Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1968 10 03

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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clean sweep for Coppage at Ascot TT Fil lro n Air F ille rs, Judson Prods . Francisco Casloroll, Dri-slide , Fiberglass lanks& seats. Jo hn Coope r & Big J ohn Boots. All a vailable from ~ ~ ..; SIMPSON f40TORS 4210 SanFernando Rd. Glendale , Ca.9 l 204 (213) 247·3068 ~ S ......... OWASAII . -..... <3 Headquaners BEACH aTiES CYCLES 525 No EI Ca.I.. h.1 ~ SIB CI_IIte, Calif.... Col :i!: "C1l4) Col . ._ _. . . . . . . . . . 4!Hl41 ~ • ...) " u :.. .-----.....,.--------. o BRIDGESTONE Sales-Senice BarneyTillman 's SPORT CENTER 6027 WIli ltle r Blvd., E. Los Aneeles (21 3) 723-3:123 Shell Thuet Guy Louis SHELL MOTORS SUZUKI MAKES IT ... SO MAKE IT SUZUKI By Maureen Lee Photos by John Shedd GARDENA, cat., Sept. 7 - Dusty Cappage, who has oIten been the bridesmaid at the Ascot Tl' races, became the br ide Saturday night and won everything in s ight. His first win was his heat. Jim Berry (TrIumph) took the lead with Dusty second and Ralp!i White(Triumpb) third. Before long Coppage has passed Berry and then White took over second spot coming out oI the half-mile torn onto the straight. Skip Van Leeuwen s Ud out In his heat which probably led to some oI his mechanical woes later on and he made it to the Main by winning the semi fr om last place spot In the lineup. Keith Mashburn (Yamaha) added on more wins to his record-breaking year In both the Maln and the TrophY Dash. With Mashburn leading from the first lap, the action was behind him, Randy Smith (Bultaco-) holding second and David Aldana (BSA) hanging onto third. Aldana was passed once but r egained his thi r d over Montesa-mounted Don Castro. It was the BSA of J im Rice's tha t onc e again brought hi m to the winner's circle in the Amateur class after figh ting off a determined challenge by Mark Brelsford (Tri umph) in the early laps. Ben Fak:'keldy (Triumph), who made it the hard way by having to ride the se mi to make his transfer, appeared to have third spot s ewn up but Rick Dean wound up with it. Second place was Bill Cody's (Triumph). In their heat Cody gave Rice a real good go for his money so maybe in the future we'll see a change in the winners or the Ama teur division, although Rice Is capable oI socking it to ' e m every time out. Dusty Coppag e took the lead in the Expert Main with Skip Van Leeuwen r ight on his tail and the Flying Dutchman passed him just before the jump. Third place Larry Wilburn (Triumph)gotseriously out oI shape approaching the jump, thrilling the cr owd an d no doubt himself, but a set of quick reflexes saved him fr om what could have been a bad one . About the fifth lap Van Leeuwen's bike started running sour and before l ong he was r educed to power on one side only. "imichrome \~~~ Shines Suddenly Slmlchrome I s a honey Cl eans qui ck as a bunny C OMPETITION CHEMICALS 704 Wa shington Ave. , Iowa Fall s Iowa Rapid Amateur #80)' Jim Rice ( BSA) notched another Amateur Main Event wi n aboard his speed)' BSA. -- ---- --- -- - - iNTENSiFiED == = ==iiii5i E~ :: == ~== HODAKAS by CROWELL Order your custom set up competition HODAKA NOW! Glrlln g shock s- 6° Extended Front Forks 19" Front wheel - Bobb)' oJo A ir Cleaners -Choi ce of T i res - Crowell Port Job Number Pl at e - Ski d Pl at e Crowell Tuned Pi pe - Fori< Brace 24mm & up Carburetor 10427 Prairie, Inglewood Phone (213) 613-5562 Every thin g went ri ght f or Triumph-mounted Du st y Coppage - he swept the board with vi ctori es In heat race, Tr ophy Dash and Main EvenL However, Van Leeuwen Is a determined competitor; he would wave the othe rs on while going down the stralght but if he got into the turn ahead of anyone it was his turn, and with severely reduced power he was still faster or as fas t as the others who had to get him on the s traights or do it the hard way. Clyde Litch pulled up on third place runner Preliminary race act ion finds Paul Bostrom (15)') leading Dallas Baker (Sh), Larry Wilburn (S9r) and other upr Experts Includi ng Eddie Wirth (84) who unloaded In Dasll and was unable to compete In tile lIaln En nL Fu ll field of Novi ces rarln' to go at start of As cot TT Main with good crowd In alte ndance. Po l e man Keith Mashburn (101) was vi ctorious on his Yamaha, #162 Rand)' Smi th (Bulta co) took 2nd, #115 Dave AI dana got 3rd. Ralph White and then passed him just before the end oI the race. Tuner Danny Macias' opinion oI the troubles with his machine was that they were electrical and nothing serious, as s imple as a loo se wire. Coppage won the Expert Trophy Dash and positions were shared between two Experts and two Amateurs . Rice and Cody finished second and third with Eddie Wirth, (BSA) the other Expert, deck1ng it hard and being unable to ride the Maln . The Sidehacks were out in full force again, all twelve oI them. The Harley oI Hummer/Gulbransen took the lead oIf the line and was never challen ged. Roes ch/ Goodnight (H-D) and Partl/Morr ts (Triumph) had a goody going for fourth and fif th spot with the Harley winning. Next Ascot Tl' steeplechase 15 scheduled for the first Saturday night in Oct. (Results on page 20)

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