Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1968 12 05

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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• , • SCRAMBLIN AROUND By Maureen Lee SaId an awed spec ta to r coming through the gate Sunday and seeing the hydro "Miss Bardahl" in the parking lot; " Don' t tell m e the Dir t Digger s are having boat rac es thi s y ear." Knowing the 'Diggers and their history at Cor r i ganville we know how this guy f elt. Every year th e r ace keeps getting bigger and better. Who knows what th ey'll come up with next. A nother wallop on the head was made by the English for ' all tha t l ovely tea dumped into Boston Harbor some years back. Although just r iding exhibition they rather socked It to the local group. Don and Derek Rickman were observed chucking away rocks on the outside of the tree on turn two Sunday. "'That's where I'm going," said Derek and he did, passing half th e troops r i ght there. In under three laps and from a back row start he and Don were sec ond and third with Brian Wade firs t . Factor y Greeves r ider Brian Wade was great to watc h . On Saturday, agaln f r om the back r ow, he overtook the whole field and nalled Steve Scott on the last lap fo r first although Steve is still the official winner. SaId one rider, "I had the uncomforta ble feeling he co uld have done it earlier if he'd wanted to." Sunday, Wade approached the mud hole and in trying to be a nice guy by not drowning out someone else as he wasn't competing for real, got drowned out himself. The whole weekend was a great shot in the arm for Greeves who we feel have been too long underestimated in these here parts . Anyone who saw Wade ride can' t say Gr eeves ' aren'l fast enough . Those two Rickman-BSA's with the conversion kit flat went, once agaln mak ing some of us wonder why the "Colonies" get different Victors than they keep at home. The two green-shlrted Englishmen had a completely different line through the first gully and around the tree than anyone else except Wade. But when acouple of th e local talent tried It. Itdidn' t work. Mike Rendlch leadi ng In the 100 Novice class drops a chain In the mud and sand wash. ) . USED PARTS ALL MAKES . 40% TO 60% Off ., » YAMAHA DEALER » SCRAMBLER MlJTORCYCLES 1801 W. Burbank Blvd. Burbank, Calif. 849·5907 or 845-8738 Ext. • 7 District 37 Presldent Ron Sloanhonks It on to keep ahead 01 Mike Haney. They didn't have enough. it honked OIl hard Odds 'N' Ends Saturday with #33 Red Dot member Dave Rodgers laughing at th e crowd whil e s tuck In the wash after drowning out and fellow Red Dotter #6 Jim Nausha r i ding In tennisshoes_.Don Afflac klooking like he ran In to Cassius Clay after going down In the 101-200 class crashing up his gorgeous little Van T ech Kawasaki and hlmse1f• ••the crowd cheer ing Open Novice Lana Palge through the mud hole Sunday with Lana and her Triumph making some of her fellow male riders looking squirrely In it, she was so good ••• there were a few too many crashes in that class but the tho ught of a win at Corriganville tends to make the most cautious of rider s th r ow caution to the wind••.how about all those 250cc scooters In the 350 class ••.atter the fIrst lap In the sl dehack class the hillsides resem bled the beach at Anzio, there were crashed hacks all over the place and even the formidable" Penguin" went off a cllff and alth ough we've been sworn to secrecy we're going to tell- those guys have F UN rldlng •••ther e' sGene Sm lththe only man we've seen who can handle a Triumph like It was a lightweight••• Ronnie Nelson ( Monte sa) and one of our great hopes In mote-cross who had the bad luck to break a chain but he's still ready f or the western r ound of Internationals com i ng up•••Eddie Mulder (C- Z) getting a hand full of dirt thrown on him In the second gully, shaking his head and j us t m otoring on•••Dlstrict 37'S Prez Ron Sloan fresh off the plane from spain flying until he whacked a tree knocking an oil line loose•••Jim Gol dsmi th falltng in the mudhole twice and his buddy Red L udsfor d' s comment: "When he sees water he doesn't know what to do wi th i t ." (Red fInished but we hear he l urked behind bushes for four laps and then pulled back out) but mud and all Goldie is still our hero•..Dusty Coppage really doing •em In In the Open class even to the point of being able to stop for water and then later havi ng so many people In his truck for a trip to th e parking l ot we'll bet he set a record for how many bodies you can get in one plckup•••th e ar guments that always fo llow a race like this such as " My wife kept lap charts and sh e says I got first (or second, third etc.) . CI) 9:: r.:l Scrambler Ben Fakkeldy lolls It up hi gher out ~ 0 1 the gully than desert ri der Don Bohannan. r.:l ..,J Co) Awards For The Day The Dirt Diggers a ward "Instant Death" to tw o people. One for the Idiot who turned on the water faucet In the mud hole Saturday night while the club was in town eating making them spend hours later by th e light f rom headlights getting wall to wall wa ter out of the wash so It could be used next day •••too many people worked too many hour s for tha t kind of stuff to be pulled••.m aybe next ye ar there won't be any one allowed to camp on the ranch but club mem ber s. Second death award goes to the kid who deliberately dropped a big rock on th e head of one of the Junior Dirt Digger s splitting his head open ••.!t was serious but It could have been f atal. Our own awards go to hundreds of people•••the riders them selves who supported the race more than ever (ov er 1100) with all that cr owd Saturday let alone Sunday and to the Dir t Diggers themselves. This includes wi ves and kids as they all worked as a team and to th e · Powder Put! Association m embers who helped sign in rid ers . A nd to President , Ji m Peterson who worries so mu ch each year he should tak e tranqulllzers (and share ' em around) but Is so proud of his group he radi ates and practically sends out beeping sounds; and to Sam Crooks who Saturday was In charge of the track and agaln Sunday of sign up, protests · etc. He ended up with blisters•••the loneliest flagman out in the boonies Is as I mpor tan t to the whol e effort as the s tarte r . Cheers, group! What's planned Cor next year? Ever sto ppe d to w on der why the famous Rickman Metisse w ins aga inand aga in in Moto -Cross even ts? M uc h of t he cred it must go t o the designers; Rick man Bro thers. They know how to bu ild a mac hine and how to get the most out of it. m~~~~~~: 1835 WEST VALLEY BOUlEVARD • ~ro~[: BOX 227& ALHAMBRA. CALIFORNIA 91803 • rr~t ij2 1 3~ 289·4351 G ..

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