Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1968 12 05

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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• RRC SETS UP OWN HE RIDES A FORD-INDIAN BLOOD BANK ~ r.J :c: r.J .,J U ~ r BURBANK o 317 N. Victory Blvd.• Burbank, Calif. 91502 Telephone (213) 849 -492 1 • 842 -4847 By Bill Har mer BRIDGESTONE Bob Anderson of Vallejo Caillornla bad fA ~GTR For the name 01 your nea rest Oeale r So. Cal. McCulloch Di s!. Inc. (213) 772·2106 No. Cal. Coast McCulloch (415) UN 3-5520 RONNIE RALL FLIES BENELLI Ot~ A FOR DEALER IN FORMATION fN ELECTED AREAS S Write: Jesse C Levine National S . ales M anager COSMOPOLITAN MO TORS, INC. Dept A., 5521 Wayne'Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. 1 9144 so me uncommon Ideas about what a tourIng motorcycle sbould be . He couldn't find an ything on the ma rket that quite filled his requirements, so out of bits and parts from motorcycles an d automobiles he laboriously assembled his brain child. First, he exte nded the frame of a 1937 indi an 4 an d hung a flat head F ord 60 V8 engine In It. So he could us e a Harley trans miss io n an d con v en t1 0 n a 1 chain drive, be bolted the dlfierentlal of an English Ford to the flywheel. A HarleyDavidson front end an d Ariel gas tan k completed the assembly. He had to extend the handlebars because the saddle Is quite a dis tance from the forks . The only Instruments Bob Ins talled were an 011 pres sure gauge and ampmete r . He doesn't have a speedometer because he hasn't yet found one that goes high enough to handle the speed the bike Is capable of. Bob was Interviewed at Ensenada, Mexico jus t after he' d completed the 650- mlle jaunt fr om his home in Vallejo. He uses the bike as regular transportation , putting fr om 400 to 600 miles a mon th on It. Despite Its 1200 pounds an d 10'2 " overa11 length Bob says It handles beautifully and gi ves a s mooth, com fortable ride. Dallas.Texas International Moto-Cross - Nay. 9 & 10 250cc Class 1st DA VE BI CKERS - CZ 500cc Class lst JOEL ROBERT - CZ 3rd DAVE BICKERS - CZ 4th VLASLIMIL VALEK - CZ 250cc Jr. Class lst JOE JOINER - CZ Benefits Retarded Kids By Ernie Winslow Pbotos by Jack Llgbt BAKERSFIELD, Caill. - The Sprockets Motorcycle Club staged their fifth annual charity race Sunday octobe r 27, 1968 at sprocke t Park . All pr oc eeds from this AMA sanctioned scrambles will be dona ted to the Bakersfield Association for Retarded Chi ldren . Htgbligbt of the afternoon was the drawing for a Kawasaki motorcycle and other Ite ms donated for thi s cause. Special awards were given to J oe Ros e be rry an d Ron P ierce. Rosebe r r y Is the cu rrent point leader In Dis trict 35 and Pierce the outstandi ng Ama teur road racer with wins at the Indianapolis 110Mile Nati onal an d the one at LaconIa that was dl s qua1i!led for wInn1ng with a r ig with too few cubic incbes . Th e outs tanding race was attributed to the open exp er ts. Alex Chrzanows ki mastered the co mpe ti ti on with a flawless At a recent RRC mee ting Bill Miller proposed that bl ood deposits already mad e to "Ope ration Motorcycle" be withdrawn an d held In a separate organizati on. The first part of this motion was defeated. However , It was unan i mously agreed that a ne w bank be set UP, under the name RRC Motorcycle Blood Bank. " Big Daddy" Miller ' s ne xt motion was also ad opted without oppositi on - that blood di sbursements of the new bank go to motorcycle enthusiasts only. Operation M/C Is the Red Cr oss blood bank for motorcycle entb us lasts and their tamllles. Operation Motor cycle Co- cbalr man , Ken Jones, has r esigned from the post and relinqui shed the r ecord to the office. F rom lel t Pierce's sponsor Darrel Jenkins, Ron P ie rce , J oe Roseberry and Skip Saylor, sponsor of Roseberry. riding style and a precision-tuned Tr lumph, Alex was r iding with a s li ght welgbt an d vis ual han dicap In the fo rm of bal r but thi s did not seem to slow him down. Ron Pierce won the firs t motocross an d was in co nte nti on until he lost It In the ba ck cbute . Carroll Jacks on turned In a fi ne performance in finishing s econd. Rick Newby had an apparent victory in the 175- 200 Amateur- Expert class wben his Kawasaki coughed at the flnisb line a nd Br ldge s tone mounted Ron Tobey Zipped by for the win and a probab l e transfer to the Expert division. The Ros ebe r ry brothers riding out of Skip Saylor 's Bakersfield store were one and two with F rank the vi ctor over Joe. Midge Gr illi th an d the dirt throwlngest Nor ton In the district were tops in the Open Ama teur event. Midge rooster tailed through the r igh t hander eacb lap with one of his be s t r ides. The co mbin ed race of 250Amateur and Experts foun d the Hanf ord r iders leading the field with Ken Wise defeating Harvey Bakker In the Expert contest. Stan Mills was the top Amateur riding a Montesa. Mills will be moving to the Exper t class very s oon. Th e Colby family from Oxnard Invaded the 250 Novi ce sbow with Randy and his Harley beating hi s cousin Dan an d Bultaco. The third member Pat, finis hed fifth. Matchless was the brand to buy in the 500 Amateur-Expert go . Mike Keen continues to be the r ider to beat In this class. Th e 200 Novice class tried to destroy eacb othe r In the first turn. F1na1ly the pack cleared this tricky corner an d Gary Walker's Bul taco mastered. The Sprockets extend -their thanks to Tony Elisarraras and his wife for helping with this race. Mos t times that a district offic1a1 gets mentioned Is In a gripe but It Is a real pleasure to have Tony' S assistance at any event . (Results on page 16) NEW YORK WINS PARKING FIGHT According to a columnis t In Th e Village Voice (a weekly local newspaper) , New York motorcyclists hav e finally won their s truggle to be permitted to park mo torcycles a t an angle to the cur bin New York City . Prior to thi s , cy cl es and scooters bad to be parked parallel to the curb, wasting valuable parking s pace and Infuriating motorists, who oft en moved lIgbtwelght bikes Into " no par king" zones so they could take the cycle's space. Cr edit for the victory of common sense over Ir on- beaded bureaucracy sbould go to Ralph Lao, founder of the Metropolitan Cycle As s ociati on, 120 E. 34th Steeet, Ne w York 10016. Lao for med MCA In 1965 s pe cifically to lobby for angle parking In Manhattan . SALVAGE We Illy J..... & sell Fine Used Parts Al so tons of H. D. Obselete stuff. 45's-Kauctel-Dlsil Pal D iStr ib ut ed by 1325 So. La Brea Ave. L os Angeles , Cal . 90019 Complete Service Frame & Fork Straightening. 38-15 Greenpoin t Ave . Lon g Is land City, N.Y. 11101 • Alex Chrlzanowskl, wimer of the OPIll Expe r class. MOTORCYCLES ONLY AMERI CAN JAWA LTD. • Bob R 126 West 4th oss We Servi ce what lhey sell. st . San Pedro, California TE 2-6 124 ..

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