Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1968 10 03

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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FAMES FREE· FOR·ALL AT FREMONT start but BSA- mounted R. Wymer was able to stay r lgbt with h1m. B. Sousa ( Triumph) took third. To show just how hard Wymer was pushing Johnson, he fell coming In for the finish but still got up , remounted and finished second! In the earlier crash and lack of controls on his bike. In the 250cc Expert Main Dave Hansen took the lead with Harry Dring In second. Allen Kenyon moved up to battl e for the r unnerup spot, finally gett10g by Dring and that' s how they fini s hed - Hansen (Kawasaki), Kenyon (Bul tac o) and Dring (Yamaha). The 500cc Exper t Main found Paul Johnson (Bulta co) out In front from the Dusty Doi ngs The 650cc Amateur proved to be a very fast, exciting and dusty event. M. Rlnald and his BSA took first, Triumph r iders C. Marcucci and T . Davis were t'2-3. ~ Final race of the day was the 650cc .. Exper t Main and by this time It was so 0.. dusty the spectator s couldn' t see much of anything. But Lance Anderson took ~ first place from the start on his BSAand ~ beat out the Triumphs of N. Haynes and J . Fraser for the win and the gold . .... .. "''" S" (Re sults on page 20) o" ' YO.U C BUY A ZUNDAPP IN R- ~ A TE NATIONAL SIX-DAY TR LSREPLICA ~ IA FOR $649 (and even lower East _f the Rockies) G o Ek . ,J u By Babs Chase Photos by Don Ivan At first gl ance that seems like a lot of money for a IOOcc unit, since there a re other good o ff-th e-r oad units a vailable for around 425. How ever, to brin g th e l ess e x p e ns ive unit s up to ZU DAPP specifica tions, yo u ha ve to buy a lot of additional - eq u ip men t, u ch as -'- FREMONT, Cal., Aug. 11 - Threehundr ed and nineteen riders turned out for this event, put on by the F~esM. C . of Fremont. And s ixteen classes - fr om 100cc Novice to 650cc Expert - were represented, so we'll only hit the highlights. The 100' s found I. Shlgemase(Hodaka) taking the Novice go with another Hodaka r ider, F. Bennett, coming through for the Amateur win. Two- hundred Novice victor was Suzuki-mounted D. Pr es ton and 200 Amateur honors went to D. CoI!aro, although one of the bes t battles of the day was between L . Darr and J . Tyler, who wound up 2-3. All three front- runners were on Bultacos. A 21" front wheel fo r ap proximately 837.00. New front suspension units fo r about ~97.00 plus labor of at least 10.00. A fork brace for 12.95 and cross-co untry handl ebars for 12.95. New rear hocks for a roun d :~O.OO . A heavy duty air cleaner for abou t SI5. 00. An 18" rear wheel fo r ab out S.~7.00. S pecia l l\la~u m co ntrols for 20.00. And around 815.00 of miscellaneous la bor. Reall y Hot 250'Novice Ry now you have spent at lea st 863.00 more than the ZUNDAP P, At the start of the 250cc Novice event, fir e broke out In the pit area, giving the spec ta tor s quite a scare, but through fast work by Fames club mem ber s and r iders, It was quic kly extInguIshed with the water truck. Not 2- 1/2 minutes had elapsed before two engines from the Fremont Fire Dept. arrived on the s cene - very rapid service Indeed. RFT you still do n't have the Z UNDAPP wo r ld reno wned handling ch orac teris t ies and reliabilit y that ICo n th e International Six .Day Trial s two yean in a ro w orer the u:orld' . b eat . And yo u still won't have the famou s Z UNDA PP quality and th e ability to beat machine. OL'f'r sis: times it s si"e, as Dave Ekins did in the 1967 Green horn E n duro. ft is the skillful blen ding o f all these fea tures that mak es the ZUN DAP P Internatio na l Six-Day Trials Replica uch a really great buy -the much inc that Cycle Magazine says is "probably the to u ghest 10 0cc alire." YOU CAN TRY TO. BUILD YOUR OWN, BUT YOU CAN'T DUPLICATE THE MASTER - ZUNDAPP RlchWy...r and his BSA tab a clos,'y rou...t se cond