Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1968 07 18

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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~ TRADE: 1960 English Ford Van. 2 liter .... three speed. Electric fuelpump & wipers. ~ Ver y good condi ti on. Carefully main>-. talned, for A.H. " Bug- eyed" Sprite of :; same condition or ? Call Al at 882-9639 ..., code (714) or write 1897 Pepper Tree Ln., San Bdno, 92404 . ~ '65 C.R.S. HARLEY Sprint, good shape ~ with extras $450.00. (805) 323-6825. 0> r.J '68 BULTACO 5 SPEED ...:l U 21" Front wheel, Filtron, Rickman bars, :>... U extras $750. (714) 879-0437 aft. 6. All day sat. & Sun. Kurt. NEW YAMAHA TDI-C, raced once,never dropped or seized, fairing and some spares. Make offer. (408) 264-0726 San _,. Jose. MECHANIC Wanted. Yamaha experience necessary. Call (714) 658-6453. '65 250 BULTACO Metisse TT $495.00 Triumph tank 5 gal. & BTH mag. Honda 50 pa r ts , uti li ty trailer cyc le Bultaco 19" alloy front wheel & tire, trade for 21". (213) 376-5057. ' 64 YAMAHA 250cc excellent condition. Dual car bs ., 5-speed, Kawasaki forks, ad justable shocks, c us tom Honda tank• $250 or trade for Hodaka. (213) 3373961 or 962-9791. FOR SALE: 1953 Chen-Pick-Up excellent bodY $150.00. (213) 675- 1922. 1968 GREEVES 250 MX-5B Springer xlnt.condition $700. (213) 331-6084. QUESTIONI What three Checkers were kicked out of Van Nuys slot ear track for cutt1ng course? TRADE : Tri. single carb head for twin carb head. Tri. tach, desert pipes, wheels, for T,T. seat, tank, cams, or what have you. Call (714) 735-4641. PARTS for 750cc Royal Enfield 175250cc Monte sa. WIll trade for guns or trail bike. (213) 372-2935. SHORT TRAcKER OR SCRAMBLER Yamaha 125cc single, factory tuned, extra parts . For details call (213) 3603400 or (213) 293-8697. OSSA 175cc, 2 months old $375.00. (714 ) 987-1988 after 5. KAWASAKl-175 Bushwacker, 10 miles, cus tom skid pa n, special front springs, custom rack with boxes, 3 sp rocke ts, take you anywh ere $575 .00. (213 ) UN 48636. TRADE : TDI- A Yamaha, excello condo raced onl y a few ti mes, never dropped. MV Agusta 125 par ts . (213 ) ST 5-8097. YAMAHA 80 street or trail '68 tags, oversize tires, excellent engine call (213 ) 785-8972. LOST June 16th PurSang rear fe nder at Lost Angels run, reward. Call after (6) Brian (213) 665- 4337, ' 66 TRI UMPH TR 6C street/dirt, super clean, fresh engine $ 850, (213) 427-5032. DICK'S M/C SALVAGE 9061 E. Artesia Blvd. (213 ) 925-9054. Junk bikes bought. CERIANI FORKS F ull adaptation to fit B.S.A, Victor, all bushings and spacers with axleandfender, only used twice, like new $100.00. (714) 688- 6423 . BENEL LI - 1966, 250cc, 700 miles, perfect shape, must s ell fast - $499.00. (213 ) 255-1362. WANTED: 125cc Pa r ella parts and shop man ual. Call (213) 731-8053. FOR SALE: 1966-1 / 2 Bul taco frame modified for 500c c Triump h engine . Fo rks, glass & rear whee l available also. Many mi sc. par ts $250,00 tak es all, (213) 375- 5972 • MECHANIC WANTED Honda, BSA an d Kawasaki. Must be well experience d and stable. Paid Ins ur an ce, uniforms an d vacation. Will help with movin g for out of state applicants. Send or call collect to Norm Best complete resume in cludi ng desired pay. Norm Best Motors, 8461 Commonwealth, Buena Park, Calif. 