Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1968 12 05

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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• ASCOT 2Q-LAP EXPl!2l'1' CALIP. STATE CHAKPIO.SBIP • CALIF. STATE HALF-MILE DIRT DIGGERS GRAND PRIX CHAMPIONSHIP Hopetown, Cal., Ascot Park, Cali Gardena, Cal., Fri. 11/8/68 se., SUn., Nov. !HO , 1968 l"1n1ah 1 )18 Mer t Laww111 ( H- D) 2)20 (}ea e ('l'ri) 2) 8 20 L AP EX PERT FlNAL 8)22 Dan Huby (H-D) 8 )22 8 ) 9 ll:l< H-D 1 . Mert Lawwill ') 8 Shorty Seabaurn. (BSA) 2 . Ge ne Rome ro T ri 4) 8 4) 22 II -D 3. Dan lIaa by 5)15 Ralph 1Ih1te (BSA) V 5)15 5 ) 29:1: BSA 4 . Shorty Seabourne 1\ X X 6)207 Lloyd HouClh1ne (BSA) BSA 6)207 5 . Ralpb Wh ite 6) 20 BSA 6 . Lloyd Houch in s '1)221' Bruce Holland ('l'ri) ~ f7 )221' -7 ) 207 T ri 7. Bruce Ho ll an d 8 )29% C...1 Patrick (BSA) 8)29:1: BSA 8)221' }J 8 . Carl Pa trick BSA 9 . P hil Todd ;)18:lt Phil Todd (BSA) • 9 ) 18:lt T ri 10. Clyde Li!ch 10);5:1: Clyde L1tch ('l'ri) • II 10 )16 10 L AP AMATEUR FlNAL H-D .0 'I'1Ju Due 'I'c Acc i d ...t • Di d . ot l"1D1 ah 1. Marl< Brel sford BSA 2. Geezer E mic k 1 Q- LAP AlIATElJR nUL INTERNATIONA L M -CRO OTO SS 3 . Don lI arms H-D Tri 1 2 8 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 l"1n1ah St... t Dallas, Texas, Sat. Nov. 9, 1968 4 . Tom Rockwood BSA 5 . Bill Co dy l) 47y Mark Brelstord ( B- D) By Jam es E . Bramm e r 1) 21" BSA 6 . Reg Chos ney Tri 7. Ron spillman 2)27r G.ner I!lIl1ck (BBA) I) l1:l< 250cc I NTERNATIO NAL , FlM f-Tri If8. Dave smi th SAN CTIONED '>n9 8) t-f- 8)21y DaD H&rIIUI ( H- D) 1. Da ve Bickers, Eng land CZ 8 LA P NOVICE FlNAL 4) 4'17 4) 20% 'l'ClIII Rockwcod ('l'r1) Hu s 2 . To r ie il llansen, Sweden Yam I . Ke i th Mashbu rn lIu s 3 . Ben z t Al berg, Swe de n SUz 2 . Frank Gillispie 5)41% Bill COdJ (BSA) 5) ;21' 4. Ro ger DeCoster, Be l gium CZ Suz 3 . Ra ndy sm i th II) 4lz. 6)66. Ren Spillman ('l'r1) 5. P ierre Karsmaker, Holland nus Yam 4 . Ru dy Ga li n do Bul 6 . Ma rc el W e rt z , Be lgium i II-D 5. Dave Stroma n 7) 921' Reg Cho.n.y (BSA) 7) 27r7. Gunna r Lindstorm, Swe de n Hus Kaw 6. Den ni s Kane ga e il 8)11% Dave SIIl1th ('l'r1) • 8) 66. Os s 8. Glen Ven c ent, USA Yam 7. Don Dud ek Hus 9. Ge ne F e t ly. USA lion 8. Milo W altz 'l'1Ju1 8 157 . 75 • Did . ct Pin1ah Mon 9. J ohn DeSOto, USA Yam 9 . Di ck Bullock Suz 8-LAP .OVICE MAX. 11 . E ve re d T e rrell, USA 10 . Joe He nry 250 c c JR. CL ASS, OV ER ALL 1 2 8 4 5 6 7 8 P1n1ah st...t I . J o e Joiner CZ Yam 2. J a ck O' leary 1)101 Xe1th Mubburn (Y. .) 