Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1968 11 21

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Huntington Was A Beach By Maureen Lee Th e alway s-acti on cla ss. Open Expert. Mi ke Posey (#6) hangs on while Te rry Dorsch #7 Irl es 10 get under him. Eventual winner Ben Fakkel dy l urks behind them. HUNTINGT ON BEACH, cai., Oct . 27 _ The Sidehack ers, the host club, have again tried to condense the scrambles , and once agai n it wor ked . Fo r a change the lightweight riders had to wait while the big bores rode first. Many 100cc Experts complained that they didn't get a fair share of the r iding time. There were about 48loocc Novices in three heats. Only seven moved on to the l\la1n and there was no sem i. There were 18 lOOcc Exper ts who rode one 8lap Main while the big bores got l 5laps. And the Open Experts got 5-Iap motes, Off To The Races Confi dence was the word f or 500 Novi ce wi nner Mike Patterson (BSA ) . He told us he was goi ng to win and he did. The 350/500 Expert went to Steve Scott and his " Bandit" . He also took the 250 Expe rt but not without some hard work. Jim Connol lY (Ossa) had it in the David Aldana (#22) Jusl couldn' t gel any more power oul 01 the S uzuki 10 eaten Seolt's Hodaka. Buddy Car ter had a great time wi th a first in the 125-2 00 Am ateur on a Bul and a seco nd on a Triumph i n the Open A mateur behind Don Dudek . Hero of the Day Award goes to flagman Max Hendricks who kept tabs on the leaders in l ong r aces and signalled them on what the opposi tion was doing behind . It helped. Two Triumphs were tabbed, both for questionable numbers, one on the frame, the othe r on the engine. The two r iders, John Kavanaugh and Terry Dor sch were told by th e dete ctive i n charge they could ride but afterwar d, thei r bikes would still hav e to be impounded. T hey promised to r eturn them to a desi gnated spo t after their r aces . Kavanaugh, who r i des Open Novice, did so, al though naturally under protes t. Dorsch, however . l oaded up and took off. (R esults on page 16) CLASS tA' 500 cc MOTORCYCLES WORLD CHAMPIO SHIP INVITATIONAL Ri chard Sweaney with LI nus Beall rl ghl afler him In the 100 Amaleur clash. Beall won altar Sweaney led for most of the race. bag f or 99% of the race. Buta small mi s- take and a sl owdown while lappi ng slower r i ders gave Scott the break he needed. Scott had come up through the pack to catch up to Connolly. Ossas showed up well again i n the Amateur class with Dan Car l ton winning, Danny Hockie second and Tom Clark ( Bultaco) got i n there for third. Willie Hockie fourth. Another r i der who lost it r i ght at the end was Richard Sweaney ( Kawasaki) in the 100 Amateur. Linus Beall on his potent Brid gestone chas ed Ri chard determ i nedly for the whol e race and then got hi m, Sweaney got the drive on the litlle straight before the last turn but hit Linus' rear wheel. In 500 A mateur class people were wond e ring who #658 was. I t' s Ron Knowles, an Expe r t three years back featured in all the BSA ads and carrying a si ngle digit numbe r. He won Sunday, with Bob Ward ( BSA) second , Rick Marquis thir d on his Honda that runs like Jack the Bear. Charles Gann won the 250 Novice tak i ng over on the first lap and holding on to his l ead to the cheer s of a enthusiastic pi t crew. It was qui te a sc r ap between Rick Talbot (H -D) and Walt Bird(Yam aha) for second and third . Gary Scott on tha t fas t Hodaka wrapped up the 100 Expert class again. SATURDAY NIGHTS - NOV. 2 8:30 fe aturing IVAN MAUGER of New Zealand (Current World Champion) EXCLUSIVE APPEARANCES INU . .S WHITEMAN STADIUM PACOIMA (on Pierce near San Fernando Road) FE REPARKING FOR RESERVATIONS AND INFORM ATION CALL (213] 355ยท8970 19 3 5 East Colorado, Pasadena, California 91107

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