90621. (714 ) 521- 3642 , EXPERIENCED HONDA MECHANIC Guarantee & commission, unlimited po~ tential, busy s hop with maximum benefits, 5 da y week. BILL KRAUSE HONDA TRIUMPH, Inglewood. Call TuesdayFriday (213) 671- 0407 or(213) 678-5289. HUSKY 1961, 360cc. (213) 345-1844. 1964 B.S.A. 350cc like new. Compo dirt, new paint, chrome, see to appreciate. Ph : eve. (714) 835-4744, days (714) 549- 0334 ask for Steve. CHOPP!:R SEAT $14. 95 - Motorcycle Salvage. (213) 9259054. GREEVES 250 ' 68 MX5 like new $750. or offer. After 5 p,m. (213 ) 863-5416. 35% SAVINGS ON INSURANCE fOR SALE: New TT seat, helmet, two good Triumph overlay sprockets, 59 tooth and 56. Tires-two 4:00x18, one 3:25xI9. Best offer takes. Message phone (2.13) 661-0630 George. 1968 KAWASAKI 650 WZSS, 3 months old, $1, 000.00, 2120 N. Slater , Santa Rosa, canr., 95404; Peter Newfield; will trade for truck and Yamaha DT -1. Dealer garage li ability 15% savings on Dealer 's bonds. JOHN W. MAYNARD INSURANCE, 3447 Motor Ave., Los Angeles, Calif. Phone: 836-5211. FREE SAMPLE: Br itish magazine; Detailed photos, illustrating reparrmg, preventative maintenance , tuning, touring, competing, custom izing, all European , , Japanese cycles. MOTORCYCL E MECHANICS, 3388 Modoc, Kerman, canr, 93630. 65' BULTACO Sherpa, all new, s-port, See to appreclate, race readY $450.00. (213) 439-0146. MECHANIC WANTED TRADE : Yamaha flat track machine TDl-B engine, extra frame (S/arm) for 250cc Bultaco. (209) 582-9200. TRI UMPH DESERT BIKES TRADE: Goldstar DBD engine for 500cc 66' 175 BRlOOESTONE, candy apple-red, very clean, must sell $325.00. (213) 439-0146. unit Triumph engine. (209) 582-9200. TRADE: New 42mm Dellorto for used 1-1/2" amal G.P. (209) 582-9200. Triumph, Yamaha exper , Must be capable of making $200.00 plus a week, 5 days. Call (213) 346-3700. MECHANIC NEEDED Experienced - Yamaha & B.s.A., plenty of work, good benefits. Contact: Harry at Milne Bros., 1935 E. Colorado BlVd., Pasadena. Phone: (213) 793-5153. XTRA SHARP Yamaha TDIB, half/mller. Sell or trade. (213 ) 439-0146. SELL: 1966 250Cc Ducati TT machine, super factory experimental cams & exhaust system, 2 plug head, MC piston, alloy wheels, 5 speed, extra cams, sprockets, head, barrel, cases, transmission, fast & reliable $395.00. (209) 582-9200. TRADE : '66 B.S.A. Victor for late model Bultaco PurSang or ? (714) 847-0443. WANTED: Cer1an1 or telesco forks to fit ' 66 Victor. Phone: Dave Harwood (213) CL 6-8312. Heads - Carbs - Barrels- Rockers $125. 00. Call EX 6- 6181 (213 ) FOR SALE: '66 Victor,la-mi., best offer over low book $450.00. (714) 847-0443. Huntington Beach. GOODYEAR road racing tires "limlted number" $30.00 ea. Call Jim Manning at (213) 223-7967. TRIUMPH TT SPECIAL 6 cyl.-stick, excellent, new tires , good running, economi cal $675. Call (714) 528-4318. Cove r s all models , Incl udin g 360cc , discuss porting port alignm ent, 5 porting 7 por ti ng , r eed Pla te s, cutting plstions, ti ming by li ght , gen er al tun e up, shiftIng problems and re medy, Clutch hea t treating, glas s peening, etc . Send $3.00 to: Mor gan Engi neer ing P ,0. Box 2774 Fullerton, Ca . 92633 FOR SALE: Nor ton '6 6 G15 Axtell ports, e tc ••.lo 10 street miles . Spotles s throughout , extr as, parts incl. P rivate party. (213) 796-5633. UNITED MOTORCYCLE ENTHUSIASTS ' 67 Ace-90 - Glrllngs , length ened forks, big tires , expansion chamber , big air cleaner, ported, Metisse bars, Barnett cl utch plus extras, only $325 .00. ( 805) 252-3089 . FOR SALE : '67 Honda CL- 90 s crambler , 10 miles . Call (213) 731- 8053. Speaks for YOU. Wherever your r ights are Involved. All It takes is $5.00 to J OIN U.M.E . Box 1154, Re s eda, Calif. 