Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1968 08 22

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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... Q PACIFIC COASTERS : HOST MICKEY i. MOUSE TOUR ~ ::s ~ ~ By B1ll Harmer Photos by George Hays and B1ll Harmer ca., ELSINORE, July 14- Motorcycles from all over the Southland and as tar :i!: away as Vallejo, began arriving at Lake Co:! Elsinore early Sunday morntng to parti,.J c1I».te in the festivities of the Pacific U Coasters Motorcycle Club's 3rd Annual Elsinore To u s , which they call the " Micke y Mouse Run." The weather was just about as perfect as a Southern Callfornia day could be, especlally since the whole area bad suffered under a blistering heat wave for the entire week previously. By the time thai the first field events got underway at 10 a.m., there were about ZOO riders s1gned in and !bey were still coming. A big asset to the proceedings was the portable public address system which Cbuck Myers manned in the bed of a little imported pick-up truck. In his pleasant Alabama drawl he kept everyone informed of the proceedings and added a few humorous witticisms of his own that kept the spectators and contestants in a happy mood. Meanwh1le Becky Myers and her sign-in crew, Mary Lou Lafferty and Joy Mayorga, all wearing official Mousekateers caps and passing out cute little "Mickey Mouse" souvenir buttons, were continuing to register new arrivals until an unofftcial "rough count"showed that there were around 320 riders to feed. The chow line opened at 11 a.m. and was never without customers until it closed at Z 0'clock. The repast was a generous howl of home-made ch1li with cole slaw and a soft roll on the side and a tall glass of delicious lemonade. The lemonade cooler seemed inexhaustible , as thirsty cyclists revisited it all afternoon. Shortly before noon, the bike judging got under way with Elsinore Police sergeants Bill Jolly and Robert Beecher, assisted by patrolman Ronald Johnston, acting as judges. They did their difficult job methodicallY and there were no complaints. Some very interesting machines were in evidence even among those who didn't enter them for Judging. Perhaps i:J G 1M most slutUDg was the Harley 74 rlddllo by Robert aDd Uada Brqan. On tile back cl tbetr a perfect scaled down "camper", which one usually associates with a pick-uP truck, complete with windows and a wood grain interior. Another bike that IIllUIY staid BMW owners wouldfind sacrellgious was the astrvdsblng chartreuse (candy apple lime) R69S with "wood paneling" on either side of the 6-1/2 gallon tank entered by sandra Henry of Fallbrook. Her SkiD-tight stretch pants and the frames of her sun glasses matched the bike. TIle combination won her atrophy. A word at praise sbould be given the Pacific Coasters Referee, Gene Lafferty, who ran off the various field events without a hitch which kept the program moving on time. It is a real pleasure to attend a run where there is no bickering and Lafferty tolerated no nonsense. The club's Road Captain, Rudolph ztvic, worked closely with the Elsinore police department in organtzing the parade through town. It started promptly as scheduled at 1:00 p.m, and stretched out f or 4 city blocks. It i s a stirring sight to see so many beautiful rnachtnes together at once and to hear the muffled roar of the big Harleys, intermingled with the piercing scream of an occasional twostroke. II gave one a feeling of pride m.""'"" __ ABOVE: Willi. lIIe Clown decll...d kiss 1r01l MI .. EI.lnor. u,lGe It mI&ht HIS IIp.tlck. -+ when the various clubs filed by with "Old Glory" and their club colorsflying at the h~ of their particular group. The Mary's Men M .C., who were awarded the irophy for the best looking unit in the parade, flew their new club banner an Impressive .I&hl, lIIe 1IIralI&h III. tllwa of EI.I_•• BELOW: Alwa,. IIU.... A.C.E. RIM .lACK 01slr! but.d by: AM ERICAN COMPETITION ENGINEERING 163 S. Fairfax Ave.Los Angeles, Cal if.90036 for the first time. It is a Ught blue flag with the club emblem and the Virgin embroidered on It and more than one person was seen to make the sign of the cross wbile the club moved slowly down the spectator-lined main street. As the parade concluded, it seemed that the entire town followed the bikes to the terminal point to watch the Ace of Clubs drtll team put on their spectacular stunt sbow. II appeared the crowd might be disappointed however, as one of the drill team members didn't show, but the Coasters Assistant Road Captain, Charlie Brown, volunteered to fill in for the absent Ace. Brown is a former member of the Ace of Clubs and bad worked out with the team and knew the routines but it bad been over a year and a half since he bad drilled with them. It he bad of been in the same uniform as the other performers, no one would have known the difference. At the conclusion however, Charlie was shak1ng like an aspen Th.rmado.... M.e. memb... Rob.t aod Linda Braean with ·camper bike." leaf in a breeze, so unnerving was the experience. Having seen the Ace of Clubs team before, we observed the faces of the spectators as they reflected different emotions during the performance. One lady became pop-eyed and turned ashen when they executed their famous "Suicide Split." An important necessity at any run is the food and a vote of commendation should go to Shil'ley and Ann Lafferty who prepared the meal and served II up in rapid style so no one had to wait very long in the chow line. At trophy presentation time, Chuck Myers parked his sound truck on home plate and the riders filled the bleachers behind the back stop. Lovely Miss Kathy Ham, a blonde, lS-year-old college freshman and reigning" Miss Elsinore" , assisted by Gene Lafferty andJoeGobbl, presented the trophies, as Chuck Myers announced the winners' names. Among the appreciation trophies was one presented to "WUlle the Clown", a member of the Artesia Pioneers M.C. who gives his time and talent freely at many motorcycle events spreading joy and bubble gum to the kids. When it was suggested that he claim a kiss from the Trophy Queen he screamed, "Heck no, I might smear my lipstick." Theresa Borchard of the Elsinore Chamber of Com merce presented a special trophy to the Ace of Clubs Dr1ll Team and expressed thanks for everyone corning to the run. She gave the cyclists a warm welcome and a sincere invitation to return to Elsinore next year • One of the most sportsmanlike acts of the entire day was evidenced at the announcement that the Golden Eagles and the Thernadones bad tied for first place in the largest club judging. Bob Bragan of the Themadones carne forward and declined his trophy because two of their members were not completely intt1a1ed into the club. The Thernadones received a big ovation for their act. When the trophy presentation drew to a close it was announced that the Pacittc Coasters would host another Indio Run this year on October 5 and 6. They are promising 125 trophies and a good feed, so watch for further announcements in future Issues of Cycle News, As we prepared to return to san Diego, saying farewells to old and new acquaintances, we couldn't help but think how wonderful it is that a large group of people like this, representing persons from all walks of Ute, can congregate in harmony and fellowship cemented by a common bond, motorcycles. There is a lot of good natured rivalry, of course, between owners of different makes of machines but when it is all boned down. if you are riding on two wheels, you belong. As more and more people discover the fun and freedom of cycl1ng, this f rat ern it y wtll grow and gain strength and we, God wtlling, wtll be a part of it. (Results on page 16) PINCH PROOF TIRE TOOL SIDEWINDERS FLATTRACK JULY 14 100cc "B" MAIN 15t DON THUMBER M/B MB SPORTCYCLES·311 E. ALEXANDER AVE.• TACOMA, WASHINGTON 9842 1 .," ... =~:r--:: · ~ , .... ~- UNIQUE DESIGN ELIMINATES TUBE .. f \ TROUBLES. ONE END PUTS ON . OTHER REMOVES • • • GREAT• 223 W. CAMINO REAL . MONROVIA . CALIF . 91016 WRITE ...

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