Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1968 08 08

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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CASTLE ROCK PICTORIAL •• ALOOK AT THINGS TO COME . Trlumph'mounted #4q Mark Williams took l ourth In the llnal, Is a rider to be reckoned with In all Northwest TT events. \ SUZUKI MAKES IT ••• SO MAKE IT SUZUKI . Skip Van Leeuwen (59), riding the Gene Curry-tuned Tr i umph sponsored by Portlan d 20·mlle . Natio nal promoter Jack L eigh, won Expert Main, I s stili undeleated In 1968 TT competiti on. Skip sai d the Castl e Rock TT track was In good shape, le ..l s conf i dent 01 his chances at 3D-la p National Ju ly 20. But Emil Ahola's Harley Sportster has plenty 01 ponies, could give him a good go, as evl· denced by second place IInls h In Ju ly 13 warmup event. Belore running 01 Castle Rock, Wash lngtonTT race, 01 strict 22 AMA Releree Dave Welch presides at riders meeting. ---I Second to Cappy Skene In Castle Rock Amateur Main was le llow Tri umph ri der #5w Jim Jones. ~ ...... ~ ::::E LU ....... _ u ...... <::> >- ... = =< o~ Vi= = :::::; LU<::> ~ = ...... < ~::J:: "' ~ == "" ~ "'< 0 .", - ::::E LU < L:> ~ 0- t==~ ~ ::::E ---1 0 u=:J - It looked bad but #37y Bruce Andersen came out of II okay. On Friday july 19, an ali -Novice TT event wi ll precede Saturday's 3D -lap Nationa l. P lenl)' 01 green·plate riders are expected to put on a bang-up show. Mt. SI. Helens M.C. put s on event. (Resul ts on page Iti ) Montesa makes a practice of developing a sale s force that enj oy and understand motorcyc les. T hey are a mobile group and cover the U.S.A. in the white Montesa vans. One salesman (enthu siast), Larry Bessie, wi II go to great ,lengt hs to demonstrate and sell a product he believes in.On a recent pass through his territory, he stopped off at Jerome, Idaho, where he contacted the local race course where Larry took first in the 650 LU ~ o u

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