Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1968 11 21

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Minert Sticks to it, Edges lar~ 00 <0 Saddleback Dusteaters .... C) By John Shedd Sad dle bac k wa s dus ty as usual for the san Bernardino Valle y Ml c Moto- Cross . Maybe someday a club will figure a way to hold the dust down, Besi des the dust, smog and heat, the club bad proble ms with the a mbulance . It arr ived late and left early without notice . This ca used a long delay before the last two motos could be run . Mos t of the top local Moto- Cros s talent was elsewhe re, buttbat dldn' t mean ther e wasn ' t good racing. Cla es Nilson had little trouble taking the 125cc Senior class aboard La rs La rsso n's Penton. Nilson won all three motos , his closest r tval be ing Bob Maynard, al so on a Penton. It was a Penton taking the win agaln In the J unior class with Bruce Baron riding. He won two. Husky-m ounted Russ Darnell captured the 250cc Senior cla ss with ease. Eve r yone thought the battie would be be tween La rsson and Darnell, but Larsson had mecha nica l troubles In all three mot es, Russ sail ed passed the c hec kered fla g three times . Left: Hodaka moun ted Sieve Goldberg snatched second place gol d I n the 12Scc Jr. c lass with a greal ride behind the 125cc PenIon of Bruce Baron.S le ..'sHodaka was handicapped with Its 100cc engine bul stJII managed 10 co me In ahead of many other 12S's i n the c lass. Bruce Baron (pl ayi ng 'Red Baron' ) lakes hi s newly purc hased Penw n 12S throu ch vari ous maneuvers and managed 10 shoal down the fi el d on their first mission 10 copp fl rsl plac e In the l2Scc Jr. LONG BEACH S': ~ . ~~ Chu ck "Feels' Mlnerl managed to edge hi s BSA Vi cl or to v ictory over the fl y in g Swede Lar s La rs son In the SOOc c Expert cla ss. In the 250Cc Junior class there wer e diffe rent winners In eac h moto, But when the points were counted It was Bultaco r ider Chris Hollenbe ck on top , Gary McLa rty had no difficulty getting top trophy in the 500 J unior , but the 500 Exper t was a diff er ent tale. Chuck I\Uner t and his BSA were out fr ont In the fir s t moto, Swedish s wt tty Lars Larsson on a Husky trying to play catch-up from way back. He -made it, too and won with Minert hot on his hee ls . La rsson came from behind agaln In the second moto, passing Mlnert for the lead . Miner t stayed close, but was never able to ge t bac k the lead . In the final, Larsson was ca ught way bac k in the pack . By the time he pulled Inlo second, MIner t had s uch a tr em endous lead , it looked to be Impossible to catch him . But Mlnert cr ashed and Larsson did ge t by . From all appea r - ances, he had the win in the bag. Bug once again Lar sson had mechanica l woes tbat stopped hi m fr om finishing. WIth a bIg s m lie and blood r unning from a cut on his li p, Miner t took the checkered flag and the class win. :-SAVE ;n USEO'-: I HONDA PARTS T:~~~;58 1 W mgton Discount Cycle Center ilm I I 1505 Avalon, Wilmington. Calif. - -- ----- - Mid·Sta'es 'I'eraa,iona' Mo'o·(ross 500" Class Is' JOEL ROBERT· (·Z 21d 10GER De(OSTER • (·Z 250" 3rd JOEL ROBEIT • (·Z HONDA #1 IN SALES SERVICE AND SPORTS RACING HAVE YOUR MACHINE TUNED BY JOHN RICE #1 in Di stri c t ~7 Sc ramhl l' '' HONDA BSA HODAKA 4 conven ien t loca t ions 5105 All anti c Long Beach 423-1433 1760 L ong Beach Lo ng Beach 591-1301 11747 E. Car son La kewood 860-1354 4328 E. An ahei m Lon g Beach 439-0943 1 B i ll Gomen Is lookin g good here on his trusty H odaka and logeth er they pulled ofl a fourth In Ihe 12Scc Sr. cla ss. Oi Stri but ed by AME RI CAN JAWA LTD, .. 1325 So . La B re a Ave . L o s Angel es , Cal . 9 00 19 ... ~ 3 8-15 Gre en po int Ave . Long Is lan d Ci ty, N.Y . 111 0 1

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