TECH HODAKA Van Tech frame with l 00c c Hod . engine . Hi cornp, head, 24m m carb., Akront ri ms . Ready to race ! $650.00 incl uding extra parts. For infor mation wr ite: Charles Ha tch, 10976 Ratn er s t., Sun Valley , Cal, SALVAGE V1N CENTS- V1 NCEN TS Century Motor cy cles, 1640 S. P a cific Ave., ssn Pedro. (213 ) 832-6190. WANTED 500c c Velocette engine, com plet e or box job or complete b1ke. (213) 443-7309 evening . 1968 Honda 350cc $250.00 . 1967 Honda 160cc $175.00 . 1964 Suzuld250cc $110.00 1965 Yam aha 60c c $85.00. 1954 Ariel 500cc $150.00. 1967 Vespa l50cc $85.00 . 1967 M on t esa 250cc $425.00 . Honda Dream 305c c $100.00. Moto rcycl s Only (213) 832- 612 4. NEW $745 .00 white 250cc di r t bike, $350.00; '66 Maico 175c c scrambler, used one hour $375.00; '65 Malco s tre et 175cc, less 'than 100 miles $300 .00. (714) 527-8503. r----------- · ----------------------------------------------1 • $1 & $2 I • I • I I I • I I I TenWords -51 Twenty Five words - $2 NaIIIe. . ................ •••••• • • • •••• •••• ••• ••• • ••• • • •• • Headline in BOLD TYPE $I extra Picture $3 eX1ra Extra word - ID each e COMMERCI AL ADVERTISERS RATE Ten words .M" $2.00 Twenty five words ..... 54.00 Bold Line ..... 52.00 Photo ..... 56.00 (YOUR PHO TO) Extra ¥lOrd - lOe each Address. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • City ••• •••••• • •••••••••••••••••••••••• State,.. ...... •••• PLEASE PRINT - AD HERE • I • I ENCLOSE CURRENCY MAIL TO: CYCLE NEWS, P.O. BOX 498, LONG BEACH, CALI F. 90111 FREE ADS (10 ¥lOrds maximlllll) If you have something to give away (I ncl ude .... code ~Ih phon. number.) • I • • I • • II • • . I • I I • ~ ------- - --- ---- - - - - - -~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~

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