Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1968 08 22

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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... - .....NATIONAL .....:.. SANTA ROSA 10 MILE " a -* .... ~, :;;.;:.(::.:~ Roar and thund er 01 the mighty mll ers as Santa Rosa National gets unoerway. Here are #18 Mert Lawwl ll, #1 Gary Nixon and winner #95 Fred Nix head ing lor the firs t turn. _ ' __ ._~~. . . . . . .. . . ._ ~ as 0... Already In a feet·up s lide, Nix (95) le ads '#12x Ron Kruseman, #47 P at Gos ch and #44 x DeWayne Kee ter. Nix's dec isi ve victory wa s his IIlth In Natio na l Champions hip competi tion. He' s won three mil e s, two hall-m ll es. - Suspense Is In the air as ri ders and machin es awa it the go-ahead nag lor start 01 lO-M ll e Santa Ros a Nati ona l. In the Iront row are (Irom lelt) #18 Mert Lawwl ll (H- D), #1 Gary Nixon (Tri umph) #38 Chuck Pa lmgren (T riumph), #95 Fred Nix (H- D) and la st qua lifier #4 Bart M arke l_ , (Continued from page U Back and lorth action between #47y Mark Bre ls lord (H· D) and #20x Tom Rockwood (Trium ph) was hllh llght 01 the Amateu r IIna l. Brelsford, riding Mert La wwlll' s spare mach ine, ace d out Rockwood, a board Joe Dudek's. bike, lor yellow-p late honor s. :.., ":'~...rr.;;;;;;:;":::'",=~~. .~~::::-__,, Jamison tore out a large section otfence In his heat r ace and was also In j ured. Defending National champ, Gary Nixon, did not fall off but took hi s lumps In the National final. Gary was never closer to the lead than si xth place the first six laps. The last f our laps found Gary dropping all the way to ninth . P al mgren Impressi ve Dete rmi ned #4 Bart Markel (H-D) lea ds Tr lumph'mounted #38 Chuck Pa lmgren at th is polnL Bar. rellln' Bart cranked It en t"overtake Mert Lawwlll lor second place, P almgren rode a smooth, consistent race and fin ished 4th. . 0) One of the best rides of the day was turned In by "rookie" Chuck Palmgr en. He held fou rth all the way to again finish ahead of hi s teacher, Gary Nixon. Two more mile track events remain on the ' 68 schedule. In Aug ust at Sedalia, Missouri and then back to Sacramento in mid-September f or the final race on the Califor ni a State Fairgr ounds track before It Is torn down. In the meantime , the National cir cuit now swings to the Midwest wi th a r oad race at Indianapolis this weekend and a new national TT at Lincoln, Nebraska next week. (Results pri page 16) • Ni x show s style and form that brought him the Santa Rosa cash and points. Lawwlll (18) was overtaken by M kel (4) In IInal rundown. ar SUZUKI MAKES IT ... SO MAKE IT S UZ UKI

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