Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1968 06 20

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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ClO .... ~ 0.. 200 CONTESTANTS FOR NORRA STARDUST 1-11 ~ A to tal of 200 contestant s and 100 .... vehicles are now entered In the NORRA Stardust ~ll Off Road Cham pionship Race, according t6 Ed Pearlman, pr esiCl> dent of the National Off Road Raclng § A ssociation. .., Th e 711-mlle deser t contes t, to be held In the vicinity of Las Vegas, Neva ~ da, June 11 through 14, has attracted I:.:J veterans of nearly every for m of motor <: spor t - dirt track racing, dry lakes r aeI:.:J 1ng, sports car racing, drag racing and -J g P.A.R.A. desert motorcycle racing, as well as NORRA ' s own off- r oad racing. The entries I ncl ude all typ es of vehicles - mo tor cycl es, passe nger cars, light trucks, dune buggi es and fourwheel drive uni ts , ~ The NORRA Stardust ~ ll wll1 offer $25,000 i n prizes, I ncl udi ng contingency awards f rom such firms as Auto Meter ProdUCts, Gates Rubber Company , Ed I skender ian, Moon Equipment Company. U ~ U TRIALS AT ZUNI, NEW MEXICO Swry lb' Larry Ca mpbell Riders from New Mexico, Arizona, Colo rado, and Kansas gathered on the rocky moun laln side near Zuni, New MeXico, May 4 and 5 to contest the 1968 Pan American Mo torcycle T r ials Cham pionship, hel d over 100 mUes of the roughest trail s to be found. Th e two-day event took Its toll of rider s and machines and the bi g winners wer e Charles Kelsey, Bill .Nance, Pat Kelsey, and Gene McIntyre, all of Zuni, f ollowed by Gary Knox and B111 Grapevine. both from Kansas. BE Blll Nance and Pat Kelsey, being the promoters of the event, di squalifi ed them selves from the awards and this allowed more of the vi si ting rider s to take hom e trophies . Riders l ost points for bei ng late on the cross-country race portion as well as I n the difficult sections of the observed field trials and Charle s Kelsey set the fastest time In the bi g motor class riding a 250cc BuItaco. B111 Grapevine was the fas test rider In the small motor class on the l 20c c Maveri ck that he manufactures In limited quantity. Bes t sco r e In the observed sections was Gary Knox the 1967 Pan A merican Champion f rom Augu sta, Kansas on his Bultaco and Gary lost only 9 points. It Was Rough! Many of the riders were not prepared fo r an even t as tough as this and the r iders f r om the Kansas flatlands had a .. '-~ .... ..",.., HELMETS • • • • SEE YOUR DEALER TODAY! Small bike winne r 01 PARA tria ls was Bi ll Grapevi ne, rlcline on e 01 t he 200cc Maverick s he manufactu res. MOTOCRO.SS BEST HANDLING in the rough stuff. HIGHEST HORSEPOWER with tremendous t orque all the way from 1,0 0 0 t o 7,0 0 0 R.P.M.- and she's built strong and t ough and she only weighs 225 po unds I :r::I::IPPI COOPER M TOR 2815 W. Olive- Burbank, Calif. I O S F actory works engine. Your clloice of close ratioor m ediumratio gearbox. A lso 250cc and 350cc M oto Cross and 360cc Enduro models. PRESTON PETTY MADE IN WEST GERMANY ~~~~~iPPI GRAY IN R A N TE N TIO AL 4461 W. Jefferson- D etroit, Michigan great deal of trouble getting their engines tuned properly for the 6,500 feet elevation. National Champion Bill Grapevine was i n r eal trouble on the first day when his engine kept flooding out and s tall1 ng on the steep climbs of the observed sections and while he won the small class, he was only able to grab a sixth place ov er all. Th e riders from Al buquer que should have received an "E" fo r effo rt for the way they struggl ed on, even though none of them had eve r r idden an event of this typ e before. Del mar Gronseth of A lbuquer que, riding a 90cc Hoda ka, cr ashed at high speed when he hit a deep cross rut and hanged up his nose. He took a l ot of good natured r ibbing about the sudden enl argement of hi s nose but sald he would cer tainly be back fo r the next event . T erry Davis of Belen, New Mexico, riding a 175cc Bul taco set the fas tes t time for one single lap of the cour se but his machine was not suited to the rugged conditions of the observed sections and he dropped too many poi nts to be In the awards at the end of the two days. All i n all, the event was a fin e one, well planned, wi th a well marked course and a gr eat deal of good ri din g and good compan ionship was enjoyed by all. Zuni was cer tainl y put i n a fine spot on the motor cyclis ts" map of good places to go and it is cer tain that the next event will draw a gr eat many mo r e r i ders. (Results on page 16)

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