Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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RJ 1I0b Ehelln ~ c ..... ~ o u o to snake the quar te r mile, sans machine or riderI Braverman was staged against a sing le engine Triumph that bas been grafted to a Norton crankshaft tha t provIdes a strange displacement due to stroke and bore combination. The American Speed Cycle machine was forced to give Braverman a sing le run, as the Triumph seemed to be los ing some compression on one cylinder as a result of a strange hole that appeared as by magic under lean condl tlons , A second and final round place Br aver man vs , Miller In the position where one, and one only was going to take home a week's groceries . As It turned out, the "GIant Ea ter " Kawasaki dlgesledaHarley-Davidson that tralled the winner'S 11.39 second E.T. , with a 11.58 sprint. Big, big money has again been placed on the block by Lions Drag Strip managemenl. One thousand dollars Is the purse and a date for racing and division of the awards Is Saturday, November 23rd. Gates will open at 1 p.m, Decisions that regard how the prIze purse and trophies will be awar ded bave not yet been made . As the announcements are released, you can depend on the pages of " Cycle News" for Immediate relay to the readers. Class Winners Irwindale-2 Engine 2-Stroke Show Three bikes entered Ir wlridal e' s main gate for competition In the top elimination ranks . Joe Smith led In the early qualifications with the day' s best elapsed tim e of 10.03 seconds and Bob Braver man's new twin engi ne Kawasaki , was In s econd with a best run of 10.89. The third quali fier was a tea m effort of Jer ry Hartman and Jerry Logsdon tbat fie lded the ex-Braverman twin engine Yamaha . Each " Jerry" swapped riding chores, but the best elapsed times kept cloc ks r ea ding twelve second digits . Before the actual elimination hours, Joe Smith was forced to load his "KnuckIe Head" on the tratler , A small crack bad appeared below the rear cyllnder and another run could bave enlarged It to where all of the lower end could bave fallen onto the strip. TwIn-engine two stroke vs, another of the same, only differ ence In this case was riders, displacement and brand name . When that ever-destined moment of truth arrived, Hartman and Logsdon 's twin Yamaba could bave turned In the nines and It wouldn't bave made a bit of difference. They saw a red light and Braverman's Kawasaki drew an automati c win. Gra n t Van Tech MO TORCYCLE CONVERSION KITS Gro n t Indu s'r l••• 3680 Bev e,ly el ~d . , l OI Ang el• • USED PARTS ALL MAKES 40% TO 60% Off » YAMAHA DEALER » SCRAMBLER MOTORCYCLES 1801 W Burbank Blvd. Burbank, CallI. . 849-5907 or 845-8738 E ll. • 7 " T win Engine Harley 74 wlth lolal 01 160 cubic Inches driving the M&H auto slick. Into The Lion's Mouth The Wilmington , Califor nia Lions Drag Strip always draws superior numbers that fill the Sunday program. This weekend, variety was the real spice as twin engine bikes represented Norton, Kawasaki and Harley-Davidson. Needless to tell , for thos e familiar with bikes, the Har ley-Davidson was superior In Inches . In fact It's a comblnadon of two 74 Inch " Dis hpan" Hogs that bave been opened up to 80 Inches eac h, and for the poor mathematician thats a total of 160 cubes l Bob George Is the owner /rider and Is fully aware of the pure mechanical , demonic power with which he must contend . Bob slipped a clutch and eased the throttle to an easy pace that netted a best run of 11.91 and 121.00. Four In contention as top bike elimination s were staged. Br uce Ml1ler' s Harley Sportster that Is pumpi ng extra large pistons up and down custom cylinders, was matched with the 160 Inch quarter horse. When the last yellow lIghtflashed out, both clutches were dropped but only Miller moved. His r acing opponent was Bob George's drive chain that was trying Moulders and Ree se bad little trouble In showing a Norton's best form as they won the B class honor s at 11.93 seconds and 110.83 mil es per hour . Troy Preques thr ew a leg over two Harley -Da vlds ons (one at a ti me) and carried oft class honor s In both modifi ed and gas divisions . HIs modified street bike bad the cl ocks stopped In 13.55 seconds, with the mil es per hour dials frozen at 98.20. The gas dragster led big Inch contenders with a 12,23-1 09. 48. Quickes t and fastest of the modified machines was entered by old familiar Grant Hannah and his 650cc Triumph. Grant clocked a best of 12.30 seconds and 107.65 miles per hour . Top man In the conservative stock department was Willhite and his 55 Inch Harley S p 0 r t s t e r , Man and machine showed a days best of 13.29 seconds and 97.03 miles per hour . Just thlnkl A pure stock three cylinder Triumph, betters that by a quarter second and 5 mile s per hour I Gear, Jet It, and even the modified racers had better beware I IRWINDALE DRAG sat" Sept. 14, 19&8 By Bob Ebellng TOP BIKE : Bob Bravennan RUNNE R UP : Har bnan & Logsdon Kaw 10.89-129.00 Yam Red Light SUn., Sept. 15, 19&8 TOP BIKE: Bob Braverman RUNNER UP: Bruce Miller STOCK STREET: AA - Green A- W ll1hlle B - M and all D - Fra nkli n F - J . Liggett M ODIFIE D: AA - Troy Peques A - Richar ds on B - Hanna h E - Linn F - Burnett GAS: A - Troy Peques B - Moulde rs & Rees e F - Ze man & SPIvack • V LIONS Kaw 11.39-125.00 II-D 11. 58- 117.00 II-D II-D Nor li on Suz 16.8113.2913.5016.3319.49- 73.95 97.03 95.00 76.01 61.22 II-D 13. 55- 98.20 II-D 13.01-100.00 12.30-107.65 TrI Suz 13.11-101.00 Yam 16.89- 71.48 II-D 12.13-109.48 Nor 11.93-110.83 16.61- 75.89 SUZ 25 CENTS October 10 19&8 ,