Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1968 08 08

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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J "'lIe Mllilll' CIIti... FIIIII Page 1 00 ~ 01 Q" 00 ~ _ 00 _ : ~ "l: ~ Col 01: Col ~ ~ U '!be front row was all orange. and black - LawwUl, N1z, Reiman, Martel aDd x:-n Ruby. Then came Jim Odom (TrlU11lJlh), Mel Lacher aDd cal Rayborn on Harle1l5, Art Barcia (Velo) and Dick Mann (BSA). 1b1rd row starters were Trtumpb-mouoted Gene Romero, Nlxoo, Larry Garbe aDd Eddle Mulder, wbUe taft elarlle (H- D), Ra1pb Wllite ( BSA), carl Patrick (TrlU111Jlh>, 5ammy TaDDer (35Oce YlunalIaI) aDd Dick Hardmeyer (Trlumpll) tilled out tbe slar-studded l1Deql. lDto tbe nrst turn i t was Martel 1D front, leadlng Ruby and NboD, but at tbe end at one lap Nix bad tallen oorer tlrst spot aDd tbere be stayed, bolding his adftntIge Oftr Martel and LawwUl despite all tbelr efforts to close tbe gap. As tbe race progressed tile trontrUDDlll'S strelcbed out alullstra1gtllaway adnntage erer tile position-swapping pack beIl1nd tbem. Nix moved from a low to a middle aDd tben to a high groove later 1D tbe race, with Bart and Mert followlng suit. Nixon malntalned fourth agalDst a host of chal1engers- first Haaby, thenOdom, then PaImcren, then Rayborn, then Palmgren again. Flnally, 011 lap 11, Palmgren pLSSed the National Champ and stayed there for seYer&!. circuits, but on tile 18th time around, Gary made a supreme eftort aDd rega.1ned fourth spot. Odom, Rayborn and Haaby wer e all close bebind. switcb1ng places innumerable '. fastest Amateur beat wnt to #31q Jack Wilkinson (Honda), wIIo wound up 7th In the IInal. He.. he's followed bJ the Honda of #35y IIlke EI_. and the Tru..phs of #67w Nono Kopp and #5w JlmJ_s. Second place AmateurTom Rockwood..celves coneralulallons from hi s lowl y moth. Donna, and brother TIm. times. At tile fIn1sb, however , Nix stlll l ed Markel and Lawwlll, with Ntxon 1D 4th, Palmgren 5th, Odom 6th, Haaby 7th , Rayborn 8th, Rome r o 9th and Lacher l oth. Four men bad droPPed out, and sev eral otbers were lapped at tbe threequarter mark. but not one rider fell during tbe tlnal. S1dp Van Leeuwen bad earUer taken a hadar oorer tbe tlrst-turn bayba1es when his throttle stuck 1D a preUmlDary race, but be fortunately emerged unscathed. ODly other acc1deot .1D volved Expert Larry Earhart. 'Thougb his Harley was broken 1D two and burned beyond recogmtion after a practice SPill, Larry suffered considerably less damage. fl&lltlna It out durlna 2O-II Ier "- #37 lIel Lacher (1Hl) and GeM Romero (Triumph). I __~_-::l ll ..up was the 350cc Yam alla r dd... bJ atl ona! Numll. 7, Sammy T_er. II worked up tlIrougil the semI, fl sIIed 15th overall. New Wins for Grant Van Tech MOTORCYCLE CONVERSIONS! TOM HOWARD GARY BAILEY ~ Starting on 4-18-68 and for 5 out of 6 weeks-Gary Bailey won 100 CC expert IT at South Gate-1st in Heat - 1st in Ma in - 1st In Trophy Dash -t:r 6-29-68 - -t:r 7-7-67-Tom Howard-5th Annual Spirit of '76- at Willow Springs -1st Place 100 cc Gra nd Prix Class First turn of Expert heat and n Gary Nl son I ads #25 Cal Rayborn, #i 5Y DaYe Clarke and #4 Bart Markel.llarkel came from behind to win. E. C. Birt-Ist Amateur-Motocross-Saddleback ~ Greenhorn - George McClellan -1st Nov ice and '2 Trailbike ~ Don Afflack-4Aces Hare Scrambles-1st 100 cc Novice-Los Coyotes Hare Scram bles- 1st 100 cc Novice-Sham rock Enduro entered as B Llghtweight~ First 100 cc t rail bike to finish! ~ Third B Ligh tweig ht! ~ 16th Overall! - ran both loops-1l6 m iles! ~ Viewfinders Grand Prix lst 100 cc Nov ice -t:r 6-9-68-Kirk McDowell-1st Place-Simi Valley Scra mbles held at Littler ock (AM-Expert 100 ee) ~ Recent note from Phil Mahony of Millerton, New York-"Yesterday m ade it 5 in a row at t he Crotona Me Scrambles at Fishkill, New York" To J oin the Winners Circle See Your Favorit e Motorr:ycJe Dealer 3680 BEVERlY BOULEVARD. LOS ANGElES PHONE (213) 3B2-1375 Grooyln' on a Sunday afternoon - f reddie NIx, Harley-mounted 20~illl e National Cha mp.

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