place ch.cker In SOOcc Expert Main Event. On the restart, four riders went down In the first turn and to keep things moving, the program continued to the 250cc Amateur even t, allowing time for the Novices to sort out the mselves and thetr machines . Amateurs Harold Raggio(Ya maha) and Jim Rice (Bultaco) had agood Cycle Magazine also had this to say about I.S.D.T. ZUNDAPP• " Read y for the sc rambles course right ou t of the bo x," • "The en gine power characteristics are positively beautiful," • " It's got the right ti res, the right gear ratio, and the right trimmed -to-the-bone weight control." • "Use it on the street, love it on the trail," • " Very smooth, very strong, and very fast-for the kind of era -country riding the desi gner had in mind : ' AUTHORIZED ZUIIDAPP DEALERS SOUTHERN CAUFORNIA Floyd ~cIe 1302 Natloul Av•• Nalloul City, Calif. Floyd Ellld. 921 ColUllbla San DI..., CallI. Norm RHVlS Motorcycles 909 Aullelll Blvd. AUIleIIl, callI. H08se of 16112 Harbor Blvd. Fountain Valley, Calif. Lane Beach Honda 11747 East CarIOn Lakewood. CallI. Du, lIne here wIth heat race winner Joe Strlt" #l Sk Slim Od. ndahl entere d the Honda class with his 350 Yamaha to Cet IIrst place brass. battle with Raggio emerging on top at the fini sh. Then back to the 250cc Novices again and this time Os sa-mounted Joe Pearce won the race, followed by Don Ivan (Bultaco), who did a beautiful Job consider ing inj uries to both hands sustained • " Low will !let a 200 pound ride r up virtually an y hill the bi ke will cling to. and fourth will ca rry him along at 60 on the level." Lone Beach Handa 5105 Atlantic Blvd. Lone Beach, CallI. Lone Beach Honda 4328 Anah.lm Lone Beach, Calli. Lone Btach Handa 1760 Lone Beach Blvd. Lanc Btach, CallI. / &3L, SU I Fun C.n. M 515 No. Victory Blvd. Bwbank Calif. , Bill Krause Enterprises, Inc. Hub City Honda 1405 No. Lone Beach Blvd. 1257 So. LaBrea Ina"wood. CallI. Compton, Calli. Part CIty Honda .. 530 W t Anah. lm Wllmlnetan, Callt. Kolbe Cycl. Sal.s 7514 R,seda Blvd; R.seda, Calif. Kolbe Cycl. SII.s 22420 0.1 VIII. Woodland Hills, Calif. Motorcycl. servici Centlr 220 E. Huntlnetan Dr. Monrovia, canr, LarlY LIII.y No. SI,rra Hllhway Lancast.r, Ca lif. 4S3~5 Nonn Ree Vls M otorcycles 9536 E. Flreston. DawnlY, Calif. Norm ReevlS , Inc. 15745 Lakewood Blvd. Paramount, Calif. NORTHERN CAUFORNIA Honda of Fr.sno 41., No. Blackstono AVL Fl'Isno. Calif. CoaII Cycles 1305 Wa"r St. Santa Cruz, Calif. Kals.r Brothers 843 E. W.b. 51. Stockton, Calif. TEXAS Gentry Cycl' Cen. Houston, T,xa. H.nlY's Motorcycll C.nter B'llan, J RM, Inc. Houston, T.xas un. Star Cycl. Sales Rlch.dson, T..n McK's Cyc l. Shop . D"r Pa rk, T..n P I.rc. Bros. Indian Sal.s San Antonio, T.... Sport Shop Ft. Worth, W Ilson Motor Co. Odessa , T,"as Pop K. oyon's Handa P. nlnsula K.nt' . Harl.y-Davldsan Sales 1289 EI Call1ino Real Ablli n. , Sunnyval. , CallI. Layn.'s Cycl. Sal. . Minerai W.lIs, T,us McCoyMotors 1950 West San Carlos Handa Sports C.nter San Ane,lo, San JOst, Calif. COLORADO Sports Car sales D.nVlr, Colo. Rocky Mountaln Motarcycl.s Bauld.r, Colo. Aem. Auto Supply Fort Collin., Colo. C.nlral Cycl. ~ Marl.. Denver, Colo. TIIIIJft. Motor SIles P u.blo, Colo. Bob'S Motars Lanpnt, Cola. OREGON B ~ C Sports ~,dlord , Or•• IDAHO Carl' s Cycl. Sa les BolH , Idaho UTAH Elmo' s Cycl.1Y Oed, n, Utah WYOMI NG Mac's Cycl, Shop Casp.r, Wyo. ZUNDAPP Iranch llel are Bvalla ble from McCORMACK I NTERNATI ONAL in Pue rto Rico and all I tates exce pt Vermont, . New Hampsh ire. Maine. New York . Pennl y lv ania . Rhode Island , MU$8chuaett s and Connec ti cut. (For fra nch ises in the st'tes excep ted , contact R, M. Lamb, Inc " Ba ldwinsvill e, N, Y•• Telephone (315) 638-0271.) ~ ~ MeCDRMACK W IN T E A N AT I 0 N AL p. o. 8 0 ' 10910 I S an ta A na, C,lI f. 927 11 MOT 0 R SIN COR PO RAT ED Pho n e ( 7 14) 54 0-9944 / 6 54 Young S t r eet

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