Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1968 08 22

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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"FINISH THE FUNNY" CONTEST # 10 IIUSQVAI.A OCEANSIDE CYCLERY .' 216 VIA DEL MONTE OCEANSIDE, CALIFORNIA (714) 722-Q8ae 1Ii ~;r PENTON - BRIDGESTONE Sbell TIlle' Guy Loui I SHELL MOTORS SACHS TRAILBII((S Dlllir Inqulrllilnvltld Herculll 0111. Co. LTD - 11711 Slftll Monl ca Blvd. LOI An,llll 3, Ca. 90025 AI usual till CJcl1 NeWI Ita" had a difficult but hilarious Uml, sellctlnl till wlnn. of "Flnllh Thl FunnJ· Conti It #10 Irolll manJ humorous Inlrll.. OnlJ our luper-tunld Illctronlc laulh miter WII abll to dlcl da that Thomll Anson'1 caption had IlIcltld thl most Ill"awl lrom onl and all. Anson, lrom Grand Junction. Colo., will IIcIIVI $10.00 and thl orilinal artwork bJ Winston BeaUnlont lor hi I ofl-beat approach to IIlI harHall1nl adv.. tull. SLO·POKES SCRAMBL ES AT SA NTA MARI A BEE YOUR DEALER .... ...i Grant Van Tech SCHEDULE CHANGE fOR ACA SHORT TRACK EL TORO. ca., July 24 - 1be ACA Orange County Speedway sbort track blIs been cba.tIged back to WlIdDesday nlgbts. The 100cc as well as tile 250Cc andOpen machines are DOW all nmn1ng on tile hlghly Imp r 0 v e d quarter-ml1e track. They have also added TT racing, IntermlJced with the flaltrack events. The TT course Is similar to the lsyout used at Ascot Park, ut1Uzing about 80% of the quarter-mUe course. maklng it InterestIng for the larger machines as well as the llghtwe1ght machines. Wednesday nlgbt saw a newcomer to the quarter-mUe course, Carroll Skov, who not only captured the Trophy Dash In the 250cc class but also won the MaIn Event. Right behind Carroll was Bullaeomounted Eddie McGregor, and finishing I n thlrd place was Bob F ul ton on a Suzuld. It looks as though Bob Is starting to pick up experience on the smaller courses as his brother, Walt, and famous father did before him. He bas an excellent style and it appears that Bob will be a fine compe titor In the f uture. The 100cc Trophy Dash went to Mark Kruse on his fine running little Bultaco, but Mark was unable to compete In the MaIn Event because of engine troubl e. and the f eature win went to Chuck Clsydon. followed by Bob F rauenberger, and In third spot Rex McLeod. The TT course was run and a f ew changes were suggested by the riders and will be Incorporated by the next Wednesday night meeting. The ACA quarter - mU e events are still pr of essional, but fo r amat eur r i ders who would like to compete, the TT events are all sportsman and do not require a prof essional license, yet riders are afforded full medical coverage wi th their entry, (Results on page 16) MOTORCYCLE CONV ERSION KITS Grant Ind ust ri. s. 3680 8n.rly a l ~d .• Los Ang.l.s CannadY bad a busy day, flnlshing second In the 125 Expert class on a Hodaka, In the 250 Expert class on a Bultaco, and In the Open Expert class on a Bul taco. Final winners In the Novice classes were Glenn Miller, (Brldgestone). 9OCc; Kim DeLarge (Yamaha) 125cc; RickGUlis ( Bultaco) 20OCc; Kenny Green(Kawasaki) 25OCc; Pete WUlls (Ducatl) 350cc. and Dave Eichert, Open Novice victor on hi s BSA. NOW AVAILABLE THROUGH NORM REEVES 9536 Firestone Blvd. Downey, Cal. Sldihackl madl tIIllr IIl1t appliranci at Sin-Poku' new track. provldlnl pllnlJ olucltlmlnt lor all.Herl thl second piaci tllm 01 pilot Mlkl ParU and p..senl" ,It alrbornl dasp ltl IlIlht dllllcu ltJ with wIllll. HappJ landlnll! Story by T. F ujlyoshl Photos by M. Fujlyoshi Dis tri bu te d by HYDEX INC. 1816 G ('or gl a St. . L os A n gel l' s, Ca lif. 900 15 24 Hr. Orderin g Service (21 3) 749-515 3 ( Dea l er Inquiries ONL Y) SANTA MARIA. Cal., July 21 - The SIoPokes M .C . of Lompoc hosted over 120 r iders and a goodIy number of spectators In the first of a series of scramble events planned for their new track at the Santa Marla Speedway. The course seems fast and challenging and there were no serious mishaps or injuries. Rare In lbls part of the country, the sldeback coat1ngent was represented by members of the Sideback Association who traveled up to show the locals what It was all about. When the wild gyratloas were over. Dave Roesch and MikeGoodnlgbt took home the marbles OIl their I •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• J. C. AGAJANIAN Presents •• A. M A, . 4l .., o c: co 0 )( 0 III co .. 'E I- '" a. 4l I I I I 4l 4l ~ . FRI. AUG, 2nd ~ Mile*SAT. AUG. 3rd T.T. Races 'S 0 <; ~ GJ~gj~j@CBS FOR ~ TWO .. .. .. 50 Q 18400 S.Vermon!-Gardena · P.r p . rs on On Each Adul t T icke t Good Au.; . 2n d . and 3rd, ON L Y •••••••• ~I.!. H«_ • L j ~,...:: Di- Just CXf Reac:bed& San llCIO F rwys . I. • • • • I I 11 ;; I 1£ ;;} =. ~ ~ 0 III ~ 0 )( Q 0 c» III '" ~ H- D r ig, followed by the Mike Partl!Ed Morri s Triumph and the Jim Moffitt! Rob Wells BSA . 1bese very sporting gentlemen said they'd be back next tlme and brIng their friends. Rookie Race The Rookie race for brand-new riders turned out to be very popular: Dale Garten of Oxnard led them all home on a Mota-Beta over Pete Potter (Honda) and Mi k e MannIng OIl anotber M-B. Dale's sister LesUe toot top boaors In final standings In another popular &Vent, the Powder Puff. Miss Garten won over Carol Divis (Kawasald) and rwmaMarshall ( Yamaha) on her mighty Honda. One of the better battles of the day was In the ever-popular 250Cc Novice event. Howard Howell (Yamaha) came from behind to take the checker from Kenny Green (Kawasaki) In the heatrace after a wheel- to- wheel duel for most of the race: Kenny got even In the MaIn by a wire-to-w1re win alter Howell fell In the second lap and was unable to make up the dlfference. Green was followed home by Jeff Johnson (R .E .) and Bob Morres ( Kawasald ) . Bultaco Battle The 250cc Am ateur- Exper t Maln was a Bultaco runaway as RandY Smi th, Gene Cannady and Don Hughes f lnlshed In that order on the s",11t Spanish two-strokes . #126 KennJ GrNn and Kawasaki won till Santa Marla Novici 250cc flMI; hi I dad, Ken St., callie out on top In till 125cc Amatlur class. For the Amateur classes. Ken Green Sr. (Brldgestone) took the 125cc class , Norm McKenzie ( Bulta co) won tl's 250Cc class . and Orvis Slaeey (Triumph) did the honors in the Open class. The 125cc Expert class was won by Joe Roseberry ( Kawasald) who was fol lowed by br other F r ank In thlrd place: RandY Smith (Bultaco) took the 250 Expert class and J .F . McCollough led the bi g bi kes with his overall win In the Open Expert class. . (Results on page 16) .. •

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