Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1968 12 05

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Briggs All Alone At Whiteman Half Get Trophies at Bushmasters Moto . vi • • Q.l i§ By John Gro ut Q.l '" Q.l Q ~ Story and Photos by Rich W en ald Barry Briggs, the four time World Champion of Inter national dirt track racing, again plowed the field at Wh1teman Stadium last saturday night. In a spec- t.:: tacular night of slip and slide, the phan- <: tom K1wi did everything except stand on ~ his head and scratch his ear In front U RI ck Woods leads Ronnie ATnol d. of the grandstand. ~ U Woods lakes the oulslde, Steve Scott and Steve Bast try hard down the middle. Briggs looks calm on the Inside. BEAUMONT, cai., Nov. 3 - The Bushmaster s held their third and bes t motacross event of the year In Lamb Canyon, two miles south of here. OVer 60 riders competed in nine motes, 31 picking ' up trophies for their efforts. The first 100cc mota saw young Steve Nichols really doing the deed. This exper t TT r ider took an early lead on his Yamaha . Mid-way alon g the TI r ider began to tire and Cook, who rides the des er t and is used to the long runs, began to gain. But it was a case of too little too late as Nichols won with about a 50-yard lead. The second mota was a different story. Nichols took the lead again but led for only one lap before Larry Cook really turned it on and passed Nichols on the straight. One rough downhill made the difference. Cook made it almost half waydown with his front wheel in the air trying to catch up. Nichols crashed on the hill. SADDLEBACK INTERNATIONAL MOTO-CROSS SUNDA Y DEC.8 He might have won too, because the coil bracket broke on Cook' s machine on the last lap putting him out of contention. Now Jim Sharp on a Yamaha and Blll Dean, Bultaco, who had been r eally fighting It out for third , had a clear field and cros s ed the finish line side-by- side to tie for fir s t followed by Elvin Cook. The third mota saw Elvin Cook lead the first lap on his Yamaha . Right behind Elvin came Larry Cook and Steve Nichols followed by Bill Dean and Jim Sharp . Larry Cook took the lead on the second lap and held it until his machine se ized In the fifth. Elvin won it, followed by Nichols. Jim Sharp passed Bill Dean on the fifth lap to take third, Dean fourth. When the points were totaled Elvin Cook came out the winner with Steve Nichols second, Jim Sharp third and Bill Dean fourth. Bob Riley has won the 250cc class In all previous Bushmaster moto-cross events. In fac t, he has wonevery mota . It looked like a repeat performance today as he took an early lead In the first moto followed by Freddy Edwards . Edward s' Gyt-kit Yamaha clearly had more power than any other 250cc but his throttle was coming loose. When he finally did get into the lead on the tenth lap his bars went down and the throttle came clear off. The win passed to Riley, whose Greeves was giving out on him. Tom Rapp had come all the way fr om. ninth place on his Husky to fini sh third. The second moto saw Riley' S Greeves without any power and Edwards ran away from the rest of the pack. Don Gr ieve on a new Yamaha took secon d, followed by Rapp and J . KoPP. Inter-Am Championship Finale • ,. r • Sponsored by Saddleback Park and Cycle World Magazine SEE-- 18 01 EalOpo' s nnesl rider. meellbelles lbe U for $1000' . ll. .s. in prtn mone,! SEE-- The ftnesl ...""ero.. I. 1tIe u.s, lbl. Yllr. Excene.I SEE-- Quallfylnc races ad 2-bour practice 01 "0 EulOpoa. riders o• .5alarlllly, Dec. 7. WI..... 10 lie I.I...Am sorIes nll3le. views of 1IIe entire COurSI. J 1m Francis on Gree.. s leans toward his lIylng front wheel. PLAN-- FRIDAY-- Joel Roberl Mel.cro .. SATURDAY-SUNDAY-LEARN RIDE The third 250cc moto was almost a repeat of the second. Edward s won easily, second was again taken by Rapp, They were followed by Bill Harris , In his fir s t race , on a new Husky. OVerall points lor the three motos gave the ",i n to Edwards with Rapp second, Ril ey third and Harris four th'. 10ride • • alcb .. IIII s .ekend IPOmcel... ~I. Lo st A Nut Quallfylnc races, practice loran riders. InlefoAm Series FI.ale: Saddlebaclc Intem,lIo..1 MolO-eros.. Jill Holler! win cend..1 bls _ a. d ......era.. scblll Friday, Dec. 7, ..silled IIY Hopr DeCoster. Class I lmlle ~ 10 100 slIdoals; lee $15. Saddlebaclc Part . , day, every day. If. tree""y des, - lIk~ N,.,on F• •ay II CIIa)llllllo Ave. , P list .. CII..... IO SnIt· op c.oyo. RlI., . . rlPlIO Salllleback Part R ""oslle II. lI. Are Slall... 0) SADDLEBACK PARK! ~ Orange County 's Motor Playground Box 2455, Orange. Calif. 92667; phone 714/839--5832 Six make a class so there wer e enough 125cc and 175cc machines to qualify. Rich W en took the first moto ald but when his Malco lost a nut in the second Danny Flores, who was also In his first race, went on to take top honors with his Penton. He was followed by Milton Hayes, also on a Penton, and Kawasaki-mounted Bob Brown. There was only one rider in the open class so Jim Myer got an easy trophy on his big Triumph. The 500 class, running at the same time, was a lltile harder . First place in each moto was taken by Maico rider Doug Templeton with a crushing lead. Second In all three motos was Ducati -mounted Dave Gruver . In the first moto Mike Seitz was third on his Montesa followed by Or en Hutchins on' S BSA. The s econd moto looked li ke a carbon copy of the first until Hutchinson grabbed third from Seitz In the sixth lap and held it until the end. The third moto was again Te mpleton, Gruver and Seitz as Hutchinson 's BSA stopped once more while he was In second place. The overall results gave it to Templeton, Gruver, Seitz and Hutchins on, in that order. The last Bushmasters mota-cr oss of the year is on November 24. (Results on page 20)' •

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