Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1968 08 08

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Brelsford Barrels NEW! CAR, MOU NTED Riding one of Mert Lawwill's spare Harleys, Mark Brelsford did a beautiful job of turning back the troops in the 10m Ue A mateur final. Smoothly and swiftly he grabbed the lead and held I t, but the most aggressive yellow-plate perfor mance of the afternoon had to be that of Triumph-mounted Tom Rockwood. 'Mille Brelsford was bullding up an i nsurmounlabl e lead, Rockwood aggressively slashed his way through the closeknit f1eld, comlng from a distant backof-the-pack start to assume runnerup spot on lap n1ne •••truly an impressive performance. Third .place went to Harley-mounted Bill Cody ahead of Jim Rice and Geezer Em ick, both on BSA's. Don Harms(H-D) took 6th; Jack Wilkinson and Mike Elder were 7th and 8th on Hondas, wh1le the Harleys of Art Bernheisel and Cappy Skene rounded out the top ten. CARRIER W RITE: GarttoCo ; Box 243, Novato, Calif. SALES SERVICE HOCKIES MOTORCYCLES HDDAKA YANKEE OSSA GREEVES 22025 So. F igue roa Tor rance, Cal ifornia Oft Right Harley vs. Triumph: 3rd place Amateur Bill Cody (4lx) and 4th place J im Rice (80y). The 200cc Scratch Main started with Ed Thayer first oU the Une, followed by Dick Tunner. Dick pushed hard f or the lead and finally took over. Thayer held seco nd and Ted Bare pulled third. Bob Vaughn won the 250cc Scratch Maln wire to wire, on a Honda. He took over the l ead immediately with persistent Ray Vaine, Harley-mounted, pushing hard. Ray even tri ed pas sing on the outside, but couldn' t get by . GRANT SWEEPS 100 CLASS AT CHICO 1 - - - -. - - - - - _, W ilmington Discount Cycle Center ,1505 Avalon. W ilmington. Cal if. Walt Axlhel~m~:;:::~' Trium pl!-Suzuki Motors 1049 West 5th Street Pomona. Calif. (714) 629-8642 HOW AVAILABLE THROUGH Se Ee CHUBBACK Harley-Davidson 1361 E. W alnut St. Pasadena, California Grant Takes Over Mike Corcoran (16k) and his Bultaco wound up second In the 2S0cc Handicap Main. cmco, Cal., June 29 - Here we are agaln at Cyleland Speedway f or more racing action. At Cyc l eland you have the chance to r ide six times and tak e home two trophies for one night of racing. Th ose odds are hard to beat anywhere. Events started (as usual) wi th the 100cc Beginner s, whi ch was won by John Grant 1I0re and more rider s are lumlne aut for the xtlan at Chico, Includlne this I_nulato Hilley Sprint rider. an a Molo-Bela. John won his h6:1t in grand style, and came tack to win tile Main tile same way. There is a secret to the Chico track and John has found It. Second place was laken by Wally MurPhY, Bultaco-mounted. Wally l ed tile Mainfor a short while before John took over. The 200cc Beg1nnersMainslartedwith Phil Si ttner (Bultaco) otf tlrst and stretching the lead way out. Running second was Dave Jensen, Honda- mounted, unW he decided to get oU for a r est, and Ken Pratt on a Bultaco took over second. Olve came back up to finish third. The 250cc Beginners Main was won by heat winner Terry Graig on a Bullaco. Terry came oU the Une inf1rstplaceand led the entir e race, wh1le Dan Cole, Ducati-mounted, and Jim Dorsey on a Montesa battled for second and this was a peg-to-peg ride the entire race. Their battle ended when Dan jumped in fr ont over the f1nish Ilne, The almost unbeatabl e Joe Allen (Ka wasaki) barrelled into the l ead and held it to the finish in the l OCcc ~.: r atch Main. Jim Hubbard, Yamaha mounted, r an secon d, wi th Steve Got! on a Ka wasaki trying hard to move up . But Steve slid out and this put John Allen in third, though Steve returned to the race . The 100cc Handicap Maln made for a clean sweep by John Grant (Mote-Beta) . Grant is the young rider who won his heat and Beginners Main, and came back to take the Handicap over Joe Allen (which isn' t done very often). John led the entire race, followed by Mainer Richards (Hodaka). Pulllng third was F ranci s Ledara, Honda mounted. ' Bultaco rider Phil Sittner took firstin the 200cc Handicap Main. Phil is a very good rider, and he makes few mistakes. He went to the front at onc e and stayed there unW the checkered went out . Com i ng through the pack for second place was Ed Thayer. Ed started on the 20yard line and he worked hard to get through. Mike Rockwell was third on a Yamaha, a Chico regular and a veryf1ne rider. Coming from the 45-yard l1ne, Mike also bad to hus tle to get through tile pack. ReDlY Takes 250ee Now for tile big one, the 250Cc HandlClIP Main. At the drop of the flag Mel Nichols took over followed by Ron Matterie OIl a Bultaco. Then came the Sacramento boys from the 45-yardline, breaking through. Joe Henry (Ducat1) zoomed all tile way through to lake over tlrst. Though Mike Corcoran (Bullaco) tried hard for second, Matterie held in close and made no mislakes. Glad to say, anOther good nightofraci ng was completed with no bad accidents, just lots of good riding and some very fine shows. The spectators as well as the riders enj oy the show of fine riding and the good racing conditiansatChico's Cycleland Speedway. (Results on page 16) Dts tr tb u tcd b~· RYDE X 181 6 G eor gia St . . L os An ge l e s , Ca lif. 900 15 24 Hr. Orderi ng Service ( 21 3) 74 9- 51 53 lO eal e r Inquirie s ON L Yl I NC. Hodak a \lo lo r<:\'c1P S Greeve s MonLesa t Kawasaki Westminister Sport Cycle Guy R. Loui s (714) 893-7057 7574 Westm inister Ave. Westminster, Cal. RONNIE RALL FLIES ON A BEHELLI FOR DEALER INFORMATION IN SELECTED AREAS Write: Jesse C. Levine National sal es Manager COSMOPOLITAN MOTORS. INC., Dept A., 5521 Wayne Ave., Philadelphi a, Pa. 19144 :>. . t.J US~Rne : ,HONDA PARTSTE 4-05581 PencH-pushers were busy adding up the ' new Expert National Championship standings after the day 's event came to a close, and Nixon's fourth place f1nish Mert La _III IInls hed thir d In the Portland Hall anal to ma ke II a 1·2-3 sweep lor Harley· was sufficient to keep him in the l ead. He now has a to tal of 386 markers, as com - (' Davidson laC1ary=r =,",rs. ~ld e ~~I'Il!:!"'=:z'!!""-"!!"llS;;:l~ ._ pared to Rayborn'S 326, Markel's 289 and Nix' s 252. Lawwill took over 5th place from Haaby (201 to 176), andMann holds firmly to f1fth with 138. Now onward to the 30- lap Castle Rock, c Washington TT Championship July 20, where the nation's top TT terror, Ski p Van Leeuwen, feels his toughes t competition will come from Markel, Haaby, Odom, EmU Ahola and Di ck Hammer. F or a darkhorse threat, Skip picks young Mark Williams. " He' s gonna be GOOD, " slates Van Leeuwen emphatically, and anyone who's seen this styUsh charger in action would agree . (Results on page 16) ~ ..:l U ~ -; : SAVE ~ ~ (213) 328-1242 ------~-- No Point L ead Cha.nge By Usa Willis Photos by Dale McKinnon ~ Complete Ibchlne S/Iap Facllltle.

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