1 ) 1 01 3 . Mik e C ull um 2)156 l"raJlk Gillespie (saa) 2)162 4. David Ili ckm an ~ 5 . Mick Ma cFarlan 8)162 ReJldJ SIIl1th (saa) 8 ) 189 5 . Ken Wilson ')229 RudJ Galindo (Y_) ')118 7. Karl Muelsden 5)189 DaY. StrOlUJ1 (H-D) &)156 7. Dal e Brooks 9. Ralph Prui tt ~ 6)20'1 Dannh Xaaeg. . (bw) 6)128 10. Ro ger lIurl ey '1)128 DaD Dudek (y. .) '1)229 1 25c c C LASS, OV ERALL 8)118 Kilc .ala (Hen) 8)20'1 1. W A xthelm alt Sac 2. Bill Ka s son 9)179 Diok Bul100k (y. .) ')179 Bul 3 . J a me s Lu tz ~~ 10)166 Jo. H.....,. (saa) • 10)166 4. George P arks 'l'ta.1 8 115.45 • Did .ot 1"1n1ah st...t 1 2 8 4 5 «S 7 8 1)18 ~ -- • LAP ClWl'l'S by C...o1 S1Ju IX 9 Rut...t 101112 1314 15 16 17 18 19 20 1)18 2 )20 ~~ IX V· - XX ~ IX ~ ~- D< rx - 1Xr- lX ·X -V ~ X Y -r I Hs k AgainA T a oa a t ijuan .1 . > TIJUANA, Mex., Nov. 10 - With a D1st1rct 38 champtonship point,race scheduled for the same weekend In Imperial Valley, many TIjuana regulars were not present. But those who were put on a spectacular show for the local fans. Because the entry list was light, each class ran four motos, with the exception of the 100cc Novice event which ran two heat races and the 15-lap MaIn Event. Doug Maloney forged his Hodaka to the front early In the 15-lapper . Brad Boyar, also on a Hodaka, was gaining steadily and definitely pressing as he chased Maloney across the finish . Young Bob Silverthorn, ridIng Jim McGulre's hot Reed-Induction Hodaka got off to a poor slart but threaded his way through traffic to capture the th ird place trophy. A three-way fight developed In the 100cc Expert bash and In the final moto. Yamaha-mounted Carl Byers scooted by Yamaha-pilot Earl Rol off to capture fi r s t . J i m Dunn c ouldn' t get his Brldgestone around Ro loff and had to settle for thir d. Gary'Gllmore and Bultaco teamed Mp 10 snatch a lJ'8at third In 500cc 10 Open NovIce and a thIrd In the 250cc Novice. Ride With Big Ones Under Me xican rules riders may ride In a bi gger class, so the 200 cc series of m otos saw lots of lOOCc machines, includIn g the three leaders. J im Dunn, r idin g his Van T e ch Bridgestone had some d1Uic ulty In turni ng bac k diminuti ve Ya maha jockey, Earl Roloff J r. Wayne Hosaka did the tr oops again as he came across with Ihe SOOce to Open Expert wi n even though he could not start In one mete, Rick Ribley riding a Garell1, the only fo ur-stroke machine In the race, looked Impressive In gaini ng third. T he Open Expert c ontes t was dominated by BSA-mounted Wayne Hosaka who captured top hon or s in spite of not being able to slart In one of the motos. Suzuki expert, Don Emde had a good battle go ing wi th a Ti juana favo rite, Carlos lribe, butlrlbe's Husqvarnacame ung lued; He was no t able to run th e final ' moto, gi ving E mde an undisp uted claim to second . Bultaco