Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1968 12 05

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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, InfnHlucilg a new Comic SI" Starting this is sue. Cycle News is proud In present the debut or a new, original comic stnn, created by Ross Bunch- and eager to take up his bachelor purs uits where they left orr. Chris will be meeting al l kinds or int eres ting people in his ira vels around the country on his motorcycl es - pr eUy especially tor you esteemed readers. TiUed "The Roamer," 'u will reature ,the adventures or Chris .London, an America n motorcycle en thusias j ., recen tly disch arged trom serving in Viet Nam girls. racers, more prett.v girls. outlaws. girl s and lots of personalities that you will recognize, Stay turned on In this newspaper and rollow the rurther adventures or "The Roamer.- ~ -~ g:, C\l c.. • By R. Bunch RATTLESNAKE ENDURO Tom DUling By KLAMATH, Cal. - The Annual Rattlesnake Enduro was a success, In spite of the small number or entries . The host club, Redwood Scramblers or Crescent City, started the 130-mUe run near the town or Klamath on the river or the same name. The bright, sunny morning saw 84 riders take orf on the first leg, 80 mUes _ beautiful redwood country. The course or ran over logging roads, skid trails and access roads that ranged from dry to extremely muddy and s mooth to extremely rocky. During this part or the run the usual number or drop-outs dropped out, mostly due to the usual reasons - poor preparation, poor equipmentandloslngtheir extra gas. No one could get lost. The course was too well marked. I was told that over 1800 man-hours went Into laying out and marking the run . The only hospital case or the day turn- ROher~ • lGHEST TRADE-IN 239 N. Auh.lm BIYd. Anaheim . CaL. Ph.e (714) 533-1309 ••- , MOUNTED CARRIER WRITE: (iarNoCo Bel 243, Novato, Calif. .~ .. : ~ . 'I- SAVE-;n USEO': . -.- ... .: ~_...............••.•...•.. ::::i?" . . ~, ._.... . -~ ~ _ '::.:..:.i»_ " , _ 1~'Z-,- . ... .. , .r. ' I Phone I I : • IN LANCASTER Don & Ray's Motorcyc le Sho p 1223 W.Ave . I. L anca s te r, Ca lif. Specia lizing in 2- stroke Tuning I : 1629 So. Standard Ave . Santa AlIa, Ca l. 92707 (714) 543-9688 (805) 942-9624 • ••••• ••••••••••••••••••••• GENE H. MYERS Authorized YAMAHA Dealer NEW& USED SALES Parts - Service & Repair . 4459 Redondo Beac h Blvd. Lawn dal e. Ca lif. (213) . 542-4041 .y ABoIa~»sA ORANGE CO. CYCLf 205 N. Harbor Blvd. Santa Ana (714) 531~984 It-fARLEV-DAVIDBDN Rapido Imme ala tl Delivery I Sportster Harley-Davidson of Geeans ide 216 Via De l Monte Ocea nsl de. Califo rnia (714) 722-0836 • r· n;sl~\\()\ 9Q"~\\ & development co. U.S. Distributor GARDNER CARBURETOR 269 Orange Ave. Goleta. Cal if. 9])17 S4 LES , , J I• BULTACO*MAICO< /B M * PENTON ~ ~ -, ' ~8R'DGESTONE AI 175 Street - $499" 1125 50. LA BREA, INGL EWOOD (213) 674- 1431 Hodaka Monte S; ~lo lorc \' c1 cs . Greeves KawaSaki j W estmini ster Sport Cycl e Guy R. Louis m .4) 893-7057 I 7574 Westmini.sler Ave. Westminster. Cal.· COIRplete Parts" Accessories 5663 N. Rosemead Blvd., Temple City - f (213 ) 286.7504 L - ~~~~~~~~~ CULV E R CI TY CYCL E CENT E R S UZUKI CITY 2441 Lone Beach BIYc:. Lone Bea ch, c a llf' l t Area's leading wollllll! Kawasaki t , Dealer t Dealer Inquir ies Invited H. rculls 0 1st. Co. LTD - 11718 ·Sant a Monic a Blvd. Los Angeles 3. Co; 90025 O t G~Pie(;;;r;;;sdi1 .-...-. IAWASjf, .-...... • Headq-uarters SACHS~ . TRAILBIKES ~~ f SPARK PLUGS \II f f DALE BROWN MOTORS I 6025 Maywood Ave: BId. n, Huntineton P ark, Ca lif. Thiee blocks 011 Slaus on 589·7717 or 773·5839 HoulS lQ-l; 321-1242 839-9000 ••• I-NGK--7 -:5~-I' Special: st in tuned exh aust lor mo st two strokes Port, Polish and hve porting, also compl ete hop-ups lor Hodaka. GREEVES Compl.1e !bcblne Shop Faclll U.s l"..~( 2 1 3 ) 6027 Whi ttler Bhd.. E . Los Angeles (213) 7ZJ-3523 TURNER EXPANSION CHAMBERS HOCKIES MOTORCYCLES 22025 So. Figuer oa Torran ce, Calif orn ia (213) Sales-Semce Barne yTiliman' sSPORTCENTER .