Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1968 11 21

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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~ C5 ~ ~k. II 8ATTERY ELIMINATOR R.p lace ,our motoreycl. batt., ..Ith a vlbrallon resistant . I.ctronlc unlL Fr•• brochur•• CONDUCTOR SYSTEMS, INC. auger to ins' P.O. Box 1154 pomona, Calif. 91769 RONNIE HALL FLIES ON A BENELLI FOR DEALER INFORMATlON IN SELECTED AREAS W rite: Jesse C. Levine National Sales M anager CO SMO POLITAN MOTORS, IN C . DepL A., 5521 Wayne Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. 191 44 It-tA RLEv- D AVIDS DN Rapi do ~ Immediate Deliver, I Sportster Harl ey-Davidson of Oceanside 2l&Vla Del Monte Oceanside, California (714) 722·083& For Your Nearest "Built 'To-Go" Dealer Call TR. 7·2400 or PO. 9-0441 ~ , ~ MOST MAKE 2-STROKES ~~ , G.t IlIOr. po.... - coollne Sp.clallst In Bultaco tunlne $25.00 most s Pack ql. " piston 11 lor malline Call or writ. Steve Scott P.O. Box CI, Ponorama Station. Panorama CllJ, Calli. (213) 989-4905 ~, ~reams on Full Lock Nicholson 's Records Fa ll By • John Grout Photos by Denni s Greene PACOIMA, Cal" Oct, 26 - Out under the arc lights at Whiteman Stadilll1 Saturday rolled one of the damndest sights you'd ever want to see. Just ask anyone who was there and it was close to standing room only, 'They let loose a buzzing buzzsaw... !' Jack O'Br ien lucks 'wa, und.r In a prellmlnal)' ..,nt. It was Australian lvan Mauger (pronounced Major) the International Speedway Rac ing King of 1968," making his 10ltlal U.S. appearance. No one could toucb him, althougb John Hateley caught up once . Just bow tast Is this Ivan Mauger ? Well, tor one thing, be lett a JAP OIl the tull-lock screw tor sucb a long time 10 his practice laps that the machine just died under him 10 the third lapl It got tied up tlgbter than the laces on your shoes, Now we've all beard revs before but this sounded more like a McCullocb cbatn saw. It was the Auss le Buzzsaw. Ivan Mauger, revving the sacred red l1ner ight ott the dial on the replacement JAP. Along the way be shattered all three track records , the one lap, the two and the to ur . It makes you wonder, just what be would have done - bad he been 10 s hape. What was wrong with his shape? Well, nothing . But he hadn't been to bed tor 28 bours, flying over the Nor th Pole trom England . He looked ti r ed. Atte rward, Ma u g e r said sm ll1ng; " This is a tine track, but It really Is n' t as large as my workshop at borne." Maueer, St... Scott and Jack O'8rlen (rlehll, off III. mark In an elllllbition race . Maueer slorms to tile outsld. to e't Into the first tum IIrst. ," Coul d Jimmy Have W on? BURBANK 317 N. Victory Bl vd.· Burbank, Calif. 91502 Telephone (213) 849·4921 • 842·4847 And yet, what It Jimmy Nlcbolson bad been there? Would the outcome have W been dltterent? Atter all, " hIteman race way bad been the borne away trom bome tor " Tbe Fence FlaIle r," Nicholson. The new track marks set by Mauger , are really not thatmuch taster than those reacbed by Jimmy. Ivan beat the tlrst record by about balt a second. Nlcbols on' s other mark was bested by about a t1tth of a s econd. So , with Nicholson 10 bospital , now just coming out ot traction atter a tr eeway acc ident, Mauger didn' t have to beat our best. F iltron IS a revolutionary and ' reliable new concept in Air Filters. No tools are required for its easy installation and the WASHABLE filter element can be used over and over. Filtron increases mileage and engine performance and it CAN double engine life. F iltron uses a unique urethane "open-pore" foam material permitting free AIRFLOW to the carburetor and providing maximum AIR FILTRATION which entraps incoming dust ......---~ and dirt particles. Filtron is John Hate le" Jr. pia, . a t belne Mauger' s shadow. He ca me closest to .eeplne up. further designed and engineered so that the filter element will flex with the pulsing of the engine, thus making the pliable trapped dirt WORK FOR YOU in filtering instead of forming an outer crust restricting air flow. Filtron wins, over and over, with clean air and plenty of it for TOURING or RACING -and the savings in fouled plugs alone will more than pay for the unit. As the headline says, "Filtron eats dirt" - tell that to your dealer - then buy one ... you'll both profit. But young John Hateley perfor med s ensa tionally , giving Mauger his closest race of the nlgbt. Hatel ey actually got a wheel under Ivan as they zipped through the s econd turn, and the crowd came to Its teet In a thundering ovation. So, just consider what you'll be s eeing this week, when Mauger will be joined by his r iding compa triot - " The Timber Toppin' Kangaroo" Barry Briggs. Barry bas won the World Championship 10 tour dllierent years •••! Except t or the nine special r aces teaturing Mauger; Hateley, Ed Mulder , Jack 0 ' Br ien, Steve Scott, Chuck Jones, De Wayne Keeter , Johnny Car ter, Elli ott Scbultz, Paul Conserrlere and Larry He10selman all the races were r un on a stral gbt progression sys tem, 23 ro unds 10 all. The tlrst Semi Main was won by Jack O' Br ien. In the second Semi, It was DeWayne Jones. The third went to Paul Cons er r ier e . And, bow about that seventh beat race at the evening ? AMA higb point Amateur rider In the nation, Mark Brelstord, mak10g his Initial appearance on a speedway machine, plowed underasubstantla1tield of veteran racers. This race also marked the return of the " Fly1n' Flea,"-Sammy Tanner. And Tanner was really movtng until be got Into a tangle and unloaded. The two MaIn Events went to Eddie Mulder and John Hateley. (Results on page 16) MONTfSA'S O tlUZUKI CITY AT S 250' s-$495.00 1125 SO. LA. BREA, INGLEWOOD (213) 674-1431 •

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