91335. NEW CARS, trucks, El Caminos•••used. too. Call Jim Woolwine at(213) 352-3241 or 353-322 6. RICI(MAN-METISSE HANDLEBARS Street, rac ing , scrambles, sole u.s. Importer's Dls t. House of Suzuki-Triumph, 16112 Harbor Blvd ., Fountain Valley, Calif. 92708. BOOK: llIlW TO RIDE & WIN' 63 FOR RANCHERO / BULTACO REPAIR& HOP UP MAtlUAL DESERT HODAKA Expe rt r iders In American spor ts com 'pe ti tion tell the te chniques of track a nd trail . Chuck "Feets" Mlnert on TTScrambles, Bud Ekins on Moto- Cross. Eas t Coa s t' s Don Pin k te lls how to r ide Enduros an d woods. John McL aug hlin on Gr and Prix Scr a mbles . He lpfu l tips on setup of motorcycles, cards & li censes and mucho more. Hard bound. $4. postpai d. Se nd check or money order to How to Ride & Win, c/o C&S Publishing Co., Box 498, Long Beach, Ca lif . 90801. MECHANIC NEEDED "';ike to relocate In fabulous La s Vegas? Nevada's largest dealer offer s s teady year round work. Wri te or call Scoo te r s vllle , 1001 So. Main, Las Vegas. 89101. ............................................. ! $1 & $2 ! ~ • Address................................. • ' • City.................. State....................... WRITE AD HERE- PLEASE PRINT : • • I( • • • • • • ENCLOSE CURRENCY ! MAIL TO: CYCLE NEWS, P.O. BOX 498, LONG BEACH , CALIF. 901111 • • I ( Inc l ude area code wtth phone number.) 1' .~ I Ten Words - 51 Twenty Five words - 52 Headli ne in BO LD TYPE $1 extra Picture 53 extra Extra word - I De each CO MMERCI AL AD VERTISERS RA TE Ten words ..... $2.00 Twenty five word s ..... 54.00 Bold line ..... 52.00 Photo ..... 56.00 Extra word - 20e each • • : • • • • • BRAND NEW TRIUMPH TR6C with CllIanl front Ind. All Ixtras. Rael ruely. CU~lum built lor 1111 SlriOUS rider. Best dill!. Van Nuys Cycll, 7630 Van Nuys Blvd. Ph (213) 989-2230. 'BETTER SEE BERT" NOW INTERVI EWING qualified enthusiastic young men with advertising an d/or editorial background an d knowledge of motorcycling to become part of publishIng team with growing nationally dis tr ibuted magazine in motorcycle field. Great oppor tunity . All r ep li es conf idential. Send r e s um e to: Box B, c/ o Cycle News , P .O. Box 498, Lo ng Beach, canr. 9080 1. YOUR HUSQVAHNA dealer in the South Bay Area SCUDERIA, 1634 Pier Ave ., Redondo Beach, Calif. All models in stock, new and used. Repair ser vice and parts. Ca ll Now, (213) 376-5095 . SALESMAN WANTED Exper , desired, top money for top man, grea t opportunity . Contact: Harr y at Milne Bros. (213) 793- 5153 in the Pasadena area• LEAIING CYCLE DEALER NEEDS HELP! Immedia te opening with lea di ng m/c dealer for pa rts man , mechanics, salesmen, etc. Excellent pay & co . be nefits. Diver s ified Co. - you learn three business In one Job. Clean, smog fr ee area. Thrifty Lad Honda , 2411 Linco ln, Santa Monica, Cal. 90405. FR E E CATALOG - Motorcycle Parts & Acce s s or ie s, Books , Clo the s , etc: Callfornia Cycl e Supply, P ,0 . Box 192, Fair bury, Ill. 61739. P hone: ( 815) 692-3769. r • • • FREE ADS no words maximum) • If you have something to give away . J". F.OR SALE: Reg P ridmore' s Triumph Si de car outfit. New 650cc engine . Latest Gardener carb-s from England. 011cooler . Re ason: l!fl w acvnndsr outflt almost ready $1250. (805) 962- 6769.

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