Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1968 11 21

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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o *******************~ * * ~: THE TWO-WHEELEI A ~ : SUZUKI ~: ""* Ready for Inmediate Del iveI'Y! ~ Roloff Makes Move ** 867 W. Colton Ave. San Bernardino, c all 1 i* (714) 885-3445 ~~***************** .. Ei "''"" ... '" e ~ SUBSCRIBE TO ' ~ ! •• Story and Photos by Otck Wright his bars and forks and he was forced to give up the lead to Bower s for a while . But quic kly regai ned it an d led into the pits, trailed by Bowers, Jack Byers, #3 on a Metisse, Howard Uts ey, #737, an Amateur on a 360cc C . Z., an d James Martino, #5 on a Hus ky. Patrick got a flat tire on the second loop and gave up the lead for good . Bowers, charging hard, pic ked up where Pa trick le ft off. Bye rs ran into mechanical trouble and dr opped bac k. Al Baker, mean while, was wor king his way up to second after losing the course. At the finish, It was Bowers for the win. Al Baker was second , taking Fi r s t Open Class . Utsey was third for First Amateur . Next In was Charlie Hoclde, #34x on a 250cc Bultaco, and Tom Max well, #54 on a Nor ton . Gary Cole , #5x was s i xth on a 250 Husky , with Gary Griffin in seventh on a 250 Bultaco, by B111 Harmer Ea rl Rololl Terminating an association that dates ba ck to 1949, Earl Roloff has r es igned his position as Sales Manager of the Guy Ur quhart motorcycle agency in downtown San Diego, to af!1llate with South Bay Yam aha at 165 Br oadway in Chula Vista, Calif• FI RE DESTRO YS FLANDE RS WA REHOU SE S Page 2 ee CYCLE NEWS IS NEAT Shell Thuet Bowers Shows Back to Big Bores Anderson Wins Walk-A-Thon Guy Loui s SH ELL MOTORS YA MAH A 3365 Cen tury Blvd. - Lynwood - NE 8·486 4 A fire completely consumed the Pasadena, Calif. war eho use of the Flanders Co., western dis tr ibuto r of BMWmotorcycles , Sunday night Oct. 27, des troying 120 new machine s and $40,000 to $50,0 00 in parts . Manufacturing and other facilities of the Fla nder s company were not harmed. The los s was cover ed by ins ur ance, and will only accelerate the company's longplanned move to a new loca tion. The warehouse was slated for demolition as it was in the pa th of a new freeway. MO JAVE, Ca l. , Oct. 20 - The place was Red Rock Canyon, fifteen miles north of M ojave, one of the mo st popular areas for desert racing. The event was a hundred-mile Championship Hare and Hound, with two different loops making a fi gure eight, - - -- - -- -- - - 100 Nov ice Main 1st Troy McKee - Hodaka 100 Ex pert Main 1st Wes Anderson Jr. - Hodaka 2nd Jack Morgan - Hodaka 3rd Terry Clark - Hodaka PLUS - 8 of the fi rst 10 were 1st Gary Scott - Hodaka ri di ng Hodaka 51DEHACK ASSOC. TT SCRAMBLES Oc tober 27. 1968 1st Jim McGuire - Hodaka 2nd Jon Grace - Hodaka 3rd Jim Harm n - Hodaka TIJ UAN A SCRAMBLES Oc tober 20 , 1968 100 Novice Class For a first..hand demonstration of HODAKABILITY, visit your dealer for a free test ride. 'U J.,..,....CO ...... & Fo rthed....l e r .-,,~ nearestyou.write: - - - - ' .0. lOX 327 ATHENA,. OIEGON 97813 = IIOB'''' IIOB'''' 110\)'''' BOil'''' 1I01l'''' • AI B. ker IInlsh ed • ere.t second over.1I .nd flrst Open Expert . bo.rd • Tri umph 650. Aft er a hard r ide from the bottom of the canyon to the 8, OOO-foot ti mber line, the new Dis tric t 37 Champ was twentyeight-year-old school teacher Phi l Bowers, #139x on a 250cc Yamaha. Bowers made his first overall win a good one . The co mbined Open and 250Cc c lass entries, 450 in all, went off at 9 a. m, Dus ty Coppage, #60 on a Triumph, got to the smoke bomb fir s t but missed the tratl : and was temporarily lost, taking two other riders with him. Larry Bergquist, #888x on a 250cc Bultaco was next to the s moke bomb, foll owed by Triumph. mounted Al Baker , #13. Bergquist al so missed the course. His miscue came in the high, bus hy country about two miles out. He took a couple of r ider s with him too. This allowed Mike Patrick, #7 on a Norton Twin to take the lead position, Phil Bowers r ight on his heels . Pa tr ick me t a J eep com ing backwards alon g the co urse. The collision bent up District 37 Champi onsh ip Hare & Hound Oc tob er 20, 1968 - Trail bikes • !HTEHS!f!~~ HODAKAS . by CROWELL Wos Anderso n J r. pushe d his SS Hod.k. to • arconvinclnc firs t tr. llblke ahead 01 Jack M ean who was also Hodak. mounted. FIrst place 250 Amateur went to Rob Paxton , #P 58, running eleventh over-all on a Yamaha. First 500 Novice honors went to Bernie Coyne , #177, taking thi rteenth over- a ll on his Husky . Wild and woolly Jim Dorman, #102, took First Open Amateur for the s econd ti me in two weeks . Don Prosser, #253x, was first 250 Novice on a Husky . Posh, Push One hundred-fifty-three trall bike s left the line twenty minutes after the big bores, with Jack Mor gan , #1, charglng to the lead at the smoke bomb. Jim Sumners #578 followed, a ccompanied by l5·yearold Terry Clark, #395. All were rIding Hodakas, Twenty miles out the course went up a big, sandy h111. Morgan had to get off to push and he froze up his engine while gr inding up the hill. Wes Anderson Jr., #4 0n a S.S. Hodaka, won the pushing race to the top, followed by the slower, Chippe wa Boot- mounted Ja ck F roelic h, #2. By this time, ALL the trail bike riders were pushing the ir way up the s lope . Morgan was able to cool his engine and join the chase again . Ande rson headed eve ryone Into the pi ts af te r the fi rs t loop, with Terry Clark and Brian Klock, #77, coming in behind him . Morgan, coming back strong, had moved up to fif th. Afte r a har d second loop, l 6-year-old Wes Anderson Jr. took the win, followed closely by Jack Morgan, who really had to charge up from be hind . Terry Cla r k was th ird, and took Fi rst Ama teur . Tom Hoyle, #31, was fourth, pur s ued by Amateurs Jim Sumners, #578 and Brian Klock, #77. Hoda ka- mounted Earl West, #351, was firs t Novice . (Results on page 16) ... Order yo custom set up cometit ion HODAKA NOW! Glrllnc shocks - El tended Front Forks 19" Front wheel - Bobby·J· Air Cleaners Choice 01 Tires - Crowell Port Job Number Plate - Ski d Plate Crowell Tuned Pipe - Fork Brace 10427 Prairie, Inglewood t , Phone (213) 673-5562 11(1)\ ", 11011'''' 1101)\ '" •

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