~ - - - - - - ~ - SERVICE HODAKA YANKEE OSSA Irs YAMAHA KAWASAKI I , BR'DGESTONE I. f ---"------ • • • • • • • • iII_ Draco's Motorcy'cl es I f 1HONDA PARISTE 4-0558 1 Wi lmm gton D iscount Cycle Center 1 I 1505 Avalon , Wi lmington. Calif. : NEW! In Sanla Ana : meets weekly from 8 to 12 o'cl~k on Saturday mornings is the third in a ~ries of four such programs. The tralnJng sessions will Incl ude lectures, films, and behind-the-handlebars trainingon motorcycles provided by the Center . The Los Angeles Police Department, the Department of Motor Vehicles, the Automobile Club of Southern CalifornIa. the California Motor cycle Association and a variety or other educators, law eoforcement officers and traffic experts have worked together to develop this cour s e. The class will be lim ited to 32 enrollees and will be taught bY Jack Burgan , L.A. City School Driver TrainIng Instructor and veteran motorcyclists, and Dale Martin, also an experienced motor cycli s t who teac hes cycle repair at the Center . The cost of the tra1n1ng will be $5 for those under 21 years of age and $10 for those 21 and over . To r egis ter for the program, cal l the Center at 346-3 540 or s ee Mr. Dale Martin, c/ o Wes t Valley OCcupational C.enter, 6200 WlnnetkaA ve . Woodland Hill, Califor nia • After Nov. 12, California motorcycle enthusiasts who apply for a new or renewed drivers license will also have to pass a special motorcycle exam ination. This new test, a requirement of the r ecently passed Assembly Bill 289, is designed to examine a cyclist·s ablllty to operate his machine on the public highways . Motor Vehicle Department throughout Califor nia are now preparing to give these tests so that the regular Class 3 drivers licenses can be especially endor sed to allow the holder to operate a two- wheeled vehicle. After Jan . 1 the Departments will also be issuing an entirely new class of license, a Class 4, which is designed for those people who wish to be licensed for motor cycles only. A training pr ogram , emphasizing the basic skills which the examiners will be looking for , as well as defensive driving tec hniques and basic mai ntenance for motor cycl es will be offered beginning Nov. 9 at the Wes t Valley OCcupa tional TralnJng Center In Woodland HUls. Thi s six- week training program which _ . • • • • iII • • • • • • ~' . NEW I CAR Train Now For Calif. M/C License Test ed out to be Richard Miller of Eureka, our local motorcycle peddler, who skinned an arm. He and his Bultaco found out that speed and wet plank bridges don't mls, After the -fi r s t leg and a one-hour layover, the survivors were sent out to attack the rest of the course, about 50 more miles . After an easy ride or five mUes or s o we were sent off the road for a run at Red Mountain, at the top of which is a TV relay station. This little rock garden took the greatest toll or anyone area as flat tires, broken cases, and lack of oxygen sent entrants back down the mountain in droves. The rest of the run was nor therly _ to the South For k of the Smith River, followed by the return trip to the staging area via Rattlesnake Ridge. The second leg starred Eurekan Dave Reynolds . His Triumph had a head-on with a pick- up full of deer hunters, and left the road. Dave survived In good shape but his machine called it a day with broken cases. Sweepstakes winner turned out to be Byrel Zollo of Arcata, our local AMA r eferee and motor cycl e peddler . All In all, a damn good r ide••.but never did s ee the rattlesnake. (Results on page 16) CZ . .¥ Triumph . . Suzuki Jawa . . Maico C5 Guy Louis SHELL MOTORS I~ I!J~I ~wood~1 ~Mk. II BAHER ELIMINATOR r Rep lace you r ma torcycll batter)' with a vi brati on resistant el ectronic unit. Free brochurl'. a t Walt Axthelm Triumph-Su zuki Motors . 1049 W. 5th St., Pomona. Calif. ( 714 ) 629"'8 642. Shell Thuet BEACH anES CYCLES S25 N. [I Ca.'no 11. ., sa. CI_nt.. Callf. . la OlG4!Hl41 CONDUCTOR SYSTEMS, INC. P .O. Bo x 1154 Pomona, Cal if. 91769 ~ , ~ ,~ MOST MAKE 2-STROKES Get more power - Bett. coollne Q\ Spl cla llst ln BultaeO tun lne $25.00 mast makes Pa ck cyl. & piston WIll for mal/lne Ca ll or write Sle V Scott P. O. Box C1 , I Ponorama Statio n, Panorama CIIJ, Calif. (213) 989-4905 • I I i r

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