pilot, Gary Gilmor e showed what was pe r haps the m ost improved r id in g abillty of any of th e yo ung riders by defeating Bultaco-mounted R on Bennett and BSA rider Dale Evans to win th e 50 0cc Open Novic e fracas. Randy Cushman In a hotly c ontes ted bout with TMA president Carlos Irlbe and Gary Gilmore managed to eke out a win with hi s Bultaco In the 250Cc Novice. As the day was yet young, referee, Earl Roloff announced two additional sweepstakes races (no entry fe e) , for btkes under and over 25OCc. J im Harmon, r iding Doug Maloney's Hodaka, captured the lightweight contest by defeating Hodaka-mounted Jim Mc Guire and Yamaha-pUot Carl Byers. Young Don Emde expertly captured the larger class bash ahead of Bultaco r ider Gary Gilmore. The spectacle of the day saw Jim Mc Guire capture third among the heavies on a lOOcc Hodaka• IOOc c NOV. (MAIN) 1. Dou g Maloney Hod 2. Brad Boyar Hod 3. Bob Silverthorn lIod 100cc EXPERT 1. Carl Byers Yam 2. Earl Ro lol! Jr. Yam 3 . Jim Dunn Bri 200cc COMBINED 1. Jim Dunn Bri 2. Earl Rolol! Jr. Yam 3. Rich Ribley Gar 250cc NOVICE I. Randy Cushman Bul 2. Carlos Iri be lIu s 3 . Gary Gilmore Bul 500cc-()PEN NOVIC E 1. Gary Gilmor e Bul 2 . Ron B enn ett B ul BSA 3 . Dal e E va ns 5 00cc- O PEN E X PERT I. Wayne lIosa ka BSA 2 . Do n E m de Suz 3 . Carlos Iribe n us 0- 200cc SWEEPSTAK E S 1. Jim Harmon 1I0d 2 . Ji m McGu ire Hod 3 . C a r l Bye r s Ya m 250cc O PEN S WEEPSTKS. I. Do n Em de Suz 2. G aQ' G ilmo re B ul 3. J im McGu i re .llo d POWDER P UF F Terri Bri ce Sandra T ennin Caro l Da vi s Mary Broo ks Cathy T ru sdale 100 NOV. Bob Vacca Bruce Baroo J oe Bi ed en ha ch Mike I'a.Y se Bob Arch e r 100 AM .l EX . Dan Hockie Dave Aldana Ge ne Can na dy Ed Crowell Linus Beall 101 -200 COMB. Gary Bailey Ste ve Sc ott Ka rl C ranke Doug Yerke s Russ Darn ell 250 NOV. J im WilSllll Chris Hollen be ck St ev e Sc hneider Bob Ste lla n Jr. Bob Goldbe r g 250 AM. Charles II ermans en Lany Shoemaker Bob Kul ek Rick Hall Da ve Duarte .'" .Q E u '" Bul Pen Bul Bul Hon '" 0 CI) ~ kl :c: lIod SUz Hod lIod Bri kl -.J U :>.. U P en Bul P en Bul Guz Gre Bul Bul Gre Yam Bul Bul Hus Kaw Hus Tri Tri Tri Nor Nor BSA Mike Borns lIankBums Robert casUe Red Parker John Palfreyman steve Foss Bul Cecil Meadors Darryl Meadors Mal Tri Tri 333333333 333333333333333333333333333333 -3 Bob Bailey's Service Center J 3 ~ Motorcycle Service & Repairs Tue s. Th ru Sat. 10:00 A.M. T o 6:00 P. M . 3 17124 S. Western Ave. -Bide. N.o. ~ 3 Gardena, Call1or ni a 90247 3 Phone 327-8538 J 33333333333333333~3333333333333333333 00 ... v; 250 E X. ade P en Hod Sac Bul Bul m .., ;;;j ~ 3 3 3 3 3

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